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  Welcome to Adam's Place

Last Updated: 22 May 2006

About Me
My Builds
Photo Gallery


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Welcome to my Web site!

Thanks for stopping by! My name is Adam and this my home on the web.

You'll find tons of photos of me, my friends, and some recent vacations in my Photo Album. Most of my free time is spent with friends or playing with computers. You can find some pictures of my recent projects here. And if you're curious as to what I do on a day-to-day basis click on my Favorites link. There you will find most of the computer websites I visit almost everyday!

If you wanna learn more about me, then follow the About Me link. You'll find a brief history of my education and career path. If you have any questions or comments click on the Feedback link and send me an email.

Can't wait to hear from you!

Favorite Links

Photo Album

Here are a few of my favorite sites.

bulletGoogle it!
bulletTravel with Travelocity
bulletShop with Newegg
bulletGuild Wars Forum

Look at my online photo album filled with pictures from my vacations, friends, and family.

Home | About Me | My Builds | Favorites | Photo Gallery | Feedback

This site was last updated 05/22/06