Maxwell-Yuy Addiction

12 january 2007 - changed the main banner image (again)   |   changed the fanfiction banner on my fiction page   |   changed/put up new pics on my fanart page

09 january 2007 - changed the main banner image   |   added Ch1 of "Happy Coinicidence" to my fiction page

25 january 2004 - added "Ride Me Fast" to my fiction page

7 january 2004 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! added some WONDERFUL fanart by JennM and Hametsu to the Guest Fanart page!!!

26 december 2003 - added 3 pics to Fanart page!   |   check out Helen-chan's banner for the Maxwell Yuy Addiction's 7 MONTH ANNIVERSARY on the main page! it's so kawaii!

18 december 2003 - added "Perfect Vision" by Helen to Guest Fiction page   |   added "The Voice over all Silences" by Sprinkles to Guest Fiction page   |   added "Downpour" by SyrupJunkie to Guest Fiction page

29 november 2003 - NEW MAIN PAGE!   |   added DISCLAIMER Page

28 november 2003 - added the HAPPY STUFF from Helen-chan for MYA's 1/2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!!   |   added "Opinions of Jesu Bleibet Meine Freude No. 103" to fiction page   |   updated both contest pages ^_^;;

25 october 2003 - added Quatre dressed as Naota (FLCL) to the Trick-or-TREAT...

22 october 2003 - trick-or-TREAT added to the main page... you'll see...

21 october 2003 - HALLOWEEN MAIN PAGE!!!   |   the new Maxwell-Yuy Addiction Winter 2003-2004 Blanket Fic/Pic Contest information is now available!! Contest opens on 10.27.03!!

18 october 2003 - added fic 'A Mission of a Different Caliber'

12 october 2003 - all the links work (finally) for the Guest Fanart Page!   |   Happy 5 Month Anniversary, MYA! Helen-chan made be the kawaii-est banner!!!!   |   added a pic to my own fanart page!   |   added FancyFigure's "Bad Hair Day" to Guest Fiction page

06 october 2003 - added fic "Tomorrow is not Friday"   |   be on the look out for the links to the guest fanart clipits!!!

28 september 2003 - added fic "Fill me Up, Buttercup"   |   added a Link Me page   |   added fic "Heero's Laptop" by Moffit to Guest Fiction page

24 september 2003 - finished part 2 of "Requiem for a Dream"

21 september 2003 - added fic, "Two-Hundred-and-Twenty-Seven"

13 september 2003 - NEW MAIN PAGE!!   |   added MYA Blog   |   added MYA guestbook   |   added Guest Art Page (sorta...)

12 september 2003 - HAPPY 4 MYA MONTH ANNIVERSARY   |   judging for MYA Summer 2003 Contest now complete... winners will be announced shortly...

28 august 2003 - the Maxwell-Yuy Addiction Summer 2003 Contest is now OVER! Judging will continue until 9/12

25 august 2003 - finished 'Soothing Shower Scrub' fic

23 august 2003 - added 2 pics to the fanart page

12 august 2003 - 3 MONTH ANNIVERSARY of the MYA!!! and I wasn't home to celebrate it!

03 august 2003 - added "Beautiful like a Rainbow"   |   added Helen's 'Neighbors Arc' to the Guest Fiction Page

19 july 2003 - added "If Only in Your Smile" - 'I LOVE YOU' arc now complete   |   added Guest Fiction page   |   added 'Eyes - a Challenge' page   |   NEW MAIN PAGE!

12 july 2003 - 2 MONTH ANNIVERSARY of the MAXWELL-YUY ADDICTION!!! it's honor, i did nothing...

03 july 2003 - added the Fire Emblem Page to 'Other' Page   |   added Fire Emblem Magnetic Poetry to the Fire Emblem Page

29 june 2003 - added "Internet Romance"

27 june 2003 - added "Hotdog Stand (with a side of lemon)"

25 june 2003 - i'm back from Florida!!   |   elaborated on and expanded upon the Contest page   |   added "If Only in a Goodbye" to the 'I LOVE YOU' arc

15 june 2003 - MY BIRTHDAY!   |   Maxwell-Yuy Addiction's Summer 2003 Contest Doors are now open!

14 june 2003 - Happy Flag Day!   |   added "If Only in a Memory" to the 'I LOVE YOU' arc

13 june 2003 - added "If Only in a Melody" to the 'I LOVE YOU' arc

12 june 2003 - ONE MONTH ANNIVERSAY OF THE MAXWELL-YUY ADDICTION!!!!   |   added "If Only in a Lullaby" to the 'I LOVE YOU' arc   |   added to Fanart page

10 june 2003 - Fanart page now up

9 june 2003 - added a few thumbnails to Fanart Page

8 june 2003 - added "Where Only the Raindrops Could Reach" to fanfiction page   |   Maxwell-Yuy Addiction's Summer 2003 Fanfic Contest starts June 15th!

5 june 2003 - New Main Page!!!   |   added 'Other' page

31 may 2003 - added What's Coming Up page   |   added "Japanese"

30 may 2003 - EXAMS ARE DONE!   |   put up the temporary main page untill the new main page is ready

28 may 2003 - didn't add anything... I'd just like to take the opportunity anounce that is the COOLEST ever, and this site has her approval!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!

27 may 2003 - added About Me page to the Main Page

17 may 2003 - added Part 1 of "Soothing Shower Scrub"

14 may 2003 - added "My Funny Valentine"

13 may 2003 - added "What Chopsticks Can Do"   |   became part of SteelSong’s Yaoi Fiction Webring   |   added this update page   |   added "Frat Party Gone Wrong"   |   "For the Love of Gundam" Award has been awarded to Jana!

12 may 2003 - made this site

Banners of the past:
MYA 4 Month Anniversary Banner by Helen-chan
MYA 5 Month Anniversary Banner by Helen-chan
MYA 1/2 YEAR Month Anniversary Banner by Helen-chan

Where did I screw up? Email [ here ]

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