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Thank Yous

To have been able to make this site I have needed a little help. I wanna say thanx and give you all a BIG hug.

Special thanks to...

... Aja, my sister who has tought me HTML.

... Nelle who has lent me a lot of photos and stuff about Ian. Thank you so much for it!!!!

... Diana for being a friend and keeping me updated about Ian and stuff.

... Johanna for keeping me updated about stuff.

... Debi who sent me a copy of Jane when Katherine was in it. Love my magazine...:¬)
Also thanks for the Passanger caps and a lot of other pictures.

... Mali who beta-read a couple of my fanfics.

... Anna who is one of my best friends and who also likes Young Americans.

... Sabina who is really supportive even if she digs 5ive more than Young Americans.

... Jaymie who always send e-mails about when there's something new on Ebay. Thanks for all great pictures.

... Erika who has copied some eps of YA to me.

Also thanks to all Jahammers and to some of my classmates who are really supportive. Thank you all, I think you know who you are.

Luv ya all!!!!

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Disclaimer: This is just a fansite and I don't own any of the material. If you have any questions e-mail the owner of the site. Therese Skoug aka Peach_Melba, 2001