Devil's Tongue

Dib's eyes slowly opened, and as his eyes grew accustomed to the light he realised he wasn't in his room any more.

"Huh...?" he muffled to himself, and tried to stand up. But then he realised he was tied to a chair as well, and still in his PJ's. His eyes darted around the room, it's colour was mostly deep violet and purple, and metal from ceiling to floor. Then a door slowly opened, and light poured into the room, almost blinding Dib in the process.

"Ah, I see you're awake..." came an all too familiar voice as the door closed again. Dib could hear the clicking of boots on the floor, making their way towards him. Dib narrowed his eyes as he saw Zim's shape closing near him.

"Zim..." Dib scowled as he finally found Zim stood in front of him. He knew it was Zim, even if he hadn't seen him since Midel Skool had ended. Here he was, final year of Hi Skool and he wakes up in this room.

"I bet you're wondering why you're here, yes?" Zim folded his gloved hands over his chest.

"Well duh." came the response.

"Well, I've studied humans more while away then I did when I was here. And I took note of the *one* thing that made them weak... weaker then cuteness renders them. And you, Dib, are to be the first among many to... how do you say... enjoy the power that is Zim." Zim was now down face to face with Dib, his gloves on the chair's arm rests. Dib frowned angrily.

"Oh really?" he had the urge to punch Zim in his face, but having his hands tied as well as his legs, this rendered him helpless to the alien.

"Yes... really..." Zim then clasped his hands to Dib's neck, and Dib was suddenly afraid that Zim was to strangle him, but was even more suddenly afraid then Zim's lips were pressed up against his. Dib tried to pull his head away from Zim, fearing what alien saliva would do to his insides. Zim pulled back slightly, and grinned at his enemy.

"Prepare yourself, Dib-worm. I know what I'm doing." Zim said gently as one claw slid slowly down Dib's PJ's buttons.

"You're sick Zim, do you know that?! One sick ba-hey what are you doing!?" Dib was cut off as Zim suddenly ripped the shirt loose from Dib's body, and flung it across the room.

"Preparing you." Zim replied, and he leaned in and kissed Dib's lips again, this time Dib felt the slippery, snake like tongue of Zim's entering his mouth and 'explored' the mouth. Dib was about to bite down onto the tongue, when it was withdrawn and Zim began kissing, and occasionally nipping at Dib's neck.

"Zim! Stop this now before.. before anything horrible happens!" Dib yelled, hoping someone near by would hear his cries of distress, and come and rip the alien off him. He heard Zim chuckle slightly as his tongue now ran along his collar bone.

"Save your breath Dib Membrane... you'll be needing it later." Zim silently whispered, loud enough for Dib to hear. Dib's mind was racing, Zim could kill him any moment if he wanted, but still he couldn't help but feel a burning sensation starting up between his legs as he felt Zim's tongue run over one of his nipples.

"Zii-iim!" Dib cried out as Zim did that, his gloved hands running down and gently caressing his back. Zim paid no heed to Dib, and even seemed to be enjoying his 'torture' upon the human. He withdrew his hands from Dib's back, and began to tug off his gloves as he suddenly sat down on Dib's lap, pressing his mouth against Dib's again. He leaned back as he took the gloves off, and threw them behind him, joining Dib's shirt on the ground.

"Aw.. what's the matter, human? Afraid you might enjoy it?" Zim teased as he ran his now bare finger down Dib's front, and pausing at the top of Dib's PJ pants.

"N-no I'm not! Just get away from me!" Dib spat, as Zim began fiddling with the lace-up that held his pants up. Zim didn't answer this time as he suddenly slid off Dib's lap and ended up kneeling before the human, proceeding where he had left off again. His lips touched Dib's bare skin, this time near the human's stomach. He felt Dib's body shiver as he ran his hands down his back.

"Wait... what am I thinking?!" Dib's mind was still going a mile a minute, as his body was still reacting to the 'torture', such as the burning sensation between his legs which was becoming more and more unbearable to be ignored. But the paranormal investigator of his mind was slowly being drowned out by the other thoughts. Thoughts that told him he wanted Zim to do, what obviously he was longing for. Before he knew it, Dib found his pants joining his shirt on the floor, along with Zim's gloves.

"No, no don't... NO! God no!" Dib tried to pull away again, since he knew he didn't make a habit of sleeping with underwear while in PJ's, and Zim made this discovery as well. Zim's eyes travelled up to Dib's face, and he smiled.

"Oh come on... you know you'll like it. And I am the superior being here, so you shall do as I say." Zim replied, he kneeled up higher and Dib let out a high-pitched gasp as he felt Zim's hands slide down onto his already hardened penis.

"See, I knew you'd like it." Zim claimed matter of factly as his hands began to slowly massage Dib. His body was already reacting, Dib's mind soon gave in to what was happening to him, and he gave out strangled cries and gasps of breath as he felt Zim's hands work quite accurately.

"Now.." Zim said to himself, and he manuvered his hands to Dib's shaft and slowly rubbed that as his hands continued to massage the endowment. With another gasp from Dib, he knew he was doing well. A grin crossed his face as he leant up, his hands still working on Dib's member and leant in and kissed Dib, and for the first time, was kissed back.

"I suppose I could untie him for a while... but if he tries to do anything funny, I'll have the computer capture him again..." Zim thought as he felt Dib's tongue caress against his own. His antennae then preformed an odd movement, and the bondages that were holding Dib to the chair suddenly unclasped and vanished into the darkness.

Dib *would* have pulled away, and smash Zim over the head with the chair, Dib *would* have run off... but his body was too much involved in the situation all his better judgement seemed to have vanished off the face of the Earth, as he wrapped his arms lovingly around the Irken body, pushing himself against Zim even more then he already was.

"Guess I was right..." Zim thought as he found himself on the ground, Dib now on top of him. But Zim did not enjoy that, he didn't like being the one not in control. He released his hands from Dib and placed them to his shoulders, but then he felt Dib's penis still rubbing against the inside of his thigh. Something he had never endured before, and he had to admit, he liked it. Zim let out a moan as he felt Dib's hand run up along his antennae, twirling one in his fingers. Dib's mouth then ventured to Zim's neck and gently kissed the alien's neck.

"How.. how the hell do you get this off...?" Zim heard Dib ask, he was obviously referring to his uniform. Zim pulled Dib's head back to him and kissed him passionately as his clothes slid off him. His clothes were on command to do what he wanted, and soon they were all off. Zim's stealth had already been longing to be uncovered, and finally with the clothing off it opened up, revealing Zim's own member.

"Thanks..." Dib replied, before getting to the point without pulling Zim's body into it, Zim soon felt his member engulfed by Dib's mouth. Zim cried out in surprise, alarmed that Dib was trying to bite it off, but then he felt Dib's mouth, and tongue wrapping around it, his tongue moving up and down it. Zim's whole body shivered as his claws pressed against the ground, his back arching.

"Ahhh DIIB!!" Zim cried out as his body reacted quicker and quicker as Dib's pase on his member began getting faster and faster. Dib's mind then warned him Zim was an alien, and he didn't know what Zim's liquids would do to him. So when he felt Zim's body shake more and more, his mouth left the alien member before it actually, instead of spurting it shot out what seemed to be a cloud of green mist. Zim fel against the floor, looking exhausted. Dib stared at him blankly, then at the member which was slowly vanishing back under his stealth.

"...sorry..." Zim replied, almost sheepishly as he saw Dib looking down at him. Dib looked rather shocked, not just at the alien ejaculation, but that Zim actually apologised.

"Think nothing of it..." Dib replied, laying down on the floor besides Zim, one arm placed over his front. Zim glanced at Dib as his eyes shut, then looked up at the ceiling.

"He shall make a perfect slave for me... in more ways then one." Zim thought to himself. It had worked just as he had planned. Make Dib believe the two now 'shared' something, such as the human love thing. Course, Zim would never love anything. He had Dib where he wanted, and now Dib wouldn't think of going against him. Forever, and ever.

The End