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SUBMITTED BY Bob Ebdon Oct 19 2004

These pics were submitted by Bob Ebdon.
Please click here to read Bob's story.

Thanks Bob for sending in your Memories.

"G'day Vlad........ I found this photo in an old album and thought it would go with the story I sent some time ago. I don't remember who took it or why but there we are......the 2 Flight Rifle Team 1964 at the Williamstown rifle range. From left to right: Ted Ellis, Terry Lester (lived next door to me), Flt Lt Knapp (OC 2 flight), Cpl Smith (don't remember his first name but now a pilot too) & me...Bob Ebdon. .........after all these years I can still smell the cordite and remember the cold.......! please keep in touch........ ..........Bob Ebdon !"

This is an entry sent by Tom Bentley: After seeing Bob's photo:

"The faces are familiar and Wilf Knapp is the officer. I have an idea the tallest guy might be Brian Smith, he was at Wilf's Funeral and is now working in England with some insurance giant. I still remember the cold and the cordite too!!! Tom B"