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Allie's Homepage Main Map Map of Angel's Lair

The Adventure II

Over the weekend of July 4th 2000, I was priviledged to join six other people for a most amazing hiking weekend with Caligastia at Angel's Lair and The Keep, located in the Rocky mountains of Southern Colorado

This is my photographic record of the trip, and it gives me great pleasure to be able to share our Adventure II with everyone.

In order to be able to get a "feel" of the place, I have included two rather crude maps - the Main Map and then a smaller map of the area known as Angel's Lair. These are not accurate renditions as they were drawn from memory after the event, and only cover the immediate surrounds along our route.

We arrived along a dirt road in what I called "the valley", left our vehicles, and the routes taken over the three days of the hike are indicated in different colours.

Enjoy .....



Copyright of material in this Web Site by permission of Caligastia only.







Click on this area for Zoom in Military Mountain Top End Of the Valley Lizard Head Pointer