~*~Whipped Cream And Other Tasty Delights~*~





Are you ready for a kinky story? This one will knock your socks off.

Before I jump right into the good stuff, let me explain how everything started. I just graduated from Drake University with a degree in television production and moved out to L.A. to get my feet wet. There was an opening for a production assistant at CBS in Television City. I flew out for the interview and was hired on the spot. Being cute has its advantages.

My job was working as an assistant to the actors on "Hogan's Heroes." I watched that show a few times and thought it was pretty funny, so I went into the job with an eager, open mind. And the fact that the show was loaded with extremely good looking men had absolutely nothing to do with it. Sure. Like you're going to believe that.

I instantly took a liking to Richard Dawson when we were introduced. Very warm and engaging. Easy going, intelligent and a wit that's faster than lightning. What's not to love?

After about a year, I became good friends with just about everyone in the crew as well as the cast. I requested that I remain on the permanent crew and, lucky for me, they kept me. But Richard and I became close friends. Real close. He used to take me along on his coffee break or we'd sit for hours and chat in his dressing room. We gained each others trust and felt safe enough to confide in one another completely. Truthfully, I was starting to develop an intense crush on him. Couldn't think of anything but him for a while. He was the first thing on my mind when I woke up, and the last thing on my mind before I fell asleep. Then one day, I don't know what provoked it, he started to kiss me hello and goodbye on the cheek. Get this: he said it was an English custom. Now I feel horrible about the Boston Tea Party.

One particular evening after the show, we went out to dinner. I thought it was strange that a popular star would take a crew member out. He told me that he saw no difference between us in the workplace and we should be free to do as we feel. Isn't he sweet?

Ready? This is where it gets good....

Richard and I had spent most of a Saturday morning at a party over at Bob Crane's house. No particular reason, he just wanted to get everyone together and hang around. It was an extremely casual affair, so I wore my new black Capri pants with my white button up shirt that I tied in a knot at the bottom, and sandals.

Have you ever seen Richard dressed down? You know how sexy he looks in that blue uniform, right? He wore a pair of snug white jeans, black shoes and a black sweater and let me tell you, the sight of him dressed like that could melt the snow off the Himalayas.

We spent the entire afternoon at his place, just talking and doing nothing. He showed me a photo album with pictures of his parents, his adorable sons and other significant people in his life. He said he felt bad because he didn't have a picture of me.

Then out of the blue he asks, "Do you like sundaes?"

"Sure do." Now I was asking myself 'why?'

"I got an idea. Why don't... you and I make a hot fudge sundae?"


He took me into the kitchen and we made a really large chocolate sundae. And a really big mess. We took our culinary creation to the dining room and sat down to eat it.

"I've been meaning to ask you. What does your boyfriend say about us hanging out together?"

I smiled and said, "Nothing, because he doesn't exist. I'm single."

A look of disbelief invaded his face. "What? A charming girl like you has no boyfriend?"

"That's right."

His eyes couldn't hide the fact that he was plotting something. "So let me go out on a limb here. What do you think are my chances of getting you to go out on a date with me?"

Um, did you say you and I?

I decided to be cute and joke with him, so I leaned in and said, "Our chances are so slim, Newkirk could use them to pick locks with."

He laughed a little, but I could see that what I said hurt him. "Richard, I was only kidding. Come on."

He smiled and picked at the sundae. I noticed that for the past week or so he's been quiet and not as sociable and crazy like he usually is. "Richard, is there something bothering you?"

He looked a little uncomfortable. "You know you can tell me," I said.

A nervous giggle came out of his face. "I wouldn't say anything's 'bothering' me. Just... something on my mind. That's all."

"Yeah? Like what?"

He looked at me and said very sweetly, "You."


"Yeah." He slid his hand across the table and gingerly set it on mine. "Since you started working on the show, I've been finding it hard to... concentrate. I've been paying more attention to you than my work."

This threw me into another dimension. I looked at his hand and gradually lifted my eyes to his face. "Are you saying that you... like me a little?"

"No." His hand tightened around mine. "I'm saying I like you a lot."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I quickly looked away from him and down to the floor.

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything," he said. "Damn it."

"No, no." This opened the window of opportunity for me to tell him how I felt about him. "Wanna know something?" I leaned in closer to him and motioned for him to do the same. "I like you, too."

A smile slowly found its way onto his lips. "No kidding?"

"No kidding," I said.

Finally he started to relax. "I've just been worried that, since my divorce, I'd never date again. But then you came along and my hopes rose. Things didn't look so bleak anymore." He looked down at the ice cream and picked up the cherry by the stem. "Here," he said, trying to be goofy. "A token of my affection."

He held it up in front of my face as I leaned in and bit it. "You don't like cherries?" I asked.

"I can take 'em or leave 'em." He started to laugh and point at me. "You got some stuff on your face." He touched my face and took some of the whipped cream off, holding his finger to my lips. "You're so sloppy."

I looked in his eyes as I let him stick his cream covered fingertip in my mouth. I couldn't tell what was sweeter, the cream or him. He watched me as he pulled his finger back out. "Was that yummy?"

I was feeling very aroused, so I slowly answered, "Uh huh."

He laughed and said, "You've still got some on the corner of your mouth. You manage to look good in anything you eat."

I backed away from his hand and smiled and said, "Come here and... lick it off."

Immediately he stopped laughing. "Serious?"

Oh, this was gonna be sweet. I motioned him to me with my finger. "Very... serious."

He smiled as he moved in closer. His tongue moved steadily as it lapped up the whipped cream. He backed away and I saw the gob of sweet stuff on his tongue.

"On second thought," I said, "I want it back."

I licked my lips and slowly let my tongue reach forward to taste the cream. His smooth tongue smooshed the white foam onto mine, rubbing it around and turning me on like a light switch. He slowly pulled his tongue out of my mouth and kissed my lips.

"I've been wanting to do that for a long, long time," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

I recall looking into those misty green eyes that seemed to draw me deeper inside his soul. "I won't stop you from doing it again," I said.

"Hold that thought, love. I'll be right back." He got up and disappeared into the kitchen, only to return with the bottle of whipped cream and some hot fudge. Pulling a chair up close to mine, he poured a small dab of hot syrup on his finger and licked it.

"Mmmm," he said. "You want some?"

Watching him lick his finger was making me hot. "Yeah."

He poured some more onto the same finger and raised it to my lips. I stuck my tongue out and licked a little of the chocolate off, then I closed my lips around his finger and sucked the rest off.

"For some reason, Richard, this stuff tastes better on you."

"Want a little more, love?" He took the syrup bottle, looking like he was going to drink from it, and drizzled some of the sticky stuff into his mouth. Then he pulled me to him and kissed me hard.

I wanted to hold him there forever and never let him go. My hand found its way onto the back of his head, stroking his hair. I pulled him closer to me until-

"Uh oh..." I said as fell off of my chair, pulling him down on top of me as we landed on the floor. We both started laughing.

"Are you ok?" he asked.


He quickly backed off of me and rested on his knees, but I wanted him to be close to me. I tugged lightly on his sweater. "I got a boo-boo on my lip."

"Aww. Want me to kiss it and make it all better?"

What do you think?

I shook my head 'yes' as he lowered himself down onto me again and I put my arms around him. I loved the feel of his thick body on mine. I pulled his face down so I could kiss him again. I opened his mouth with my tongue, slowly and deeply tasting the traces of chocolate inside.

"I don't know about you," he said, "but I'm getting warm."

I offered a suggestion. "Why don't you... take that shirt off."

"Good idea."

He let me lift the shirt up about half way, then he removed it from there. My hands were lost in exploration of his chest.

"Richard... you are so amazing."

Without warning he rolled over on his back, putting me on top of him. "You ain't seen nothing yet."

I chuckled as he pulled me down for another round of lip service. "Why don't you get that bottle of whipped cream from the table."

This was a little strange. "What?"

He didn't have to tell me. I could see it in his eyes as he shrugged his eyebrows. I smiled as I sat up and grabbed the whipped cream.

"Put it anywhere you want, baby."

This was like handing a box of matches to a pyromaniac! I leaned off to one side and squirted some of the sweet stuff on the center of his chest.

"Ah! It's cold!" he yells as he laughs.

I quickly buried my lips in the cream and let my mouth and tongue kiss his chest, making him squirm.

"Mmmmm..." he said. "Yeeeah, baby."

I stopped licking his chest to look into his eyes, then I filled my mouth with some of the cream and proceeded towards his mouth. He leaned his head up as far as he could and pulled me down to him, opening my mouth to feed him like a mother bird to her chick. Our tongues sloshed around in a sensuous cream bath as some of it spilled out onto our faces, but his hands held my face firmly to his. I could do nothing except rest my forearms around his head and tangle my fingers in his hair.

"Richard," I asked between kisses, "do you realize how dirty we're getting?"

"Yeah," he said. "So much for good clean fun, huh?" My cream covered mouth began planting sticky kisses down his neck. I made him moan a couple of times, even had him growling my name.

"Erin," he said seriously. "I want to get even dirtier. Right now."

"Do you have any idea what you're asking for, Rich?"


I got up to my knees and started to unbutton my shirt as fast as I could. He sat up and snuck his hands up from underneath and unhitched my bra. Once my shirt was undone, he opened it and slipped it off along with my bra. He smiled as he held me close and rolled my onto my back.

"My turn." He reached over and picked up the whipped cream can and decorated my nipples with it, covering them with a thick layer of sweet cream. He looked me dead in the eyes as his tongue tasted the cream before devouring it all and gently clamping my nipples between his lips.

"Oooh, wow," I sighed as I held his head to my chest.

"How does that feel?"

I brought his face up to mine, licking and kissing the whipped cream off of his face. "Very, very good."

I picked up the cream bottle and I could feel his hands rubbing down my sides and holding my hips. "I want you, Erin. I can't wait."

He slowly drew back and helped my to my feet. He picked me up in his arms and walked down the hall to the master bedroom. I thought for sure he wanted to make love on the bed, but he surprised me and went into the bathroom. As he set me down on my feet, I sprayed him with the cream.

"Aw, yeah," he growled. "Lather me up."

We both laughed as I drew a long white line down to his belt. He sighed with pleasure as I licked it off. As I looked at his belt buckle, a marvelous idea hit me.

"Unbuckle yourself, Richard."

His hands scrambled to obey, opening his belt and his pants. I slid his pants and shorts down to the floor.

"Ooohh..." he laughed. "I think I know what's comin'."

"Hopefully if I do this right," I said, "we'll both be coming."

I could feel his hands resting on my head as he waited for me to suck him. I opened my mouth wide so I could fit him and the cream in my mouth at the same time. This was just too sweet.

"Awww, yeah..." he groaned. "Suck all that sweetness off... oohh... that's it."

I was really enjoying this. I let his sugary cock slide all the way into the back of my throat.

"Do you like that lollipop?" he asked with pleasure in his voice. My answer was 'yes,' but it was muffled.

I stopped sucking him and stood up again. He kissed me deeply as he reached for the whipped cream. "Bend over," he said.

I laughed as I bent over in front of the sink. He shook the can and emptied some of the sweet foam onto his hand, then he rubbed it on my ass.


"I always thought you had a sweet ass." He poured more stuff onto me, rubbing it slowly in circles and breaking up the pattern with a few firm and arousing spankings. By now some of the cream was slipping down and collecting in a very strategic place. He could see this happening and took it upon himself to add even more, so he put some on his hand and worked it down towards my pussy. I could feel him sliding his fingers near my clit and teasing me.

"Ooh, you look so sweet. Let me taste you."

He got down on his knees and began licking the cream from between my legs. His tongue lapped up the sweet stuff and satisfied me at the same time as his hands held my hips.

"I love your flavor, Erin," he muttered.

My hands were gripping the edge of the vanity very tightly. I don't think he knew how good he was making me feel. My moans of delight were getting louder.

"Are you ready?" he asked as he stood up.

"God, yes..."

He rested his hands on my hips and sunk his hard cock into me as deep as he could. Both of us moaned with pleasure.

"Aaahh... you feel good... and tight..." he said as he began my internal rubdown.

"Ooh, yes... rock me, sugar daddy...."

We were on fire. I've never been this hot for a man before or since. I looked at him in the mirror over the sink. He looked so fine; his eyes were closed so tight that he was squinting, his head was tipped back slightly and he was biting his bottom lip. And I was making him look like that.

"...That's right... oh, yeah.... come on..." I moaned.

"....Don't worry, love... it'll come... and when it does... hold on..."

I was still watching him in the mirror. He looked so passionate and sexy as he bounced back and forth behind me. Once he even closed his eyes and opened his mouth as he stroked.


We barely said anything as we had the absolute greatest sex in the world. We panted like dogs until I saw him look at me in the mirror.

"Mmm..." he moaned.

"That's it.... yeah.... oh, yeah.... give it to me...."

His hand slid down and around my hip to the front and rubbed my clit around with his fingers as he thrust harder and deeper than before.

"I wanna... make you scream, baby... aahhh..."

Well, I did. As he continued to thrust harder I could feel myself constricting around his organ, beginning my unbelievable orgasm. He could feel it, too, and let himself come. I watched his face in the mirror as he came, somehow heightening my climax. I never knew a man who could control his climax like Richard. He wasn't going to come until I did because he wanted us to feel that incredible release together. Isn't he a nice?

"Oooh....oh, my God...." I sighed. "That was...."

"Fantastic. Whoa...."

He leaned forward and kissed my back until I turned around and put my arms around his neck. I kissed the sweat off of his chest as his head rested on my shoulder. Then he pulled me very close to him.

"You know what?"


He smiled and said, "I've never tasted whipped cream that sweet before."

I kissed him once more on the lips and we both headed for the shower.


Kinky, huh?

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 09 September 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com