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Gravitron: Gravity Control Ship, Unlimited fuel and only carries one
person. Price: 4,000$

Senzu Beans: A bean that heals some one in battle. Price: 400$ for 1 (max
is 4 at a time)

Power Pole: A pole that opens on command, when held adds 1,000 pl. Price:

Cloner: A machine that creates a clone for you and can fight against
people. Price: 25,000$

Normal Sword: A powerful sword that can only be broken by those who have 4x
more pl then the person holding the sword, also when holding the sword ur PL
increases by 10,000. Price: 2,500$

Ship with Gas: Ship witch can fly any ware and can hold up to 60 people,
although every time you use the ship it uses 3 tanks of gas! Price:

Tank of
gas: 100$ for three 300$, For Ship 2,000$ for ship and 3 tanks of gas 2,200$(a
little cheaper not by much but it is)

Weighted Cloths: increases PL when training and adds 30,000 to ur PL when worn.
Price: 4,000$


Sajin Armor: Armor that blocks most punches and kicks to the mid area also
adds 20,000 pl when worn. Price: 4,000$

New Age Sajin Armor: Armor that blocks 3/4 punches and kicks to the mid
section and also adds 40,000 pl when worn. Price: 5,000$

Scouter: When you use it you find out what the persons max PL is. Price:

S.S. Gravitron: Very Similar to the normal gravitron found on earth except,
it can hold 2 people and even tho it has unlimited fuel u cannot train in it.
price: 3,000$

Senzu beans: a bean that heals some one in battle. price: 400$ for 1 (max
is 4 at a time

Zeta Sword: a much stronger sword similar to the one that tapion gave
trunks in movie 13 can only be broken by those who have 8x more pl then the
person holding it, but the only down fall is the sword is so heavy u must have
a pl of 300,000 just to hold it! when holding the zeta sword ur pl increases
+20,000. Price: 5,000$

Artificial moon light: a device held in a small "gun" shaped
object and when released can actualy make sayajins transform. Price: 1,500$

Ship with Gas: Ship witch can fly any ware and can hold up to 60 people,
although every time you use the ship it uses 3 tanks of gas! Price:

Tank of
gas: 100$ for three 300$, For Ship 2,000$ for ship and 3 tanks of gas 2,200$(a
little cheaper not by much but it is)

Dragon Scales: A rough armor weighing around 2-4 tons is good for training,
when held lowers ur power level by 2,000 but when u train with this baby the
pl you get is 3x's that of what it originally was suppose to be.

Scouter: When you use it you find out what the persons max PL is. Price:

Ship with Gas: Ship witch can fly any ware and can hold up to 60 people,
although every time you use the ship it uses 3 tanks of gas! Price: Tank of
gas: 100$ for three 300$, For Ship 2,000$ for ship and 3 tanks of gas 2,200$(a
little cheaper not by much but it is)

Control collar: a collar witch when
worn actually decreases your power level by half, making ur enemies actually
think u are weaker... and I know what you are thinking, well they will see the
collar beside my items section on my members page well guess what? i dont put
it there! i store it some ware else ware only i can see and in battle just say
*takes off Control collar* and bam pl x2. Price: 3,000$

Senzu beans: a bean
that heals some one in battle. price: 400$ for 1 (max is 4 at a time)

When you use it you find out what the persons max PL is. Price: 700$

Staff Blade: a staff with blades on both ends, the staff has a mind of its own and
if ur in trouble it will actually try and help u. this staff was made a long
time ago by an old wizard who was said to live on Konatsu many years ago. this
staff is indestructible even by the strongest of enemies it cannot be broken.
Price: 4,000$

Jar: can trap demon type monsters in this jar (can only hold 1
demon at a time) the demons pl has to be with in 75,000pl above urs or lower
for the jar to work correctly. Price: 2,000$


Flute: can actually put demon type monsters to sleep
or if combined with the "jar" found on Konatsu u can use the two
together and trap a demon up to 300,000 pl above urs. Price: 4,000$

beans: a bean that heals some one in battle. price: 400$ for 1 (max is 4 at a

Ship with Gas: Ship witch can fly any ware and can hold up to 60 people,
although every time you use the ship it uses 3 tanks of gas! Price:

Tank of
gas: 100$ for three 300$, For Ship 2,000$ for ship and 3 tanks of gas 2,200$(a
little cheaper not by much but it is)

Scouter: When you use it you find out
what the persons max PL is. Price: 700$

demon swords: two swords witch hide
in ur stomach like in the garlic movie and when u want to use em u rip em out of ur stomach and use them (stomach heals after words) the swords when held In hands add 20,000 pl and can actually if ur mildly hurt (meaning a broken arm or body part) can heal it for u. Price: 3,000

HP Seeds: Can heal (not add)
5,000 hit points. Price: 200$

KI Seeds: Can Heal (not add) 5,000 Energy (ki)
points. Price: 200$

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