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Bout Me

For those of you who don't know anything about me, here's some brief personal opinions and biographical history 'fuh dat Aaah':

Born: Jerry W. Turner on November 28,1979 in Macon, GA

Parents: Martha and Jerry

Grandparents: Ottis H. & Ruth McCann (Warner Robbins, GA)

Siblings: Marlee (24); Jordan (15); Susanna (12); Jon (9)

Grew up: In the great state of Georgia (Dirty-dirty) till I was 8.

Moved to: Amarillo TX (age 8-9); Tulsa, OK (age 9)

Current Residence: Claim'n true the Mile Hi West of Denver, CO as home where my parents still reside and I live when I'm not in school.

Graduated: Pomona high school in Arvada, CO in May '98.

Currently: I be at the University of Toledo (Ohio) where I am a senior majoring in Organizational Development and am on the Varsity Swim Team.

Favorite Foods: Smoked Salmon, Lobster/Crab/Shrimp, Prime Rib, My Grandmother's Cobblers, My Mother's Southern Delicacies (fry it up!), and Mexican el Grande!

Best Friends: I have many. What they all have in common is that they make me laugh and inspire me to be a better person; I try to tell them often but I'll document it publicly for reference: Thank you all for your friendships.  Without you and a few others out there life would not be tolerable.  You will always be in my prayers!

Shad Ortiz, Laurie Buchner, Brent Ransom, Justin Bates, Jarrod Rounzouin, Steve- Hnatiuk & Adam- Wallace

=> There are many others as well.  Nobody should be offended!

Look for pictures of these characters in my Friends/Family pages here!

Things I love: My family of course; my Ohio and Colorado friends; Swimming and all popular sports (except soccer and NASCAR); The majestic mountains of CO; Music: "Music soothes the soul, opens our eyes and hearts, and brings us together when they try hard to keep us apart"; Poetry; Philosophy & Psychology (without the Science); Movies that change my perspective(s) on life (almost every movie has meaning to think about--even American Pie); My Country; and finally great Food!

Things I Dislike: Nasty, mean, inconsiderate, arrogant, ill-mannered, frequently-violent, angry people: Folks keep things in perspective, the reason why people like this are here is to make the good people in life stand out; Traffic Jams; the pusillanimous people who we call 'Terrorists'; Country and Punk/Ska Music; and local TV commercials from Toledo.


Get Hold of Me:

        =>  Email:

        =>  Ohio (During The School Year):

                Phone: (419) 382-5535 (H); (419) 356-3007 (Cell)

        =>  Colorado (Any Other Time):

                Phone: (303) 456-9027; Cell Is Same As Above