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She opened the wallet and found half a dozen credit cards, $800 dollars in large bills (he had been amazingly lucky not to have been robbed), a couple of business cards—one with The Sun, Todd Manning, Publisher on it, the other with Sam Rappaport, Attorney at Law—scraps of paper, a few receipts—one in French—but the most amazing things were the pictures. Inside his wallet she had found one of those plastic picture accordions filled with pictures of the most beautiful little girl. She had sandy blonde hair and green eyes. On the back of each one was printed a name and her age, sometimes an occasion: Starr, 2 yrs., Birthday; Starr, 2 yrs., Christmas; Starr, 4 yrs., First Day Pre-school; Starr, Halloween; Starr and Moose; and on and on and on. There were probably 30 or 40 pictures stuffed into his wallet. Jane had been about to put them all away and close the wallet when one more fell out from a separate fold in Todd's wallet. This one was of a woman, though, dark haired. She was beautiful, stunning actually. She also seemed to be asleep. On the back was one word: Delgado. So, there was a child and there was, what, a wife? She had already noted the lack of a wedding ring on Todd's hand and the child didn't really look like the woman in the picture, but it was certainly a bit odd to carry around a picture of a sleeping woman.

Jane didn't get much time to consider all the implications, though, because Todd was starting to shake and tremble again.

(from Nexus - chapter 2)


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