~*~The Vampire: A Lust For Blood~*~



Bel Air, California is where the rich and famous like to play. It's got everything; shopping, health spas, country clubs. If you live here, you have to have money in order to be considered "human." Sometimes, maybe the residents aren't human at all.

Brandy wasn't a resident of this prestigious society, and she had no desire to be. Her job is the only thing keeping her here. She works for a Hollywood gossip writer as an "investigative reporter," finding out who is doing what with another famous who and where. But in her spare time, she's delving into another investigation.

Everyday, on her way to work, Brandy drives through Laural Canyon and looks up at this fantastic gothic style house sitting high atop a cliff. She's heard stories from local people that one man lives there alone. Some say he's an eccentric, others claim he's not even a man at all. No one ever sees him during the day, but he's been seen wandering downtown at night. Many young people say that they've seen him at some of the clubs.

Using this information, she decides to conduct her own stake-out. One night after work, she heads home to change her clothes and then to the Canyon.

"11:35 p.m. Still no sign of him. Maybe he's not home."

Then, in her peripheral vision, she sees a shadowy figure coming down from the house. It's a middle-aged man, wearing sunglasses and dressed in the latest fashions with a medieval flare. She waits for him to get a few hundred feet away before she leaves her car and pursues him on foot.

She follows him into Bel Air's nightclub district, almost losing him in the crowd. He heads into a goth club called "The Dungeon", with Brandy not far behind.

Once inside, he seemed to have disappeared. She stands near the entrance looking around carefully for him. Her eyes find him sitting at the bar.

She carefully and quietly gets next to him, and orders a drink. Without looking up, he speaks to her.

"You've been following me," says the dark and mysterious man.

She turns her head to look at the man. "I'm sorry?"

Slowly, he turns his face towards her. He struck fear into her without taking off his sunglasses or raising his voice.

"Why were you following me? Did you want something?"


"Are you sure?"

"...Well... I was just curious."

"About what?"

"....I've driven passed your house several times, and... well... I wasn't sure if anyone lived there."

A smile slowly curls onto his face. "Yes, someone lives there."

She doesn't know it, but his eyes are examining her body from behind his dark glasses. He's plotting and thinking.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he says. "My name is Richard."

She extends her hand, "I'm Brandy."

He takes her hand gently and brings it to his lips, kissing her hand like a prince would to do to a young maiden.

"Indeed," he says, pressing her flesh to his lips. "You are just as sweet."

She's surprised that someone who frequents this kind of club has an elegant demeanor.


"Tell me true, Brandy," he says, "why did you follow me here?"

"I told you," she begins, "I wanted to find out-"

"Who I was?"


Another smile surfaces. "Are you impressed by what you see? Look around, for all around us is who I am."

Brandy looks around the dark medieval interior with a disturbed look on her face. There are people dancing in the center of the floor, other people are making out in the corridors.

"You don't seem to fit in," she says.

"I don't fit in anywhere. I don't want to. None of us do."

"Us? Who's 'us'?"


She smiles, not believing one thing he said. "You expect me to believe that? A bunch of you run around town, dressed like Bela Lugosi and bite peoples necks? I bet you sleep in a coffin, right?"

"You're half right," he says with a smile. "Come. I will show you. You needn't be afraid. I won't hurt you."

He stands up and escorts Brandy to the door. Richard walks her through the throng of people on the sidewalk.

Now that they're outside, she can get a better look at him. His hair is brown and wavy, cut short all over with brown sideburns that stretched down to his jaw.

His style of dress was incredible. He was dressed in black from head to toe, wearing a tailored jacket that fit snug around his upper body. The piece resembled an overcoat, but fit much, much better.



They walk up the steps to his house. It looked even more foreboding in the dark. He let her in and took her coat. While he put her coat away, she continued to look around in amazement.

"Wow," she says. "This is extraordinary. Very gothic."

"Thank you. I designed it after my family's castle in England."

"You're English?" she asked. "Well, I guess that explains your accent."


"Funny. I thought vampires were Transylvanian or something."

He laughs. "Only in the movies. Vampires come from all over."

She looks at his face again, noticing that he's still wearing his sunglasses.

"Richard," she says, "do you always wear shades?"

He slowly moves closer to her as his hand rises up to his glasses. Stopping in front of her, he removes them, revealing his hazy green eyes.

"I don't like light," he says, squinting a little.

She's instantly lost in his beautiful eyes. They were almost hypnotic. It was beyond her how someone who looked so harmless and so handsome could have a craving for blood.

"You're not scared of me, are you?" he asks.

"Only if you go for my throat," she jokes.

He smiles as he shows her into the parlor. It is a dark room, with a few paintings on the walls and a suit of armor in the corner. She is drawn to the knight's costume immediately.

"This is really an amazing conversation piece," she says. "Who did it belong to? Someone in your family?"

"I'd tell you, m' lady, but I don't think you'd believe me."

"Please," she begs, "tell me."

He slowly wanders over to her. "That suit of armor belonged to me. It was mine."

"You were a knight?" she said skeptically, watching him look at the armor.

"Yes. I fought in the Crusades with my brother, my father and my uncles. It was every male Dawson's duty to fight for the King."

He can see that she's having a hard time believing what he's saying. "I'm telling you the truth, Brandy. I'm close to 625 years old."

She shakes her head as she looks into his eyes. "But you look so young."

He walks away from her quietly and slowly, and heads for another room. She follows behind him.

"I look young because..." He stops and composes himself. "I shouldn't really discuss this with a lady. It's much too gruesome."

She grabs his arm, "No. Please tell me. I want to know whatever you're willing to let me know."

He smiles and takes her hand, putting it around his arm and walks her into the other room.

"Like I told you before," he continues, "it's really terribly gruesome. But I will tell you how we became vampires. Someone in my family married a Romanian who was a vampire. They settled in England, and that's how the curse spread there. And it was passed on from generation to generation."

"But I still don't understand how you're over 600 years old. You don't look a day over 28?"

Richard slowly and delicately puts his hands on her shoulders. "If a vampire is to exist, he must drink blood. And it must be... young blood."

He can see that she's getting scared. "Please, do not fear, Brandy. I have no intentions of harming you."

She backs away from him a little, still looking into his eyes. Then she runs out of the room, almost crying. He tries to catch her and calm her down but she's already left the house.



The next day, Brandy is driving down through Laural Canyon on her way home from work. The memory of last night still bothered her a little, but she tried to function the best she could.

As she is nearing the curve near Richard's house, she has a strange and strong compulsion to stop the car. She pulls off to the shoulder and gets out, looking up towards his "castle." Something inside is telling her to go up to the house and go inside.

She stands in front of the large wooden door, debating whether or not to go in. Giving into her strange feeling, she turns the handle and goes inside. The feeling draws her near the winding stone staircase in the foyer.

"....Go upstairs....."

Brandy quietly and carefully goes up the stairs, staying close to the wall for fear of


She sees a long hallway that is lit by several dozen white candles sitting in iron wall


"...Down this way...."

She heads down the corridor until she comes to a door that's cracked open. Candlelight flickers from within.

"Come inside.... Don't be afraid...."

Her hand pushes the door open wider so she can enter. The room is dark except for the hundred candles lit all around. All the drapes are drawn in this enormous room.

"I've been expecting you," says a deep, sexy voice.

She turns quickly towards the voice, discovering Richard sitting in a chair at the far end of the room, leaning to one side with one knee brought up to his chest.

"You were?"

He smiles as he runs his fingers through a candle's flame. "Why else would you come here? I summoned you."

"Summoned me?"

"Yes, Brandy. A vampire can summon anyone he chooses, but that person must answer of their own free will."

She creeps closer, cautiously.

"I promised you last night that I won't hurt you. Why did you run away from me?"

She wanted so much to be closer to him. Something about him was making it very hard for her to resist. As she drew closer, she could see that he was wearing tight black pants with a blood red crushed velvet shirt, opened and exposing his chest. His eyes were visible for he wore no glasses.

"Why am I here?" she asked.

"I wanted to see you."

His eyes were transfixed on hers. He was searching deep into her psyche, her soul. There was nothing she could hide, not even her increasing passion for him. It wouldn't be long before he could see everything.

"You left in such a hurry last night that I didn't get a chance to kiss you goodnight."

"You.... you scared me," she hesitates. "I wasn't sure if I should... trust you."

He slowly rises from his stone throne-like chair and wanders to her. "You can trust me, m' lady. I am a harmless man."

"But you are a vampire," she says. "I thought you were going to kill me and drink my blood."

"No," he says tenderly, standing in front of her. "I never drank from anyone who did not offer it to me."

She could feel any fears she had drift from her body as she continued to stare into his jade-colored eyes. It was as if he was easing her soul with mind control.

"Richard... I..." she stutters.

"Yes, m' lady?"

Her hands slowly rub up his chest, resting on the sides of his neck. Richard slowly puts his hands on her hips and leads her towards him, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Are... are you doing this to me?" she asks.

"Doing what?"

"Drawing me near to you."

He licks his lower lip and smiles, "No, m' lady. Your heart is doing that."

She runs a finger across his soft mouth. He puckers his lips and kisses it.

"Let me kiss you," she says. "Please."

His hands slowly leave her hips and set themselves on her smooth cheeks. He leans forward and kisses her delicately on the lips. She almost collapses from such sweetness.

They separate for a very brief second, then he is pulled into her again. He can feel her tongue, hot with desire, skimming across his closed mouth. His body is taken over by his craving for her physical love, and he parts his lips to let her inside. Their tongues slithered around one another in his mouth; tasting each other, caressing each other. She could feel a hardness forming between them.

"M' lady..." he says quietly, letting her continue to kiss his neck and chest.

She stops painting his neck with kisses and looks at him. "Why do you call me that, Richard?"

"I said that I would... call a woman... by such a name when she has done something incredible to my heart."

"What have I done?"

"You set it ablaze with a sensual passion that I have never felt."

He looks deep into her eyes and runs his hand over her cheek. "Brandy... I need you. My body longs for the gentleness of a woman. It's been so long. Please."

She says nothing, only answering with a smile. He grins as he carefully picks her up in his strong arms and walks out of the room. He takes her further down the hallway, into his bedroom. It's a large room, even larger than the one they were just in. Several iron candelabras hold white candles, flickering as they enter.

He lays her down on his bed, pressing his body close to hers. Their mouths find each other again and continue their sensual dance. Her hands hold his head to her neck, her fingers running through his soft hair.

"Aaaaahhhh...." she sighs.

He gets up slowly and takes off his shirt, then he lays back down on top of her. She gnaws at his thick shoulders and chest as he works on taking her blouse off. Her full bosoms show themselves as he opens it. As he plants kisses down between them, he pinches and twists her nipples, making her squirm.


"Your skin is so sweet...." he says. "So beautiful."

He tosses her shirt aside, pressing her down again with his body. The sensation he got from her nipples touching his excited him even more, and the feel of silk sheets beneath her bare back only heightened her playfulness.

"......Richard........" she moans, "......show me pain...."

He stops kissing her long enough to ask, "How much pain... does m' lady need?"

"....As much as you can give to me......"

Slowly he gets up off of her and begins to unlace his tight suede breeches. She raises her head and watches as he slides them down to the floor, unmasking the large, hard organ she felt before. He stands at the foot of the bed and starts to remove her skirt and panties.

Once they are both completely stripped, he slowly walks over to one side of the bed. He reaches for a candle and kneels beside Brandy.

"If you cry out in pain, m' lady," he explains, "I will stop."

He tips the candle on an angle, allowing some of the hot melted wax to drip onto her hard nipple. She arches her back and gasps.

"Aaah! .....Ohhhhhh.........."

He smiles. "M' lady likes this?" he asks softly.

"......Yes.........." she sighs. ".....Do it again....."

He climbs onto the bed, straddling her and tips the candle again, pouring the hot wax on her other nipple.

"Ohhh....!" she whines, "that feels...good..."

Richard sets the candle down on the nightstand. "Too much of a good thing can be bad."

He lowers himself on top of her, kissing the breasts he just teased. Once he peels the soft wax off, he licks her warm nipples, even biting them gently.

She cradles his head on her breast, letting him do what he pleases. Never has she felt this kind of pleasure.

"...Go down....." she urges. "....Go all the way down....."

He hears her words and proceeds casually down her chest, towards her vulva. Her legs separate as he reaches her flat stomach, giving him room to maneuver. He raises his eyes to hers when he comes to her small patch of hair. She closes her eyes as he continues.

As his tongue touches her sensitive nub, she gasps. His mouth muscle rubs over it ever so smoothly, interrupting the pattern with an occasional nibble or a rapid tap.


She can tell how wet she has become by listening to the sounds he's making. His face backs away for only a moment.

"Am I pleasing you, Brandy?" he asks.

"....Oooooh.....yes....." she breathes, reaching down to stroke his hair.

He lowers his head again, this time in search of her gorge.

"Oh, yes..... oh, yes....."

His tongue slides easily inside her wet chasm, tasting her juicy, swollen interior.

"...Mmmmm....." he says.

He works his tongue in every possible way, exciting her the most with his lapping motion.

"....Oh, yes....... yes!"

"Are you ready for me, m' lady?"

".....Uh huh.... please...." she begs, "I need you badly!"

Richard gets up and leans over her. "Not as badly as I need you."

He lifts her hips and slowly squeezes his hardened flesh into her, watching her face as it describes the sensation. She watched his face as he massaged himself inside her.

"...Ahhhh......yeah....oh yeah.....ahhhh....." he panted as he worked her deep.

The sound of his deep voice in pleasure was exciting her. She wanted to hear more as he rocked her.

"....Oooh... speak, my love...." she says, "...do I please you?..."

".....Oh, yes....aaaahhh..... you please me, m' lady......"

"....Ooooh..... yes....." she groans. ".....fuck me, Richard..... I'm yours....."

He can feel his cock approaching its ultimate hardness with those words. It won't be much longer before he erupts.

"...Oh, Brandy....Brandy....yeah....yeah..... that's it... uh huh...."

"....Yeah...yeah.....oh, yeah..... I love... your cock inside me... you're so hard... ohhh!.... fuck me with your hard cock.... yeah!"

"...I'm gonna come.... let me come.... please, m' lady...." he moans as he works her faster.

".....Aaaahhh!.... oh, yes....oh, yes......yes...yes...yes.....yes!"

Her climax was so strong and so intense, she couldn't control her screaming.

"....Yes!....yes......yes.....yes.....yes....yes! Oh, yeah! Keep....fuckin'....me...."

He tilted his head back and shut his eyes as he bursts inside her depths."...M' lady... ohhhh...aahhh....ohh, oh...oh....ohhh...ohhhh!"

When he was done, he tenderly retracts himself and lays next to her.

"....Thank you, m' lady...." he smiled, stroking her chin.

She said nothing as she pulled him down and kissed him. Never in her life has a man ever been able to bring her to that level of sexual fulfillment before.

The couple lay in his bed all afternoon, naked and uninhibited. They lovingly fondle each other as they lose themselves in the each other's gaze.

As night fell, they moved under his black silk sheets and cuddled together until they both fell asleep.



The next morning, Brandy wakes up and finds herself still laying on Richard's chest. She listens to him breath until he stirs. He lifts his head and looks at her.

"Good morning, sweet maiden," he says with a small smile.


As he leans in to kiss her, she sees something that's not quite right.

"Oh, my God."

"What's the matter?" he asks.

"You.... your...." she says as she points to his face. "Look in the mirror!"

"I can't," he says. "Vampires have no reflection. What's wrong?"

She waits before she answers. "Your hair has turned gray, and you have wrinkles on your face."

Any happiness left in his cheeks has disappeared. "Oh, no. Are you serious?"

"Yes!" she yells. "You don't look like the same man I made love to last night."

He leans back, resting his head on his pillow. "Damn. Why now?"

"I don't understand," she says as she lays down next to him. "What's going on?"

He doesn't say anything at first, but he sees that she's genuinely concerned. "I must drink the blood of a young woman, or I will start to age."


"I'll find you one," she says. "This is California. We're crawling with young women."

"You don't understand," he says. "I must drink the blood of a special young woman in order to live for eternity."

She lays next to him in shock. "Live forever?"

"Yes. I've never tasted the blood of that woman before, because I knew that I would have to spend the rest of time with her."

He sits up, puts his feet on the floor and walks over and puts his black suede pants on. Then he stands in the window, one hand propping him up against the frame.

"Why does this have to happen now?" he asks out loud. "Why?"

She gets out of bed, throws his red velvet shirt on and walks over to him. "Is there anything I can do?"

Feeling her hands curl around his waist, he touches them and holds them against his warm skin.

"I wish there was, my love. I wish there was."

They stand in silence for a long time until Brandy comes up with a plan.

"Richard," she says, turning him to face her. "Try me."

He looks disapprovingly at her, his eyes showing concern. "I couldn't, Brandy. I can't ask you to give up your life. You don't deserve such a fate."

"You're not asking me, I'm giving it to you."


She won't hear of it. "Richard. Listen to me. You're going to die if you don't try."

"And you will if you're not the right one."

He takes her hands in his and squeezes them. He can see in her eyes she wants to help him, honestly. "I can't let you die."



Later that night, Brandy finds Richard out on his balcony, looking up at the moon. She comes up behind him, puts her arms around his waist and nuzzles into his neck.

"Hello," she says, trying to be cheerful.

"Hello, m' lady."

"Are you alright?"

He looks down at his feet. "I don't know."

"I wish there was something more I could do. I feel so helpless."

"Do not fear, m' lady. You have helped me so much already."

He turns around and embraces her, burying his nose in her rose-scented hair. This is the best he has felt physically in years.

As he releases her, he says, "It's almost time."

Both of them retreat inside and go to his throne chamber. He lights the candles as she stands at the window looking at the moon.

Once the candles are lit, he sits down in the stone chair. "Now, I wait."

"For what?" she asks. He never said he had to "wait" for something to happen.

"For death to take me."

"No!" she shouts as she runs to him. "I can't let you die!"

"Brandy, my love," he says as he takes her by the arms, "I must. I can not go on living like this."

"Richard," she pleads, "you told me that you'd never drink blood that wasn't offered to you. Well, I'm offering mine! Take it! Please!"

"M' lady, how can I make you understand? I care too much about you to let you offer yourself to me as a sacrifice. If you are not the right woman, you'll die. I will regain my youth temporarily, but I will still be without eternal youth! And I will have lost you for nothing."

Suddenly, he clutches his chest and growls in pain.

"Oh, God.... oh, God!" she cries.

"Get... out of here, m' lady. I don't.... want you to... see this...."

"I'm not leaving you, Richard!"

Another wave of pain hits him, making him fall forward and out of his chair. Brandy is right there by his side.

"Richard, please!"

"No...... m' lady please go!


More pain strikes his rapidly aging body. He wails as he rolls onto his back and tears at his shirt. As he grimaces in agony, his fangs become visible.

"Oh, my God...." she says.

He begins to make strange animalistic sounds as he shakes and groans in pain. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhgggg!!!!"

She can't stand to see him suffer any longer, and she picks up his head in her arms. "Richard! Let me help you!"

"AAAGH! No, my love! You are better off without me!"

She looks around the room for something in particular. Carefully, she lays him down and leaves for a moment. Then she returns with a small knife.

"Richard, please!"


She raises the knife to her throat and drags it across, making a small cut across her jugular vain. Her blood squirts everywhere as she gets down close to his mouth.

"Drink from me, Richard! Drink my life from me!"

As the blood drips and runs from her neck onto his face, he sticks his tongue out hoping to catch some of the red liquid. More of the plasma finds its way into his mouth, allowing him to become a bit more animated. All of the sudden, he sits up and grabs her, knocking her backwards on the floor. He lands on top of her, giving her a look at the figure he had become. He sinks his teeth into her neck, making her fight and moan with fear. He begins sucking hard on her and continues until she stops moving.

Slowly, he gets off of her and looks into her face. She is pale white, no life left in her at all.

"Oh, m' lady. Why?"

He puts his head down on her chest in sadness. "My love, why did you save me?"

His guilt is halted by the sight of her hand going past his eyes and coming to rest in his hair. He gets back up and looks into her eyes.


She looks at him, wiping her blood from his lips. Now she recognizes him. "There's the man I made love to."

He had returned to his youthful self but, more importantly, he had found the woman with whom he will forever be with.

"M' lady," he says with a smile, "you are the woman I have been searching for."


And forever together they will stay.

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 31 August 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com