Maxwell-Yuy Addiction

Winter Blanket Fic/Pic Contest

Welcome to the 'rules' page of the Maxwell-Yuy Addiction 2003-2004 Blanket Fic/Pic Contest! Below is useful information for submissions and such...


27 october 2003 - 30 january 2003


The theme of this contest is to write or draw a blanket fic or pic. What is a blanket fic/pic? EASY! It's a pic or fic about winter, snowstorms, holidays, snow in general... ANYTHING! (btw, and actual blanket fic is one where 2 people get trapped in a log cabin and spend the night together to keep warm... this contest is about exploring creativity, so it won't be restricted to just that!).

All fics must be emailed [ here ] preferably with the subject line "Contest Submission"


Unlimited amount of fics or pics per author or artist. Go ahead - run amuck! You can submit both pics and fics at once, if you'd like!

Don't worry... They can be fics and/or pics you've already written/drawn!.

Unlike the last contest, there is no requirement to the length of the fic. All pics must be submitted in either '.bmp' or '.jpg' format.

Lemons are allowed. This is a yaoi contest, for the record. Please indicate whether the subject matter is explicting in any way.

Although it is prefered that the focus is on Heero and Duo, other pairings will be permitted.
Traditional Pairings include 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5x6x5, 6x13x6, etc.


All fics and art will be posted and archived.

Fics and art will be rated by a panel of judges. If you'd like to be a judge, email [ here ] , subject line "Judging"

Ponderosa will be doing a commissioned artwork of the winning fic! Veste Notus (me) will be writing an accompaning fic to the winning pic!! That should be some incentive to play this fic/pic contest game! ^______^

Good luck everyone! May the muses be with you!!!

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