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Audrey McGraw
Ava and Stella
Delaney  McBride
Emma  McBride
Emerson Hatcher
Finley Faith
Gracie McGraw
Isabella Leeves
Maggie McGraw
Mason  Grammer
Sophia Meloni


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Welcome !

This website is for to the famous hard to find little girls out there. Little girls are so adorable and just melt my heart.

Favorite Links

Little Girls on the Site

Affiliates of this site and site of the week

bulletMason's Yahoo Group
bulletMcGraw Girl's Yahoo Group
bulletMcBride Girl's Yahoo Group
bulletSophia's Yahoo Group


June 2004~ Added Finley Faith Page.

Created a new layout for pictures. Check it out.

May 24th 2004~ Created new theme

More updates coming soon!


Add a guestbook.

Gracie Katherine McGraw

Maggie Elizabeth McGraw

Audrey Caroline McGraw

Delaney Katherine McBride

Emma Justine McBride

Mason Olivia Grammer

Emerson Rose Hatcher

Sophie Meloni

Isabel Leeves





Communities & Forums

get this gear!
Sarah's Celeb Kids Site~ the best place for pics of Celeb kids. Also want to thank her for many of the pics on this site.

Home | Audrey McGraw | Ava and Stella | Delaney  McBride | Emma  McBride | Emerson Hatcher | Finley Faith | Gracie McGraw | Isabella Leeves | Maggie McGraw | Mason  Grammer | Sophia Meloni

This site was last updated 06/14/04