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Custom Wiring
47417 Nita
Utica MI, 48317
Phone 877-467-5225
Fax 586-781-0856
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Q:I want to add a new telephone number. What is the procedure?
A:The first step is to order the service form your local telephone provider. When ordering make sure to specify that you need services activated outside only.(to the Network Interface Box) Then call Custom Wiring to schedule an appointment. We can then install or activate existing jacks with the new number.

Q:I want to add a cable tv jack. What is the procedure?
To add a cable jack simpley call Custom Wiring. We will install the jack activate and test it. When we leave the only thing left to do will be to enjoy.

Q: I have a two story home and want jacks on the second floor. I was told it was impossible by other installers. What can I do?
Well we hear this every day.Usually the problem is: the installer that was at your home ether just did not know how or did want to go through the trouble. So where do you stand? I would say that there is a 99% chance that Custom Wiring can properly install a jack were you need it. I am very experienced at doing the impossible and have not come accrossed a job yet that was impossible.

Q: I am purchasing a new home and there is no drywall yet. Is there anything that I should prep the home for now?
Yes. There are endless reasons to prep your home during this stage:
1. Jacks can be put anywhere your heart desires.
2. The cost per jack is a fraction of what it would be after drywall.
3. The quality of the wallplate mounting will be more secure.

Q: I have purchased a broadband self installation kit and tried to install it myself. I does not work. What should I do?
Well were no going to penalize you for trying. You have two options: you can call the service provider or Custom Wiring. We will come to your home, Check the problem out and get it up and running for you.

Q: I have a DSS dish and cant get a signal. What should I do?
Now this is a very very common question dont feel bad. There are almost a million reasons for this problem. They range from bad wire, connections, Dish location to hardware faluire. The best thing to do is to call in a professial. Just like all the little tricks you know about the job you have a professional DSS installer can run through the system in a snap. We would love to help you give us a call. Its a lot less expensive than you may think.

Q: I have purchase a surround sound system. Can your company install it for me?
Yes we can. In fact that is one of our favorite things to work on. We will come to your home: make a n assement of the room and custom plan the installation. Once you make the final choices we will take care of everything. Gives us a few hours and you will be enjoying you system.