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     Hello! This part of the page is here to occupy all of my friends for a few minutes,to let everyone know what the heck is going on with mastrcobb, and to let those few underpriveleged people who don't know me, learn about mastrcobb. I hope it will entertain you for a few minutes.

     Ok. I am a senior at Parkersburg High School, and I hate it. If they would only graduate people on how mature they were, I would have graduated in like the 9th grade. I am so ready to leave and make some money for the things that I need in life (like dirtbikes, a car maybe, and some other necessities that I would rather not mention). That is all I am going to write about school at this time, because it is making me nautious. LoL!

     Now for the exciting part, haha, I am about 6 ft. tall, and I am about 158 lbs. I have brown hair and brown eyes (not for long,haha silver hair, and red eyes)I am not really a Shakespearian writer so it is hard to make me sound better than I really am. Butt there will be pics up soon for yall to print out and post on your bedroom walls.

     I am not really mister school spirit so I do not get involved in a lot of stuff unless it benefits me directly (a lot). I am an active member in the FBLA in which I designed a webpage that took second place, it took second because it was too good to take first. They said it was so good that we must have purchased the material, ie. the Flash stuff on it. So we got points taken away for not doing it "ourselves", even though we did. Those imbeciles. I am also a member of the robotics team here at Parkersburg High School. We are going to take a trip down to Disney World to take part in the national tournament, which we will do good in hopefully. Wish us luck!!!

     That is about all you are gonna need to know about me....any more and you would know more about me than me. I hope this site temporarily cures your boredom!

     I know what you are thinking....god I wish he was my b/f!!!

Copyright © 2002 by Justin Cobb. All Rights Reserved.

Last Revision:3-28-02