~*~Love On The High Seas~*~




I've only been in love once in my life. I don't know if you can call it that, but that's what it felt like. Many of the boys I've dated were just that, boys. But I remember that particular summer, I was in love with a man.

The whole thing started in the summer of 1980. It was a regular day in Redondo Beach, warm, sunny and wonderful. My favorite stretch of sand was crowded with kids playing volleyball or soaking up rays or surfing. I had been there all day long with some college friends of mine. And, of course, my ex-boyfriend Skeeter was there too. I always thought Skeets was a nice guy, but we were better off separate than together. Believe it or not, we had more fun as friends than we did as a couple! We were celebrating our recent graduation from UCLA with a bash that we hoped would last all summer long.

As the sun started to set, we all sat around and just talked about nothing.

"Hey everyone," announced my friend Steve, "my folks are letting me crash at their beach house during the summer. Why don't we all crash there!"

It was unanimous. Eight college grads living under one roof. Could we get through the summer without driving each other nuts?

After dinner at Steve's, we all went back to the beach. The sand was still warm and very pleasing on the feet. The beach was fairly empty, allowing us to have full run of everything.

I remember I went down to the pier by myself as the sun set. My grandfather used to keep his boat here, but when he moved east, I had no reason to wander around. Everything looked pretty much the same, except for this huge yacht down at the end.

Curiosity took over my head and I slowly walked down to check out this boat.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" came this voice from behind me.

I damn near jumped out of my skin. I turned around quick, putting my hands up in front of me.

"Ahhh!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

The voice sounded sincere and gentle. I still couldn't see his face clearly, but I knew it was most definitely a man.

"That's alright," I said, trying to regain my composure. "I was just looking at your boat."

The man smiled at me. "Yeah, she's a real head turner. You know anything about sailin'?"

Not only was it a man, but an Englishman.

"Yes," I said. "My grandfather used to keep his schooner down here. We used to go sailing all the time."

He laughed. "I cheat. I got a motor."

"It's not cheating," I said, "it's using modern technology. Nothing wrong with that."

"Well," he said, still smiling, "if you say so. If a pretty lady says something, then it's usually true."

Great. Now I'm gonna blush and look like a schoolgirl. I quick looked down at my feet. He turned towards the sunset, his face no longer in shadow.

"Have we met before?" I asked. "You look awfully familiar."

He looked at me carefully. "I don't think so. I would have remembered such a darlin' face."

Thanks. I think I'll blush again.

"My name's Richard," he said as he extended his hand.

Wait. Now I knew who he was!

"Dawson?" I said, taking his hand. He squeezed my hand firmly but gently.

"Yup. That's me. The one and only."

Wow. I've lived in southern California all my life and I'm used to seeing movie stars just about everywhere. But I was actually star-struck!

"I'm Sandy. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Dawson."

"Oh, you don't have to be formal. I work for a livin'."

I smiled at him. "Ok."

We stood there in silence for a few seconds.

"Listen, I'd love to stay and chat, but my friends are probably wondering where I am. And I'm sure you'd like to be alone."

He made a sad face and slouched a little. "Story of my life."

God, I didn't want to leave alone. I wanted to stay with him all night.

"I'll be here tomorrow, so stop back down. And we can talk some more. Alright?"

"Sure," I said with a smile. "See ya then."

As I was walking away, he said, "Maybe we can take a run up the coast."

Whoa. Hello.

"Sounds like a plan!" I yelled back. "Goodnight."

I ran back to the beach house and grabbed a shower. It took a little longer than I expected; I had sand in places that I didn't know existed on my body. Then I found a spot on the floor near the patio door and went to sleep.


After breakfast, I put on my bikini and joined the others outside. I didn't tell anyone who I ran into the night before. They would have teased me or not believed me at all.

I barrowed Steve's surfboard and headed out into the ocean. I loved surfing. The only thing in life more enjoyable than sex... maybe. Think of it, they both share the same basic principle: you find a strong current, hold on tight and ride it in.

The surf wasn't too great so I threw on my shorts and an old sweatshirt and I headed down to the pier.

I walked down the walkway until I got to Richard's yacht. He was on the deck securing some of his lines.

"'Morning, Richard!" I yelled up.

"And good mornin' to you, pretty Sandy."

I'll never forget how incredible he looked. He was wearing a pair of white tennis shorts and a white button down shirt that was open, buttoned once at the bottom with the sleeves rolled up. Damn, it was criminal!!

"I was wonderin' where you were. Gonna go out to look for ya," he said.

How sweet!

"I was surfing. It's a great way to get the blood flowing first thing in the morning."

He smiled and said, "I told my wife that sex in the mornin' was just as essential as breakfast."

"What'd she say?"

"Nothin'. She let me starve. On both counts!"

I didn't know if I should laugh or not.

"Well, let's go," he said as he reached down for me. I took his hands and he helped me on deck.

"What time should I have you back?" he asked.

"Whenever you want," I said. "My coach isn't made out of a pumpkin."

He smiled and took me by the hand and lead me to the bridge.

When we got there, he started up the engine and steered us out of port, into the wide, blue ocean. Then he handed the wheel over to me.

"Ok, love. She's all yours."

I took the wheel and guided us around for a little bit. It was a lot different than my grandpa's boat. After a while I gave command back to him.

He stopped the boat, letting us float at the mercy of the sea. "Come on. I'll show you around."

I was in awe at the size of the yacht. It had everything! A living room, a couple of bedrooms and even a bar. He made us a couple of drinks and we sat down and talked. He's really a great conversationalist, very attentive. We talked about everything; family, careers. He thought it was great that I wanted to go into law enforcement. Then we got around to the subject of "significant others."

"You have to have a boyfriend, right?" he asked.

"I did. But we had different opinions about my career choice. Women in police work doesn't bother him, but he didn't want his woman doing it. See, he wanted me to be the mother of his children."

"Did you love him?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Sure. But when we would talk about getting married, we just ended up fighting. I couldn't take it anymore."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to open old wounds," he apologized.

"No need to apologize. We're amicable now."

He looked down at his feet, obviously feeling guilty. Then he stood up and said, "Now that I've made you depressed, wanna head north?"

"Richard, you didn't upset me. Honest."

He still looked sad, so I stood in front of him. "Besides, even if you did upset me, why should you care?"

I remember he looked at me with those fantastic green eyes. "I do care. I hate to see people, especially a young lady, whose hearts have been scarred by an ill romance."

Holy smokes. He felt bad for me!

I touched his hand. "Richard... you don't have to feel bad. Really. I'm flattered that you'd actually care about what happened to me. But don't concern yourself with it. Ok?"

He touched my hand and I almost melted into a puddle. His hands are so strong but so soft, so sweet.

"If you say so, Sandy."

"Now come on. I thought you were gonna take me north for a great shrimp cocktail," I said with a smile.

This made a small smile appear on his face. "Ok, come on."

We set off on a three hour venture for the Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco. The whole time I was singing the theme from "Gilligan's Island" in my head. This was the first time I've been this long at sea, but I wasn't scared.

Every time I looked in his direction, Richard was getting more and more attractive. I don't know why. He just became very pleasing to look at. Then I started to fantasize about the two of us making love. I almost had to take a cold shower before I went ashore.

We had a lot of fun at dinner. More talking and laughing. God, he's so much fun to be around. One minute we're discussing serious issues like politics, then he breaks into his Stan Laural or W.C. Fields impression. I made him laugh with my world famous Charlie Chaplin "roll dance."

We leisurely strolled back to his boat. I remember that I was walking with my thumbs hooked inside my pockets. Then I felt his warm hand pull mine out of hiding and held on to it

Naturally, I started to smile like a fool.

He let go of my hand after a while so he could put his arm around my shoulder. He was probably reading my mind the entire night. I put my arm around his waist. I forgot how it felt to be this close to another warm body.

We boarded the boat and started back towards the south. I sat on the bridge with him as he steered us towards L.A. I wished the night wouldn't end too early. That was the first time since I broke up with Skeeter that I was having a good time. And enjoying the company of a man.

"Watch her for me, will ya?" he asked. "Just for a minute, I promise."

He left the wheel to me and he disappeared down below. After about 10 or 15 minutes he returned.

"Sandy darlin', shut her down for a while and come on down here."

I wasn't sure what he was up to. But I did what he asked. I went below to look for him, finding him in the bar.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I forgot to order champagne at the Wharf. Care to join me?"

Like I was going to say no?? He handed me a glass.

"Here's lookin' at you, kid," he said in his best Bogart style.

"Through the lips and passed the gums. Look out stomach, here it comes!" I joked.

We sipped the carbonated potion, then we sat down and talked some more.

"I hope you had fun tonight," he said.

"Oh, my God. I had so much fun. Probably more than I should have."

He smiled and sat there in a reclined position for a while, not saying a word. Then he broke the silence.

"Sandy," he began, "would it be alright if I... kissed you?"

I was stunned. He wanted to kiss me?

"Yeah," I said. "That'd be... alright."

His eyes never left mine as he leaned in towards me. I wanted to grab him and kiss him like those lovers do in the movies.

We closed our eyes as our lips met. It was a soft and simple kiss. A perfect first kiss. His hand caressed the side of my face.

"Your boyfriend was foolish," he said with a sly smile.

"I don't understand."

"After all those sweet kisses he got from you, he still gave you up?"

His fingers found their way into my hair, brushing it off of my forehead and behind my ears. I sat there and just looked at him, basking in all his handsomeness, as he got up to get us more champagne.

"Richard," I said.

"Yes, love?"

"Would it be alright if I... kissed you again?"

He stopped pouring and set the bottle down on the bar. "I was hopin' you would."

I slowly rose from my seat and walked over to him. He pulled me in close to him, the smell of his musky cologne sending my mind and soul into a tailspin. I wanted to be this close to him all night.

I ran my hands up the side of his face and through his slightly gray sideburns. I pulled his head down towards mine, touching his warm, wet lips with my own. I felt his mouth open a little, so I gently slid my tongue into his mouth. He made a quiet moan as my tongue kissed his.

When we stopped, he looked at me with fire in his eyes. I immediately began to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Richard. I couldn't help myself. I shouldn't have-"

"Shhhhh...." he said, putting his arms around me. "You did nothing wrong."

He leaned in and gave me another deep kiss, his hands sliding down to my ass. I remember getting warm all of the sudden.

"Oh, Sandy..." he sighed as he kissed my neck. "I want to please you... so very much..."

"Please me?" I asked softly.

With his head still buried in my neck, he replied, "I want to love you. Be near you. To hold you."

When he raised his head, I looked him dead in the eyes. "You want to make love to me? Why me? You can have any girl in the world. What do I have that they don't?"


As we gazed into each others eyes, I ran my fingers through his salt-and-pepper colored hair. Who was I kidding? I wanted him, too.

"Richard, how could I say no to you? After how sweet you've been to me."

We kissed each other again. Deeply. Passionately. He backed away from me, but still held my hands.

"Come with me," he beckoned.

He gently pulled me out of the bar and down the hallway. I knew where he was taking me and what he planned to do to me. Fear never entered my heart.

Finally, he pulled me into his bedroom, stopping at the side of the bed.

"Sandy, I..." he said nervously. "I don't want to push you into anything."

"You're not pushing me into anything. However... I want you to push something into me."

One side of his mouth raised, revealing a cute dimple. He smiled like a mischievous little boy as he leaned forward to kiss me again. I let him put his hands wherever he wanted, but he chose to hold me as he kissed me.

I backed away to get a better look at him. Then he took my hands and put them inside his open shirt on his bare chest. I recall my hands moving down to unbutton the only button that was holding his shirt closed. Then my hands ran up his naked chest and over his thick shoulders, sliding the shirt off. His upper body was really a sight to behold.

He looked deep into my eyes as he reached down and began pulling my sweatshirt up and over my head. With his eyes still locked with mine, his fingers tiptoed across my back as they untied my bikini top.

As he stepped closer, his hands slid up my waist to my back, coming to rest on my breasts. He bent down and kissed them, gently squeezing them with his lips. Skeeter never did that before.

Still standing close to me, he started to unbutton his shorts. I couldn't resist the temptation.

"Lemme watch," I pleaded.

"Watch? There's room enough for two to play."

Skeeter and I never engaged in any foreplay. When we wanted to have sex, we just quickly ripped our clothes off and got down to business. I was enjoying this new approach very much.

My hands reached down for his hands. His button was undone and he was now starting to unzip. He got the zipper about halfway down when his tool became visible. I couldn't stand it anymore. I extended my hand down inside his shorts, grabbing a hold of something hot and hard.

"Oh wow," I sighed.

He wiggled his way out of his shorts and stood close to me again. My hands started to massage his fleshy protrusion as he started to unlock my shorts. I still remember the way his hands felt as they slowly worked my shorts off. He was just as gentle as he took off my bikini bottoms.

"Your skin is so smooth," he commented as he planted kisses over my shoulders.

He must have liked what I was doing with my hands because he grunted a couple of times and threw his head back.

"You really know how to make a man feel good," he said with rapture in his voice.

"I haven't even started yet. Don't move."

I let his cock go and I started to kiss his chest all the way down to his waist. By now, I was on my knees in front of him.

"Ooohh, yeah," he sighed.

I playfully kissed around his hard hammer, watching him jump. Then I opened my mouth and fit his whole piece inside. Skeeter didn't like oral sex, but I did. I loved to give it and I loved to get it. Finally I found someone who thinks like me.

"Mmmmm..." he said as he grabbed my hair with both hands, letting his hands ride on my head as I went back and forth.

A few seconds later I stopped working him in my mouth, continuing with my hand.

"Do you like that, baby?" I asked.


"...Uh huh..." he said, rolling his head around. "Lemme do it to you."

I sat down on the edge of his bed as he kneeled in front of me. He pushed me backwards, slowly and seductively running his hand down my chest, stopping on my stomach.

"Yeah, Richard," I moaned, "please me...."

My body jumped as a tingle surged from between my legs to my head. I've never felt anyone's tongue move that fast before. He hit every spot just right. I think he could have made me come several times without even getting inside me, but that would have defeated the whole purpose.

"Richard.... I want you now!" I screamed.

"Yes, my love," he said as he stood up.

I'll never forget what happened next. He leaned over me, both hands planted right by my head. He stuck his tongue deep into my mouth and kissed me hard. When he stepped back, he took himself in his hands and rubbed his wand a couple of times. Then he stepped forward and pointed his cock at my pussy. I watched as he drove his hard muscle all the way inside me.

"Aaahaaa...." I moaned.

"This is what we both have been missin'" he panted with his eyes closed. "Physical love."

He knew that we both haven't been intimate for a long time, so he took his time. It didn't bother me because I like slow and deep anyway.

Every stoke he made brought enormous pleasure to both of us. We seemed to touch each other in all the right places.

"I'm.... gonna explode soon...." he gasped as he continued to thrill me.

"....Blow my mind, baby....." I huffed.

I could feel him get a little bit bigger, making him drill me harder. God that felt good!

"Get rough....yeah....yeah.....oh, Richard...."

He leaned forward, putting all his weight on his hands that were resting on my lower abdomen.

"I wanna....hit... your G-spot....ohhhhh....oooohhh..." he explained.

And that's exactly what he did. Once he hit that spot, I was high.


I never had a climax last that long. Before or since! It was unreal. He came about five minutes later, falling on top of me completely exhausted.

"...I'm never...gonna walk...again..." he said, trying to catch his breath.

"....That was...incredible....." I huffed.

He looked at me and said, "You....were incredible."

We just laid there for the longest time, naked and together. I remember us still touching and caressing long after we made love. It was the most meaningful sexual experience I ever had.

A few hours later, he got dressed and went to the bridge. It was time to go home.


Richard and I continued to see each other for the rest of that summer. I'll remember that summer for as long as I live.

He started work again that fall, filling up most of his schedule. And I went into the police academy that September, leaving almost no time for us. We both agreed to go our separate ways, even though it killed us both to let go.

We kept in touch even though we hardly saw one another. Thank God for the postal service. In one letter, he told me that he'd come up with a way to tell me he was thinking of me while on the air. Ever see him play with or twist his pinky ring? Well, that was for me.

He told me that he met a girl in one of his last letters. They met on his show and they seemed to hit it off really well. I wrote back and said that I was happy for him, which I truly was. As a matter of fact, I got an invitation to their wedding the other day. I don't know if I'll go. Probably not. I want to remember him just how he was; with me, way back when.

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 26 August 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com