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Deathbot Mainpage


NEW! 03/05/03 - There's a new HEADLINE, Also! This Page is moving! My friend Loup has offered me free web space with no pop-ups and a relatively shorter URL. I'll get that up here soon, you'll still be able to access everything from the old URL for a while anywayz so don't fret.

NEW! 02/27/03 - There's a new HEADLINE, Working on the Cars Section, and FFG Shrine in the works

UPDATE! 02/19/03 - I made the mistake today of visiting the Eric Convey's an Emotion website. I almost barfed trying to hold in my laughter, so as not to look like a complete lunatic retard at work.

UPDATE! 02/17/03 - updated Funny Stuff

UPDATE! 02/14/03 - Be Sure to check out the HEADLINES section going up right now.

UPDATE! 02/07/03 - Yeah so I am trying to find the time to update this F'ing thing so I decided to do little bits at work. It'll probably take a while but better than nothing.
Also coming soon: Favorite Cartoons (Zim, Transformers, Eek the Cat), and Recommended Vidz.

Coming Soon! 01/25/03 - Deathbot Interviews, "Pirate or Ninja? Weekly Poll", Deathbot Approved Items, Car Stuff, Funny Fat Guy Shrine

Holy Crap! 01/15/03 - Its been like many months since I've even thought about this place. I am making a conscious effort to get some more crap on herebecause I have a boring job that allows periods of intense slacking

NEW! 07/22/02 - Updated ETERNAL STRUGGLE! The newest part of the Deathbot Universe. (Not finished yet but working.)

NEW! 07/21/02 - Updated Navigation Bar and some other areas.

NEW! 02/07/02 - Updated BRAWLS!

NEW! 02/02/02 - Updated Inventions section!
Everyone don't forget to submit me your inventions, if I deem them worthy I'll post them up.

NEW! 01/30/02 - Onion Articles!
Scenerios has been changed to BRAWLS! plus its looking a lot better).

Well I finally did some stuff to the site, I'm on Winter Break and can actually think now. I've been wanting to update the site frequently but what with damn college and getting on with my damn life and all that growing up carreer BS I didn't have time. So relax. But anywayz there are some updates now and more on the way.
NEW! 12/25/01 - Links update, some scripting, got rid of the bot (he was too lame).

12/26/01 The sacred "Order Of Johns" Link is now up and running.