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Essays and Commentary on Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues (ECCMEI) is a completely independent project established by two individuals who saw the need for such a project. ECCMEI is not officially affiliated with any institution, other online projects, or other organizations. Nevertheless, in the interest of expanding our participation base as well as sharing the material presented here with others who may be interested, ECCMEI does actively encourage online association between itself and other websites.

Such association consists of mutually linking our sites together and advertising the services or presentations of each on the other respective website. Such association does not constitute an endorsement of any content by the associated site. To link the ECCMEI to your site and have your site, and a description thereof, placed on this page, please submit that intention through the ECCMEI contact page.

MidEastWeb for Coexistence
MidEastWeb for Coexistence is an apolitical group that furthers dialog and peace education in the Middle East. Their comprehensive Web site includes dialog resources, background about Middle East culture, history of the Israel-Palestine conflict, a large bibliography, and a spectrum of political viewpoints.
E-mail contact:

Middle East Discussion Forum (MEDF)
An online discussion group with open access to any interested participant. MEDF strongly endorses the concept of "freedom of speech" and welcomes virtually any perspective. The site has a particular emphasis on the Israel/Palestine conflict. Aside from the discussion forum, MEDF offers a series of other services, including an extensive links list.
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