Backward Spirals

lustful lies


“I’m gonna draw a squirrel today!” Gir announced, happily jumping off the dresser and running to the front door to be let out and taken to skool.

Zim followed him, rubbing at his gritty eyes. He hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. It seemed that every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was Dib lying naked, asking Zim to ravage him, with his moist lips parted and his tongue flickering over them. They had been very vivid dreams and startlingly pleasant. Which was why he had lain awake most of the night, fighting off the arousal and the stomach wrenching pain of conflict.

“We have to hurry or they’ll take all the good crayons!” Gir insisted, running in circles to pass time. This only resulted in him running into the door when Zim finally opened it. The robot was apparently fused with rubber, though, as it bounced back and took off running into the street.

“Just a minute, Gir!” Zim turned to close and seal the door behind him.

“Hellooooo, Dib! Are you here to walk Zim to skool?”

Zim turned around, nearly dropping his books. Sure enough, Dib was standing just outside the front lawn, just far enough away for the gnomes to pay him no mind. He looked even worse than he had the day before, Zim noted, cringing as how the other wounds, hidden by his clothing, must have changed since he’d last seen him. His head looked even bigger than normal, too, with one eye swollen shut.

“Morning, Zim.,” he said calmly, looking as though no one should have been surprised to see him.

Zim nodded. “Yeah. Same to you.” He readjusted his grip on his books and walked to where the other two waited. “You need something or are you just enjoying the view?”

“I wanted to thank you,” Dib said, trying to keep his gaze steady with his one good eye. “Thank you for...not...yesterday when I...” He bit his bottom lip, a relieving laugh brought forth to ease his tension. “I wasn’t thinking straight...and I wanted to thank you for not...taking advantage of...the situation.”

Zim nodded, finding it about as uncomfortable to speak of as Dib did, but doing his best, rather convincingly, to show that it didn’t faze him the slightest. “It would have been too easy to have just killed you in such a weakened state.”

Dib’s cheeks grew warm with embarrassed self-loathing. “Not only that, Zim....”

The Irkin looked down at Gir, not sure he wanted to continue the conversation with the talkative robot at his side. “Gir, I think today you can find your own way to skool, alright?”

Gir saluted, his eyes turning red inside the toddler mouth, and said, “Yes, my Master!” before he turned around and screamed, “I’m runnninnn’!”

Zim shook his head, taking the moment’s diversion to think. There were always so many ways to deal with the stink beast and no matter how often he thought about it, each one sounded like a great alternative. He could always rub in Dib’s face what a disgusting creature he was for even suggesting Zim might have taken him up on the sexual offer, or go about like he didn’t even know what the earth monkey was talking about, or show at least some compassion in light of the human’s condition.

“I’m sorry it happened,” Dib said in a rush, his head falling to his chest. “There were a million ways for me to have handled that better.”

“You went through about five of them,” Zim noted, limiting his choices considerably. “I never knew you humans could be so temperamental.”

“I said I was sorry!” Dib looked up, his arms snaking across his chest in a defensive manner. “You couldn’t understand what was going through my head.”

The Irkin shook his head. “Are you still going on about Torque raping you?”

Dib shuddered visibly, looking at the ground once more. “You still don’t believe me.”

“Why should I? With the way you were acting and our ever-present ‘me versus you’ relationship, I’d say I’ve got plenty of grounds to not believe a word you say.”

“It doesn’t have to be that way.”

Dib took a step closer, letting his arms fall to his sides. Gold met endless ruby in a sideways gaze.

“Keep this up and you’ll be back here apologizing tomorrow too,” Zim walked past, brushing against him with his shoulder purposely.

“I want to help you destroy the Earth, Zim.”

Zim paused, looking back over his shoulder at the human’s slumped back. “I’ve had enough of you’re trickery for one day, Dib.”

“It’s not trickery. I want to help you.” Dib turned around, leaning heavily against the fence. “I was up all night thinking about it. About what you said. Survival of the fittest and all. Earth is full of worthless beings, Zim. Did you know humans are the only species on this planet who kill each other for sport? And we’re supposed to be the sentient ones.” He took a step forward, slightly limping. “Evolution messed up. Your species’ intervention is the only hope for retribution for this planet.”

“You realize they’ll just turn it into a galactic nacho stand.”

Dib shook his head. “Does it matter? Humans are not fit to rule this planet. They should be stopped.”

The Irkin turned around, glaring at the human with disdain. “As much as I agree with you, I won’t believe you’ve suddenly changed your mind. Besides, I do not need your help. As you said, humans are disgusting and disgraceful. You are no exception.”

“Then why did you kiss me?”

Zim winced, turning around and grabbing Dib much as he had the night before, his fingers digging painfully into his shoulders. “Do not try to turn things around on me! Anything that happened yesterday was your fault and it was my honor that saved us both from any further complications! The lines between enemy and...whatever else you had in mind...have already been smeared by your actions!”

Dib muttered softly under his breath, the sound completely inaudible.

Zim let him go, pushing him away harder than he’d thought and sending the beaten and bruised human to the concrete sidewalk. “I’m going to skool. I suggest you walk quickly if you don’t want to be late.”

“I’m not going.”

“Then go home!”


“What do you want from me?!” Zim threw his arms into the air in exasperation. “You want me to kill you, you want me to fuck you, you want me to help you, you want to help me! Make up your mind or leave me alone!”

“If that’s the way it has to be...” Dib picking himself off the ground with the help of the fence once more. He wavered on his feet for a few seconds but managed to walk the few steps between Zim and himself without much more of its aid. He stood to his tallest, angling his face until his good eye stared straight through the Irkin and into his soul.

“Fuck me.”

Zim blinked, startled and surprised. “You’re serious.”

“Let me prove I’m on your side now. It’s obvious you don’t trust what I say, but maybe you’ll believe my actions.”

“But what about skool?”

“I already told you. I’m not going.” Dib leaned forward, his chest pressing against Zim’s.

Zim’s arms instinctively wrapped around the small body, surprised by how cold he felt despite all the clothing he wore. “You’re a disgusting piece of earth filth, Dib, and I’ll never believe anything you’ve said no matter what you do.”

“I know you think you won’t.” He let his head fall, nestling it against the alien warmth. “I also know it’s been at least six years since you’ve gotten laid.”

Zim found himself pressing the weak and fragile body against his own. He felt the nibbling and sucking on his neck and collarbone, groaning as he tilted his head to provide better access.

“Face it, Zim. You need this.”

The fine thread of control that had held out since the day before and long into the night snapped.


The bed rocked as Zim threw Dib down gracelessly upon it. The human winced as old injuries jostled by the impact, but managed a feral grin as he crawled to the head of the bed. The trench coat had long been discarded. Zim lay over him, his face buried in the jet black hair that smelled of blood and soap. He kissed the top of his head, following down to the ear, which he nibbled along to the undeniably suckable lobe, following the defined jaw bone with light kisses until he curved upwards, claiming the lips in a lasting embrace of lust. He thrust his tongue inside the moist and welcoming warmth, joined in turn by the other in a dance for control and stimulation.

Dib moaned, sucking on the invading tongue while his own flew wildly over and around it. It wasn’t roughly textured or slimy as he had thought it would be. It was smooth and pliable, touching and looping around his own like fingers. Zim seemed patient, allowing himself to be devoured by the zealous human. For being too weak to stand on his own very well, he sure was ambitious.

Zim soon decided he’d had enough of oral stimulation, his hands beginning to wander over the smooth expanse of Dib’s stomach. He hissed around the lip lock as Zim’s fingers ran across still fresh bruises, observing the questioning stop as the green hand came across the thick bandaging across his chest.

“Sure you’re up to this?” Zim asked, speaking more or less around the kiss, rather than parting from it.

“Yes.... Please...” Dib’s answer was as much verbal as physical, his hips rising up to press against Zim’s with a throaty moan. Zim bit his lip, praying for restraint.

He pulled away from Dib’s now swollen lips, licking his own as the tempting sight below him squirmed. Even if he did look like a zombie from an old horror flick, Dib was beautiful. Panting and moaning, his body instantly responding to every touch and flicker of contact with glistening passion, his very scent arousing new waves of desire in the Irkin invader’s being. He’d never wanted anything so badly in his life...except maybe the planet. He gently pealed the shirt from the body lying against the black sheets, noting the entire chest area was covered in white gauze. He kissed as far as he could from the neck to the sternum, making a moist trail with his tongue that stopped at the top of the bandages and continued directly after. Did squirmed as the skilled tongue dipped into his bellybutton and swirled around, exciting gasping giggles while Zim smirked and began undoing the black jeans.

Dib noticeably tensed, his arms falling to his sides in fists and his body becoming ridged. Zim looked up from what he was doing, watching the war of emotions play across the human’s face. Dib opened his squinting eye with a small smirk. “Just nervous...” he muttered. Inside, his stomach was raging, threatening to spew all it’s contents forth if given the chance. He opened one of his fists and placed his hand on Zim’s head, pushing the wig off and running his fingers over the antennae.

Zim took Dib’s attention to his cranial appendages as a sign and quickly unzipped and unbuttoned the black pants, pulling them and the black and neon green UFO print underwear down and off, only having to leave the warmth and presence of his body for a moment as he tossed his own shirts to the side.

He’d tried not to look at the teens lower half the day before, but willingly did so now, wincing in empathy at the bruised member that stood tall despite injury. Zim kissed it, feeling Dib tense up again as he flicked his tongue over the head and swirled it around like one would a Popsicle. This time, Dib gasped, his hand returning to Zim’s head, feeling the smooth green skin and the twin black projections, desperate to grab hold of something but afraid of hurting him.

“Oh god...please Zim...please...” His words were intermixed with grunts and exasperated gasps, his head falling back and his arms mindlessly caressing everything and anything, desperate to feel and grasp, to hold on to the pleasure and capture it in rapture.

Zim took pity on him, deciding he’d been patient long enough and was running thin on patience himself. He closed his lips over the top of Dib’s shaft, bringing his mouth over it like a tight seal and taking him in to the hilt, his tongue wrapping around and stroking in time with the sweet, moist warmth and pressure.

Dib cried out, instantly aware of every nerve in his body and the fire that engulfed him. His hips instinctively bucked into Zim’s mouth, urging him on. Zim quickly secured his hips to the bed with his free hands, making sure he had complete control over the situation. He sucked and licked, nibbling on occasion just to hear Dib shout in mixed sensation, while one of his backpack appendages drifted down between the naked thighs. Dib was immersed into the mind-blowing experience but not so much as not to feel the questioning object as it journeyed for entrance and not so much as to not scream when it found it. He was still incredibly sore, his internal lacerations uncared for and unknown of by anyone who could have prescribed any help. It was like rubbing sandpaper over skinned flesh.

Zim had read it was painful at first but hadn’t expected the human to scream, his moans of pleasure turning to cries of pain. He’d never had sex with a human, let alone a human male before, though. Perhaps there was more to it than the research had provided. He continued his ministrations on the human’s erection, hoping to bring the attention back to pleasure as the other appendages in his backpack produced a tube of cold lubrication. Why he had it with him, he wasn’t sure, but it was standard issue. They unscrewed the cap and applied some to the probe before allowing it to reenter the tight ring of flesh. Dib cringed in pain again, but managed to keep the brunt of it to himself, only weakly crying out in what sounded more like an exasperated moan. Zim stretched and worked him at a steady pace, growing more and more eager as his own painful arousal became more and more unbearable, pressing against his pants and trapped behind the cloth.

When Dib gasped from the inside caress, his metal appendage touching a special spot in his body, Zim knew he was ready. His pants were quickly discarded as he retracted the slippery attachment back and took to applying the much too cold for comfort lubricant on his own erection, also standard issue. Dib looked more than a little distressed, with his body so near climax and teetering on the brink of collapse. Zim looped the human’s legs over his shoulders and positioned himself at Dib’s puckering hole, hesitating only a moment to kiss Dib’s right knee before pressing into him.

Dib expected it to be quick and jolting, one shuddering thrust to rip and tear his insides again. Instead it was slow, pausing every once in a while to allow him to adjust to the new presence. Not to say it didn’t hurt like hell. Just surprisingly better than the first time. Dib bit his bottom lip with every inch that slid into him, holding out until Zim paused to breath again. It felt like forever in both of their minds. Zim was going crazy trying not to just pound into him, the tightness and immense pleasure encasing him. Dib was right. He needed this. Needed the satisfaction and the power that came from it, the power to cause pain and pleasure, taking control of a person’s senses and proving one’s ability to exact justice. Dib’s enraptured moans were all he needed to know his abilities were in check. He threw his head back as he finally became fully buried in the sensual heat, Dib’s breath ragged and rapid. Zim took a moment to enjoy the finality of his entrance before pulling half way out and plunging back in with more ferocity. Dib squawked, eyes glazed over and rolling towards the back of his head as his gut wrenched in memory. The rhythm was much different though. It was slow and purposeful, building up by increments rather than exploding into rapid succession. Dib swallowed the bile once more, trying to focus on Zim, his face now in complete view.

If pleasure had a face, it must have been green. Zim’s flawless skin shone with sweat, his lips pulled back in a content growl as a loud, languid purr escaped from the back of his throat.

In that moment of untainted vision and distraction, a jolt of pleasure ripped through Dib’s body, accompanied on one of Zim’s inward thrusts. Zim pulled out and pressed in again, watching Dib light up with sensation as he hit the mark yet again. He repeated the same motion and angle, capturing the mindless exertion that caused Dib to flail and pant.

“M-More...” the human pleaded, moving with each thrust in turn, meeting him midway and pulling him in deeper and quicker than the Irkin had mind to. It was no longer about pain or pleasure. It was about instinct. They moved together in a silent dance of unrehearsed movement, playing off and with each other, walking the line between chaos and order with talented ease as the final note rang clear in the stilled air. Zim reached down, grasping Dib’s swollen member and began pumping in rhythm, taking him with him on the spiral to completion.

Time never truly stands still, but a moment can last for as long as one remembers it.

Zim thrust in one last time, knowing his resolve was worn away, and exploded his triumph through Dib’s tight passage, filling him with familiar warmth. He looked down, seeing Dib’s seed spilt across the smooth peach flesh of his stomach. Carefully, Zim pulled out from inside Dib, feeling goosbumps litter his skin as he was disconnected from the warmth. He leaned over Dib with a content smile before bending to his stomach and licking him clean. With blanket inviting him and body demanding, he crawled to the top of the bed, pushing himself into the sheets and resting his head against the pillow. Dib cuddled up close to him, resting his head on his chest with an arm strewn across his warm and sturdy frame. He looked up at him with a calculating gaze.

“You’ll never believe me, will you?”

Zim shook his head, closing his eyes and riding the aftermath of their exertion. “No. Why should I? You’re just a filthy human.” He wrapped his own arm around the small bruised body next to him, giving him a brief squeeze before relaxing into a gentle embrace. “This is really gonna screw with the whole enemy thing.”

Dib was too deep in slumber to reply.