~*~Man At Work~*~




If you have an inground swimming pool, you need a patio, right? Naturally. And if you have a patio, you need a bar... well, if you're me you'd need a bar. I do a lot of entertaining at my place. I don't do it all the time, but I usually throw a few roaring parties every year. Lately, all my friends have taken a liking to my new pool, so I figured why not put a bar out back?

One of my dear friends, T.J., gave me the number of a firm that specializes in outdoor carpentry and deck making. I figured getting an estimate wouldn't hurt, so I gave the place a call.

Now, before I go on, let me just say that I've always believed in love at first sight. Love has a habit of popping up when you least expect it. That's exactly what happened to me. I'd been single for almost a year and a half, and I wasn't looking for companionship just yet. I was actually enjoying time alone.

Anyways, the man on the phone said he could come over that afternoon and give me an estimate. He came and took measurements of the deck and asked if I wanted any custom work done like a hand carved bar top. I said no, so we concluded our business and he said that he'd send a carpenter over the following week to start on the project.

Tuesday morning came out of nowhere. Today's the day the carpenter starts the bar and I couldn't wait until it was finished so I could stock it.

My dream was broken by the ringing of the doorbell. I answered it, and before me stood the most handsome, well-constructed, gorgeous man I'd ever seen. He was standing there carrying a tool box in one hand and a circular saw in the other. I could just make out the outline of his chest under his tight white t-shirt. I hoped I wasn't drooling all over.

"Hello," he said, his voice kissed with an accent, "are you the lady who wanted a bar built?"

Earth to Adrienne, answer him!!

"Yes, I am," I smiled back. At least, I think I was smiling. "Come on in." I opened the door and let him inside.

"Wow," he said as he looked around, "nice place."


About 45 minutes went by and already the carpenter had a base made. I was watching from inside the house, through the French doors that opened onto the deck. But I couldn't stop looking at him. My God, he was beautiful. I knew I'd never forgive myself if I didn't at least go out there and try to talk to him, so I got up and went outside.

"Wow, you're fast," I said. He looked up at me and smiled a smile that would have melted the coldest snow off of any mountain.

"Thank you," he answered. "It doesn't look like much now, but it'll take shape."

You have got to have the cutest British accent in the world.

"Oh, yeah. I have every bit of confidence that you'll make it look good." Again he smiled. "My name's Adrienne. What's yours?"

He stood up and took my hand. "Richard." He squeezed my hand so gentle, I almost cried.

"Nice to know you, Richard. Hey, it's a little hot out here, would you like a drink or something?"

"A glass of water would be nice, please."

"I'll be back in a second." I walked back into the house and into the kitchen. As I dropped a handful of ice cubes into a tall glass, I watched him from the window. My timing could not have been better. He was kneeling down next to some pine boards and then stood up and slowly peeled his shirt off over his head, messing up some of his brown hair.

Oh, God. Don't look. I know he looks good, but don't look!! You don't need it!

But I didn't listen to myself. His body was perfectly tanned and nicely toned. My eyes wouldn't leave his body, but I managed to fill the glass with water and go back outside.

"Here you go," I said, handing him the glass. He smiled and took it, thanking me, and raised it to his lips and swallowed a few gulps. Some of the liquid spilled over the top and dribbled down his chin and headed down his neck. And boy, was my blood getting warmer. Watching the water trickle down his neck, I envied the water, wishing I was a little droplet wading in that notch just below his Adam's apple.

"Sorry," he says as he wipes the water from his chin, "I'm a little sloppy when I drink."

"That's alright. You don't have to apologize. You've been working hard and you’re thirsty."

He smiled. "Working hard, or hardly working?" He continued to sip the water.

"Working hard. I've been watching you."

Richard looked me dead in the eyes and grinned. "I know." He was close enough to me now that I could see the beautiful and mysterious grayish green of his eyes. Chinese jade should take a lesson on how to look as beautiful.

"I'm sorry," I said, dropping my eyes to the ground.

"Don't be. I should be sorry."

"Why? You didn't do anything."

He looked at his feet, then back up at me. "I could see you in the kitchen watching me, so I took my shirt off."

My ears got warm in a great big hurry. A smile crossed my lips and I said, "Oh, so you wanted to torture me, huh? Ok, I see the kind of guy you are. A tease." Both of us started laughing.

"I don't normally do that. I really shouldn't have. Your husband won't-"

"Oh, I'm not married."

His eyes got a little happier. "You're not? How come?"

"Because I've been busy dating several Mr. Wrong's."

"Mr. Wrong. Isn't he a Chinese bookie?" A sense of humor. I like it. He handed the empty glass to me and touched my hand. He looked in my eyes and said very sweetly, "Thank you for the water."

"My pleasure." Indeed it was.

The whole day flew by and before I knew it, it was 5:00 and quitting time. I was inside reading when Richard came through with his tools.

"Well, I'm done for today. I'll be back around 9 tomorrow to continue."

"Ok. Guess I'll see you then." He headed for the door, but stopped and turned towards me again.

"Adrienne, I hope you don't think of me as being to pushy or forward, but I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime, you know, for a drink or something? If you don't want to, I completely understand. It's just that an attractive lady like you shouldn't be lonely on Saturday nights."

I couldn't believe it. This gorgeous hunk of a man who was standing a few feet from me just asked me out for a date.

"Sure. That sounds like fun." He smiled and headed for the door again.

"Ok. See ya tomorrow."

All that night, I couldn't sleep. I'd close my eyes and all I'd see were his piercing green eyes and his handsome face. This is not what I wanted to happen. I didn't want to fall in love yet. I wasn't ready, but if the saying 'God is love' is true, then you're going to fall in love no matter what. I've never questioned The Big Guy's authority before and I wasn't about to start now. I kept asking Him, 'Is it real? Am I in love? Or is this just a crush?' I never got an answer, but at least I finally fell asleep.

Well, the week went by and Richard was just finishing up with some varnishing on the bar. It looked nice from what I could see of it from the kitchen. After he was finished with the varnishing, he said he'd build me a small bookshelf for my room. I had asked him during the week if he could make me one, nothing fancy, and he said it shouldn't take him long.

We got to know each other pretty well during the five days he was working at my place. I found out that he's from England and moved to the States when he was quite young. He said he used to box a little bit when he was in the Merchant Marines. I should have been able to figure that from his build; not too tall, his body's not chiseled but it's thick and wonderful, and his hands are strong but he credits carpentry for that. Truthfully, I didn't care where he was from or what he used to do, I was just happy that we met.

I was in the den writing when Richard came in. "Adrienne," he said, making my name sound sexy in his accent, "I'm all finished with the bar. Do you wanna come out and take a look?"

"Finished? You're fast."

"No," he laughed, "just lucky." He waited by the door for me and we walked out to the patio together.

I walked around my new bar. "Wow. This is nice!"

"I hope it meets your expectations." I opened the doors under the counter top and found the wine rack.

"Wow, I've been needing one of those. Thanks!"

"You're welcome."

I was impressed. "Richard, this is fantastic. It's just what I wanted."


"Yeah. I entertain a lot of people, and they all like my pool, so this will definitely make it easier."

He looked down at his boots. "I wish I were one of them."

I sensed a little melancholy in his voice. I got a little closer to him and said, "One of who, Richard?"

He looked back up at me like a little boy who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to say that out loud."

"It's ok. What did you say?" I asked gently.

His face shown signs of defeat and seriousness. "Adrienne, I... oh, nevermind. I can't." He tossed his hammer into his tool box and ran his hand through his hair.

"Can't what?" I pressed. He looked at me with sadness and regret in his eyes that could've killed me.

"I wanted to tell you that I... enjoyed getting to know you." There was obviously more he wanted to say.

"I enjoyed it, too," I said. I walked over in front of him and took his hands in mine. "Richard, please tell me what's on your mind." He gazed into my eyes and inhaled deeply. "I hope you know you can trust me."

He didn't say anything at first, but he finally relented. "I think I'm falling in love with you."

Thank you, God. This was the answer I was praying for.

"Falling in love with me?"

He squeezed my hands tenderly. "Yes. I haven't been thinking of anyone but you since we met. And when you said you weren't married, my heart almost exploded. I was thrilled that I might have a chance to... make you forget about all those Mr. Wrongs you've been seeing."

I don't remember if I was smiling or doing cartwheels or what. "So," I said with a grin, "you think you could be Mr. Right?"

He smirked and said, "Well, I'd like to find out." By now, I was sinking into those misty green pools and loving every second of it. Suddenly, he said, "Damn, I almost forgot about that bookshelf you wanted. Can you show me where you want it? I wanna measure the area." This quick shift of thought almost made me sea-sick, but I took him inside and showed him upstairs to my bedroom.

"Against this wall here. Nothing big, just something to put my books on", I said. He pulled out his tape measure and knelt down to mark out an area. I couldn't stand it anymore. I'd been struggling with the demon of loneliness long enough and I was ready to slay it once and for all. "On second thought, forget it."

"Wrong spot?" he asked.

"No. I changed my mind. I don't want the bookshelf."

Thinking I was maybe needing a different piece of furniture, he asked, "You want something else maybe? An end table-"

Here it comes. "No," I said. "You." Immediately, his eyes flashed and then glazed over with confusion.

"Come again?'

"I said I want you."

"You want me?"

"Yes." He stood up slowly and walked towards me.

"But, I don't understand. You seem like a woman who could grab up any rich banker or lawyer she wants. What could you possibly see in me?"

"They wouldn't be as interesting or as handsome as you. And their money wouldn't buy happiness."

He slowly walked over to the edge of my bed and sat down. "Well, with the money I make, I don't think I could buy you much of anything."

"Richard, that's ok. I don't need material things to know if you love me." Now I was getting nervous and beginning to pace. "Richard, when you came through my front door, I looked at you and I said, 'This is the man for me.' You said yourself that you wouldn't mind finding out if you're Mr. Right. You asked for a chance and I'll give it to you. Please take it."

He smiled and said, "You mean, you'd let a lowly carpenter take a chance with you?"

"Richard, carpenters are not 'lowly'. There was a carpenter once who went on to do great things, like heal the sick and feed the hungry."

"You're right," he said with a laugh, still looking at his feet. "If that fella can do that, do you think this carpenter could fix a lonely heart?" I took his arms and pulled him up to me slowly.

"No," I said, "but I think he could build me a happy one from scratch." My hands slid around his waist until they met behind him. His soft fingers touched my hair and caressed my cheek as his lips curled into a smile.

Suddenly, his eyes got wider and he said, "Uh, I don't think you ought to touch me."

"Why not?" I'm getting a little nervous again. Oh, God, I hope he's not gay...

"I'm all dirty. And I don't think I smell good either. I mean, I've been sweating all day-"

I was relieved. He is attracted to me... YES! I let him go and took off his tool belt and said, "So go take a shower."


I started to giggle. "Unless you want me to hose you off outside." He laughed loudly.

"No, no. I'll... go take a shower." He started heading for my bedroom door.

"Where are you going? The shower's in there."

He came back over to me and put his hands on my arms. "I've got a change of clothes in the truck. I'll be right back."


He licked his lips and stepped closer to me, closer than he's ever been before. "Yes, I promise." We leaned into each other slowly and kissed. It was the sweetest kiss I ever got. We retreated from each other for a split second, then pressed lips again, this time with a little more fire. "I'll be back, darling." He let me go and walked out.

I know I haven't been a perfect soul, but please give me knowledge so I can make this relationship work...

Richard ran the whole way out of the house, and all the way back up to my room, carrying with him a small duffle bag. "See? Just like I promised."

I smiled as I sauntered over to him. "And not a moment too soon." He lovingly reached out for me and pulled me into him tightly. I was his prisoner now and had nowhere run. He lowered his pedal-soft lips to kiss me again and I stroked his sideburns as our mouths gently caressed each other. I had the urge to rip his clothes off and throw him on the ground and do him right there.

"Now," he said as we kissed, "where's your washroom again?"

"Over there." His hands left my waist and started to pull his shirt over his head. As his shirt went up, I held him close to me, letting the heat of his body transfer to mine. "Oh, wow. You're warm."

He smiled. "I wonder why." I began kissing his neck and his chest with an urgency that I've never felt before. His skin was sour from perspiration, but being a salt-aholic, it was an extra treat. "Please, Adrienne. I've got to wash up."

"Oh, alright," I said with a smile. I let him go and he walked into the bathroom, but just as he went in, he stuck his head out.

"Care to join me?" he asked. I was a bit surprised.

"In there?"

"Yes, in there," he mocked. "I need someone to make sure I wash my elbows and behind my ears."

I gave him a playful 'scolding' look. "This means I'm going to have to get naked, doesn't it?"

Richard smiled wide and shook his head. "Very naked." By now, he was walking towards me and watching me.

"Come here, you," I said. "Help my out of my overalls." His hands reached forward and, one at a time, he disconnected the straps of my bib overalls. As he worked on my pants, I worked on his, unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning him and sliding his pants down. He pushed mine down passed my hips and let them drop to the floor. I held both my arms up and he pulled my yellow t-shirt over my head. His eyes never left mine the whole time. Richard pulled me close to him so he could unhook my bra and take it off, his eyes still watching me. I could feel his cock getting harder as we stood holding each other, needless to say, pleasantly surprising me.

"I've never taken a shower with a woman before," he said softly.

I laughed. "That's funny. Neither have I." My hands wandered around his waist again as my fingers took a detour south and into the back of his shorts. I could feel his warm, smooth backside tensing with every pass of my hands. Slowly and carefully, I eased his shorts down to the floor, feeling is burning cock brush between my breasts as I stood up. I took my panties off and tossed them aside. He took my hands and walked backwards to the bathroom, leading me into what I was certain was going to be a pleasure pit any moment.

I opened the glass shower door and we both stepped inside. I asked, "You want it hot or warm?"

"Warm," he answered back. "I have a feeling we'll make it hot enough in here."

I laughed and turned the knobs to get the water flowing. He pressed his body against my back and rested his hands on the wall in front of us, kissing my neck and shoulders softly as the water showered us and saturated us completely. I wonder if Adonis was ever this sexually pleasing to the eye.....

He moved himself in front and leaned against the tiled wall so he faced me, some of the water drizzling over his incredibly tanned body. I leaned up against him as he brushed his hair back and I hugged him, letting my mouth suckle and nibble on his lips, then moved slowly down to his neck. It felt so good to feel him hold me, one hand on the back of my head and the other on my ass. His sighs were driving me insane.

"Love me all the way down, darlin'," he pleaded.

I looked at his face and he moved some of my hair out of my eyes so he could kiss me. His tongue, so soft and smooth, felt good in my mouth. My fingers teased his nipples as I rubbed his solid chest. As his lips released me, I started down his chest, kissing every inch of it. He no longer tasted bitter, instead exchanging that flavor for a more pleasing tang of sweetness. Oh, I could have devoured him.

I held his hips as I lowered myself to my knees. My eyes raised to meet his and my hands moved up onto his stomach as far as I could reach. I kissed around his piece, teasing him enough to make him moan. And all at once I took him full into my mouth, shoving every inch of him inside until I though I'd choke. My entire mouth grew hungry for his cock the second I took him in. My tongue massaged him while my teeth grazed him. As I worked him, I continued to stroke his abdomen, clawing at it occasionally to make his muscles tighten. I looked up as far as I could and saw the water cascading down his chest; dripping deliciously off his rock hard nipples, to his stomach, to his hips, to his thighs and to his knees. Something about the water glazing his lips excited me. His head was tipped back against the wall, his eyes shut tightly, his teeth clenched together and his upper lip was raised on one side. He lifted a hand and ran it through his soaked hair while the other rested on my head.

"Oooh, God," he moaned. His body rocked towards me as I continued pleasuring him. I thought that just listening to him groan was going to make me come without him laying a finger on me. My hands wandered up and down his stomach and over his thighs. I looked up at him as I slowed down my motions, finally giving him one last stroke as I backed him out of my mouth. My tongue came out and licked the full length of his hard shaft once more before I stood up.

"You've worked so hard today, Richard," I said. "Relax."

"But I can still work a little harder," he said as his fingers slowly stroked down my belly and touched between my legs. Only if electric shocks felt this good! He touched me soft and gentle, just the way I like it. I thought I was going to spontaneously combust as his fingers slipped over my clit. I remember tossing my head back and bringing my right leg up to his hip as he slid his fingers inside me. I grabbed his shoulders and held on as he stroked me with a gentle, steady rhythm, the likes of which I've never known.

"Yes," I moaned as I squeezed his shoulders. "Work me..."

"You've starved for so long," he said as his fingers probed me a little deeper. "Let me save you." He backed up towards the tiled shower bench, pulling me with him. He retrieved his fingers from me and looked me in the eyes as he licked them. I pushed him down onto the bench and stood in front of him, running my hands through his hair. Richard closed his eyes and smiled as I moved his head about gently. I carefully dropped his head back as I straddled his lap, kneeling over him. Slowly his eyes opened.

"Save me," I whispered. I moved in to lick his lips and kiss him deeply. His hands caressed my back and shoulders as he gladly received my tongue. I closed my eyes as his hands dropped down and gripped my hips and with a gentle grace, guided me down onto his hard muscle. He was hot with an unshakable wanting and need for me. At first, I thought he was going to be too big for me, but as I started to oscillate over him, I found that my body would make room for him.

"Let me drown in your sea of ecstasy," he said as he kissed me hard. I pulled his hands up from my hips and set them on my breasts, letting him rub them and tease them however he wanted. He quickly broke off kissing my mouth and began kissing my breasts, suckling them and biting them playfully.

"Richard," I growled as he buried his face in my chest. I grabbed two handfuls of his hair and rested my cheek on the top of his head, letting my body ride his a little faster. I could hear him moaning and grunting with excitement.

"You feel so good," he said breathlessly. "Don't quit."

"Never," I answered. His hands descended to my hips again, but his thumbs searched out my clit again and massaged it. All of the sudden, my legs tensed up and an explosion of pleasure ripped through my body like a suicide bomb, flowing from my body to his and making his hot liquids shoot deep within me.

Gasping for breath, we looked at one another with the fire still burning in our eyes. I slowly dismounted and stood up, Richard standing up as well. Neither one of us were totally spent yet.

He positioned himself behind me and whispered in my ear, "One more time." I smiled at him from over my shoulder as I knelt on the bench. His arms came around me as he kissed my neck and my ear. Slowly and gently, I could feel him slide inside my body again, this time letting him do the work. I couldn't utter a sound as his hands left my hips and cradled my breasts with such a delicate touch. As he drove deeper inside, his face came to rest on my shoulder, his lips kissing my neck.

"Oh, yeah," he howled as he slid his hands over my back. I could tell by his voice that he liked the feel of my body. He snapped his hips forward sharply, bouncing off my ass as he drilled.

Like a prizefighter's hook from the shadows, Richard sent me over the edge into that wonderful abyss of rapture. My body shook and quaked as I was swept up in this pleasure undercurrent. He wasn't too far behind. As I continued to draw on him, he ruptured inside me, his cock spilling over yet again. Both of us yelled with the feeling.

As he leaned forward and rested on my back, Richard said, "Wow." He sealed his words with a few kisses up and down my spine.

It's been almost eight months since we met, and Richard and I are still together. Would you believe that this is the longest relationship I've had? It's the first time in my life that I've felt needed by someone. And it's not just purely a sexual need either. He really cares for me, and I'm not just saying that. He's always right there if I need someone to talk to, or if I need to, I can cry on his shoulder. And he knows I'm right there for him, too. I'd drop whatever I was doing if he needed me to hold him for a while. We don't live together yet, but we know that in time we could build ourselves a home of our own. Talk about a construction project....

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 22 October 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com