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[ About Me ] [ Friends ] [ Bio ] [ Quotes ]

My name is Matthew Sprague. I was born on March 14th, 1983 at Hurley Medical Center in Flint. I went to Lake Fenton High School & grew up in Fenton, Michigan.

Currently, I am attending classes at University of Michigan - Flint towards obtaining a degree in Computer Information Science (CIS). CIS is a degree that isn't offered at UM-Flint yet, however it will be offered by the time I graduate (or at least that's what my advisor told me).

I am taking classes at UM-Flint to earn a degree in CIS & a minor in Business, but I might change my mind within the next couple years, so you never know!

Even when I was a little kid, I've always been pretty creative through sketching & painting. When I was twelve, my dad bought our family's first computer. I became a self-proclaimed whiz at it. By the time I was thirteen I had the goal of making a job for myself in the field of computers. I began to use the computer as a means of expressing my creativity through graphic design and homepages, with programs like Adobe Photoshop and Notepad (using my knowledge of raw-HTML code). In 1997, when I was 14, I created my first large scale web site for my dad's condo, titled Isla Del Sol Waterfront Condo Web Site.

I have many goals for my future. To achieve my goals I will need to work hard. I will need to continue to challenge, overcome & succeed in college & life. I will need to keep creating & enjoying making graphics & web sites (like my own), to keep my skills finely tuned -- being a real asset to any employer.

Although some things come in time, the main thing is to make the right decisions and choices, to allow myself the best future possible.