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My Profile  
Mona curly | Female | 17 New York, US - Dubai UAE
Basic info:
Alias:  ~ˆ•»°°MøÑ°°«•ˆ~ 
Ethnicity:  MïÐĕª§±ĕª®Ñ »
 þË®§ïªñ » þªKï
Body type:  Ăß+ 
Height:  5'3.5 
Weight:  5Ø···§üm±ïÑ Kg§ 
Physical Description... 
ß®Øwñ Ëý˧, ŤăÑñëÐ ŠkïÑ, LøÑĝ ß®Øwñ Čü®Lý Håï®, ©hüßbý¸Bïĝ ßøرý¸å Ñø§ē¸
2 ÊýÊý§¸å Møü±h¸2 e宧¸3 eå® þïë®ç맸2 a®m§¸2 LêĜ§¸2 ßëåü±ïFüL HåñЧ Ümm wëLL ÿª Hªv±ª © mĔ 2 KñW HøW ï Å©±üªLLý LøØK
Popularity  Ïm Þ®ĕĕ±ý Mü©h Ăñ Āll ®øüÑdĕ® 
Favorite Movie: 
Ñëx± F®ïÐåÿ
F®ïЪÿ Ăf±ë® Ñēx±

Favorite Music: 
ŦüÑë§ ±h± MåKë Më WåÑå §§§håkĕ...LïKë Må ßhåÑĝ® ŧüŅē§ åÑ Më ®ñß ŧüŅē§···LiVe....
Music I Don't Like: 
ŤüÑĕŠ ±h± Ĝë± ßĭZZª®ë Lĭkě
HêªVŷ M뱪L ñ Čøüѱ®ŷ ń ÅĽŝØ ±Üňë§ ±h± Ĝë± ĭ®®ï±å±Ĭñĝ ªf±ª å WhïLė··
Favorite Book: 
Mý§±ę®ï˧ ±h± Ĝė± Mě ªLL ŧėÑšëÐ
Favorite Vacation Spot: 
Ë姱LøÑdØñ /Ъ Ĝĥʱ±Ø n ČªLï ¬ßü± űLåñ±ïČ ©ï±ý ïZ jܧ ßøØm.
Favorite Food: 
ËvË®ÿ±hïÑ & Ñë±hïÑ ±h± ĜïVě§ þL몧ü®ĕ ² mÿ ßëĹĹŸ.
What my Ideal match is:
Seeking A:   Mï®å©Lë
Ethnicity:  WhªëVª Ъ Lø®Ð wѱ§ 
HIV:  ÑēĜå±ïVē


Education:  HïĜh§©HøØL+
Shyness:  LïKë Më Ï Ĝü˧§
Relationship stuff:
Wanting:    Å Mï®å©Lë 
Relationship Desired:    MøÑøĜåmØü§

Relationship Situation:
Been in an LTR: 
Want Children:    ÝåHå wåѱ Ŧwïѧ Ø® Jü§ 2/3 KïЧ 

In My Own Words:
Alotta u guys dun actually know me 2 well, but well at least u know sumthin now....i dun think ne1 really actually knows the real real "mona"...xcept 4 a very few people..but thats not really important...wats important is tht i havent mentioned the best thing about me yet...n its maybe one of the things i actually like about myself which is tht im pretty much a linguist. I speak 6 languages and understand many all ya'll haterz out dere...dun b talkin abt me in fronta me coz im gana getcha...i speak english/arabic/persian/urdu/punjabi/bandari...and... i'll let u in on abit about a spoiled,stubborn little girl who doesnt like fake people..hate it whn ppl who dun knw me hav de audacity 2 talk shit abt me...i dun like 2 bitch abt ppl n xpect ppl to do da same...but not everyones very nice. quite straight forward and alota people think im proud and i got an ego jus coz i say wht i feel??(weird).lolz but i know 4 a fact that i have a good heart and thts wht matters..dun really care abt wht people say..i also am obsessed wit washin my hands 4 sum reason...I love my family n friends alot n miss thm bearss(coz there in dubai)..i love my my mom n sister the most in dis world n my nephews n neices...they mean evryfin 2 me...Jam/Jas/Zims/Bubu n Juju...lov y'all. Miss my kari, al n mazzy n saby aswell y'knw... n all my close mates bak in dubai n london.Neway i actually dun have more 2 say so i'll jus end it here...sssssoo jus take care haav fun ... n eeeenjoyyy!!!!!
Personality Stuff:
Morning/Evening:  ÑïĜh± 
Shyness Factor:  Ïñ ßë±WēĔñ


More information:
Religion:  ΧLåM
Star Sign:  ŶüÅ®ïܧ
Job:  §±üÐëѱ
Education:  HïĜh§©HøØL
HIV Status:  ÑēĜå±ïVē
Drinking:  ÑøÞĚ
Drugs:  ÑøÞĚ 
Piercings:  ÝýëªH
Tattoos:  HªV±ª©hë©K
Smokes:  Ümm ÑøÞĚ 
Virgin: ŦåKë Ă wïLd Güʧ§.... 
In My Free Time...
§øm˱hïÑ mý ĆûZ LiKë§ 2 ©ªLL M§Ñïmþü§...
In Someone's Words:
 I have known you since we were 4 years old and we have never gotten into a fight. You are very understanding and open minded. You are also caring and compassionate. You can be serious, yet joking  depending on when it is necessary. You are a very good listener and adviser when it comes to decision making and situations that happen. You are a girl who is true to your words and you don't bullshit anyone. One thing I have noticed is that you are upfront and sometimes blunt about things to some extent but you try not to cross the line or step into anyone's bubble. When you want something you make it evident, you don't just stand in the corner and wait for it to come to you, you try and get it! If you are in need of something you don't hesitate to ask- which is great. You are emotional and are able to cry when it is appropriate. yet you are strong and know when to hold them back so that people won't perceive you as a weakling. Yep that's what you are, you have a strong personality and you attract  people to you in general, I mean as friends and perhaps boyfriend. You have a pure heart and you are generous, yet sometimes you can be egotistic and narcissistic, but that's only human instinct I guess. You are a clean person, and you have great hygiene (OCD on washing your hands) thats for sure but looking even deeper than looks u have a clean inner beauty that just is peaceful and serene about it. When I am with you I am comfortable and at ease, there's no drama just smooth sailing. But when there is drama between you and someone you handle it maturely and try to compromise. I am sure you don't have enemies, but there are probably some who are jealous of you *sheerin* haha.If I chatted with you online only and i was asked to paint a portrait of you, I would see you as a queen, because your personality is one of high status. You are in control and you are able to control or make an impact. Life without you is unimaginable, its quite hard to think about because you are genuine and one of a kind. I have spent 17 great years with you, and I am sure there will be more. I have watched you grow and seen your personality mature as well, although I have seen you with a mask on and acting in front of people, showing them a person that you think they want to see. I have even seen you without the mask, being your true self,. like a swan, agile and free. Yet you are not truly free, for you are held by restrains in this world, just like we all are but you take each day one at a time. Some times you almost feel like the world could end, and it might as well, but you live on no matter what. You are there for everyone and you love everyone, and everyone is here for you if you know it or not. You have high potential and although you have had major issues in your life, you push them aside sometimes and take on other people's problems as if they were your own. Your just a comforter if I had to decribe you with one word. I personally would not have made it without you, and I love you. Your personality is great and well rounded, you are not a bitch, but you prolly can be, no offense all girls have their own bitchy moments like all men have their asshole moments hehe. Well thts how I see you, your my favorite person...


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