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Home of the Nuclear Fizisist

Home Downloads Sweet Links Funny Pictures Jokes Features Dear Dr. Fiz Hate Mail

Alright, here's my site.  First things first, I want to apologize for the pop-ups.  They have to be there because I don't want them at the top of my pages instead.  I know pop-ups suck, but they look even crappier when they are right on the page.  I am too cheap to pay 5 bucks a month to upgrade this account and get rid of the ads, so deal with it.  If they really are pissing you off, then download No-Ads (there will be a link on my Downloads page).  Also, sometimes this site doesn't load all of the pictures or the background, or Angelfire will say that this site cannot be found.  If this happens, just refresh the page until all of the crap shows up.

Well, now that that's out of the way, I'll continue with my pointlessness.  I hate home pages because I never know what to put on them.  That is why I am just going to babble here for a little while and hope that people just click the links at the top and don't bother reading the rest of this.  If you feel inclined to continue reading, though, then go for it.

If, for some reason, you have gotten this far and are still reading, you really need to click one of the cool links at the top of the page.  If I were you, I wouldn't bother clicking on the 'Home' link, though, because it won't really get you very far.  It will just reload this page.  But if you feel you must click it, go ahead - the counter goes up and it looks like I had a lot of visitors!  OK, maybe you should click the funny pictures link and start looking at the, well, funny pictures...(hence the name of the page), or the downloads page where you can, you guessed it, download stuff.  I hope to keep adding much more to this site for a long time, so check back soon for new pointless goodies.

If you have a "cool" webpage (and if you noticed, I put "cool" in quotes because mine is by far the coolest), then send me the link and I might put that on my site, too.  Maybe.  If it's "cool" enough.

Since 5/24/03, Hit Counter people have seen the awesomeness of this site.

This site was last updated on Tuesday May 27, 2003 04:12 PM EST.