he Roster of citizens of Cos is updated regularly. Players of Cos should email Ubar Lurius with any background material they wish added to their house rolls.

Go to the Main page of Cos

Alexander Daikan the second

fifth high caste
Commander of Cosian forces
Trained in Ar during the occupation, Statesman and military scholar.

Alexanders slaves:

Ashe Campbell
Emmisary, Ambassador, Envoy and Chancellor of Cos

Ashe Campbell was born to status in the most ancient of Cosian Families. Unfortunatly, though his duties might other wise be highly important politically, Chancellor Campbell is a renowned and infamous drunk and philanderer. Over time he has squandered most of his families wealth in outrageous appetites.

Seith Granstien
{Seith Granstien}
Spy and Agent of Cos within the city of Ar

{MarcusTuur}( restore/delete sn )
Spy and Agent of Cos within the city of Ar

Asheron of Jad
Spy in the service of Lurius

seen in the vicinity of Jasmine commanding the 21st light tharlarion reconnaisance battalion disguised as Sutlers and on station along the Vosk.
Later seen in service in Port Kar, current whereabouts unknown.

See link above for updated Roster 12/1/2000
Celenius Tabor
Head Slaver to the Slavers Caste of Gor
Subdivision of the Merchants Caste

ShazRac Vrrahl
fifth High Caste
Captain of The Gaurds to the House Tabor

Slaves of the House Tabor
CTs bethany, Ixi avina ixI,Port Kar erotica,Xx kristyne xX,SylvanButterfIy,Xv dara vX,Xl yoshi lX,Port Kar carnai

Rac Vrrahl

House of skye

Devyn Skye


fifth high caste
Commander of Tamber Gulf Squadron

Nickname, "the angry prince" (this sn will threaten war over his slaves being taken thus the name and the persona. Don't be distracted by the rash attiutude its just the character.)

Khendjer Onuris
Appointed to military leadership given full reign over jurisprudence. Considered a visiting scholar of the Tahari. Onuris is a citizen by companionship. Permanent assignment as Lieteniant General and commander to the 51rst Cosian Light Tharlarion Cavalry. {"51rst light lance"}

(this character is interesting. Originally Lurius had an "Oracle," an imported haruspex from the desert. and Kendjer was brought into the Story line as a sort of cardinal richelu character, a man who would influence the tide of events through the influence of his mate the "Oracle." Problem was, times didnt line up, the Mahan Sl took off and the "Oracle" had an annoying habit of actually seeing the future ( by using the OOC info! Aerin is great though and her mun is a hottie). We have let the Oracle SL cool down for awhile but khendjer is a remarkable player and writer.)

Aerin of Onuris

"The Oracle of Cos"
Seer and advisor to Ubar Lurius of Jad
Her predictions hold great weight among the council and with the superstitious Ubar.