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Information for the Outdoorsman

Written by Talonthalas, Early 2001.

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~ Information for the Outdoorsman ~

Macro's are very useful for the woodsman. Instead of typing 'Find Firewood' over and over again. All you have to do is push a button.

For information concerning how to program your Macro's Click Here

Here are some recommended macros to program in:
-Find Fire
-Make Torch With Branch
-Stoke Fire With Branch
-Look ,(this will let you look faster when coming upon a new area.)
-Stop ,(this will let you stop what your doing quickly in case something comes up.)
-Get [your weapon] from my [container] ,(this will let you draw your weapon quickly in case of trouble.)
-Wield my [weapon] ,(likewise this will let you wield your weapon quickly.)
-Put [weapon] in my [container] ,(this will allow you to quickly put away your weapon.)

I can't tell you how many times I've walk throuh the forest and seen vomit and other trash laying around. Just because the city dwelers don't mind walking through filth doesn't mean we outdoorsman do. So please pickup your trash and keep stoking the same fire so there aren't as many piles of ash.

There are several firepits or holes dug everywhere as well. To cover a hole type: Bury hole

And try to adhere to the saying 'leave it better than you found it'.

-You can make and then sell torches to 'Sesquilus Supply Shop' (near the 'Stone Toga Inn').
-Or you can sell your torches to people you find on the street.
-You can find Saplings and sell them to an Altene so he can make a Fangstave.
-You can collect branches or twigs and sell them. (Mainly fighters who know how to build a fire but are unable to find firewood on their own.)
-You can risk the 'Bandit Woods' looking for chest to sell to Apula. (Not recommended if your new!)
-You can look for junk (pouches, tunics, breeches, etc.) and sell them to the 'Junk Buyer'. For directions to the 'Junk Buyer' Click Here

FYI: Around 180 torches can fit into a single Large Sack.

These are the main sources of income, although a denar is a denar regardless of where you got it from. Your only limited by your ambition.

List of Banks:
-Iridine City Bank (Seneda's)
-Vetallun Town Bank
-Monlon Town Bank

Coin Deposite/Withdraw:
Save a portion of your income in a Bank for a rainy day.
To deposite money, type: Offer clerk [coinage]
To withdraw money, type: withdraw [amount] [coinage type]
To check your account balance, type: "Clerk Inventory

Item Deposite/Withdraw:
If you have items you want to keep but don't want to carry with you. You can deposite them in a Bank and withdraw them when you need them.

This is expensive though, each time you withdraw an item it costs you 25d.

What I recommend is get a large sack, and put all the items you want to keep in the bank into it. Then whenever you need to withdraw multiple items from the bank you only have to withdraw the sack and take out what you need. This will save you alot of money.

When you are IG 'In Game' to see a list of your current skill levels type: Skills. To see what the commands are for these skills type: Skills ?.

Your level in 'Outdoor Basics' is your general knowledge of the outdoors. When you train in 'Outdoor Basics' you increase all your outdoor skills. However, to advance faster in a single skill (such as torch making) you'll need to train in that skill individually.

Outdoor Basics: N/A N/A Overall Outdoor Basics Skill. 13 / 6
Dig Firepit: dig firepit Easy Digs a suitable hole for building a fire in. 13 / 6
Crude Torch Making: make torch with [tender] Easy Crafts a torch from a branch. 13 / 6
Stoke Fire: stoke fire with [tender] Easy Adds fuel to a fire. 13 / 6
Firebuilding: build fire with [tender] Easy Builds a camp fire for lighting and cooking. 13 / 6
Find Firewood: find firewood Easy Finds branches suitable for making torches and building fires. 13 / 6
Collect Twigs: gather twigs Easy Finds twigs suitable for fire building. 13 / 6
Find Sapling: find sapling Easy Finds saplings suitable for building shelters and crafting fangstaves or spears. 13 / 6
Camp Cooking: cook [food] over fire Easy Cooks raw meat so it is suitable for eating. 13 / 6
Shelter Building: build shelter Easy Builds a lean-to shelter from grass, rope, and saplings. 13 / 6

If you want to earn skill points more quickly and you don't need the money you get by selling the torches you make, you'll earn skill points faster by gathering twigs and stoking the fire. These actions take less time than finding firewood and making torches.

To increase your outdoosman's skill level go to Fern's in Vetallun.
Directions: 'WALK TO Vetallun Crossroads'
Go 'south' 1 pace
Then 'GO West' through the door of the Inn

This is where Fern the trainer is, make sure you have some denars she doesn't train you for free.

Or you can train from another outdoorsman. You need to be a level 10 or higher to teach someone a skill. Once you're at level 10 or higher you can teach anyone below you skill level.

To save a few denar try finding another outdoorsman to train you (Having 'Fern' train you once you're past level 25 gets very expensive.)

First, train in 'Outdoor Basics' to about level 10, this will make it easier to earn skill points more quickly.

Second, train in 'Crude Torch Making' to about level 5. This allows you to make torches more quickly and earn more when you sell then to Sesquiculus.

Third, learn the other Woodsman skills such as 'Find Sapling' & 'Camp Cooking'.

Lastly continue training in 'Outdoor Basics.

Note: Be careful not to get so trained that your 'Success number' in all your outdoor skills reaches zero. Because you can't gain any skill points from a skill which has a success number of zero.

Everyone can fish, it's not a skill you need to learn.

You just need a fishing pole. You can buy one at the 'Bait & Tackle Shop' in Monlon for 25 denars.

You also need some bait (worms). You can find some at 'Sesquiculus's Supply Shop'.

To bait your fishing pole type: bait pole
To fish, find a river and type: cast pole

From what I've seen your 'fishing success number' depends on your characters 'reasoning level'.
The better your 'reasoning' the lower your 'fishing success number' thereby allowing you to catch more fish.

A sagum is an important piece of clothing because when you're wearing one it hides just about everything you have on. This protects you from thieves, they can't steal what they can't see.