The Order of the Temple Vestria
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The Order of the Temple Vestria

Welcome to the New Dawn

Welcome to the OTV Home Page. We are an Occult Order founded in 1989 by Magus Severian. Our Craft is a unique blend of Chaos Magick, Cabala, Enochian Magick, and Eastern Tao Philosophy. Divine Quickening for our members is our primary goal. We use many original techniques to cominicate with the Unmanifest, and to find the spark of the Divine which exists in all of us. We believe it is up to the individual mage to determine the nature of his/her divine link. We hold all dieties, light and dark to be valid. Our members may choose to follow the light or the darkness.

We use ritual and ceremony as our primary methods of practice. We aslo practice, and teach, the traditional methods of divination, herbalism, yoga, gemology, and Astral travel. Our new chat area is now functional, also. We are based in Denver Colorado, USA.

We are very interested in expanding, not only in the US, but outside the US as well. If you are interested in membership, please E-mail us with your inquiries. All are welcome!

At the present time, the OTV is run by Magus Severian, with assistance from Adeptus Minora RWN.

Sub-Orders of the Temple Vestria