
{{Written: 10-13 April 2002}}
{{Dedicated to those who died on April 14, 1912.}}



The date is April 10 1912, the place is New Hampshire England.

Richard Dawson is in the local tavern playing poker. He has a friend with him, his name is Larry Hovis. Richard is smoking a cigarette. I'd say he’s at least 20 yrs old, Larry is about 18 to 19 yrs old. Richard is 5`9 120lbs brown hair and green eyes. Larry is 5`8 1/2 119lbs brown hair and baby blue eyes. Richard looks around the table and everyone puts there cards down.

Richard: "Oh, two pair, I'm sorry Larry."

Larry: "Sorry, I bet everything I had."

Richard:" You're not going to see your mamma again for a long time cuz were going to America. Full house, boys."

Richard and Larry board the ship in no time at all.

Rose Dewitt Bukater and Whilhelm Klink Roses soon to be husband get out of the car and her mother Lisa gets out soon after. Rose is 5`6 100lbs brown hair and blue eyes. Lisa her mother is 5`5 1/2 105lbs red hair and hazel eyes. Klink is 5`8 130lbs brownish gray hair and brown eyes. Rose is 17 yrs old and her mother is 47 and Klink is 21 to 22 yrs old.

Rose is in her room hanging paintings. Klink is leaning agenst the doorway. They are all getting unpacked when the ship sets sail.

Rose is having dinner with Thomas Andrews the ship's designer, Molly Brown, Captain E. J. Smith, her mother and Klink.

Lisa: "Rose, you know I don't like that."

Klink: "She knows. Oh, we'll both have the lamb rare with very little mint sauce. You like lamb right sweetpea."

Molly Brown: "You gonna cut her meat for her too there Klink."

Rose gets up and walks away from the table. Rose runs out to the poop deck (Back of the ship). Richard sees her run by him and goes to see what’s wrong. When he gets to where she is he sees her hanging off the back of the ship.

Richard: “Don’t do it.”

Rose: “Go away your distracting me.”

Richard: “I can’t, I’m involved now, you jump in there and I’m gonna have to jump in there after you.”

Rose comes back over after about 10 minutes of Richard telling her how cold the water is.

Richard: “ Hi. Richard Dawson.”

Rose: “Rose Dewitt Bukater.”

Richard: “Remind me to have you write that one down for me.”

About that time Klink shows up and is very upset. After awhile he cools down and invites Richard to dinner with them tomorrow night. Richard accepts the invite and wonders what to wear.

Rose asks Richard to meet her on her deck to talk. Rose is explaining how she feels. She asks him about the weather and his life growing up.

Rose: “Mr. Dawson.”

Richard: “Richard, please.”

Rose: “Richard I want to thank you for not only pulling me back but for talking with Klink.

Richard: “You're welcome.”

Richard is introduced to Lisa and Molly Brown. About that time they sound the horn for dinner.

Molly: “Son, do you have any idea what you are doing?”

Richard: “No”

Molly: “Well you're about to go into the snake pit. What are you planing to wear. Figures come with me.”

Richard and Molly are in Molly’s room getting ready. Molly lets Richard use her son's tux for dinner. He gets in the tux and slicks his hair back.

At dinner Rose’s mother asks Richard some questions and Richard answers them in a nice polite manner. Rose tells Richard that the men are going to the smoking room to have brandy.

Richard gives Rose a note that reads “Make it count, meet me by the clock.” When she gets there, Richard is waiting.

Richard: “So you want to go to a real party.”

Richard is dancing with a girl named Michael I’d say she’s at least 15 or 16 yrs old. Richard tells Michael he’s going to dance with her now.

Richard: “Come On.”

Rose: “What?”

Richard: “Come dance with me.”

Rose: “ No Richard I can’t do this.”

Richard: “We need to get a little closer like this.”

Rose and Richard danced most the night.

The next morning April 12.

Rose and Klink are having tea and coffee.

Klink: “I had hoped you would come to see me last night.”

Rose: “I was tired.”

Klink: “Your exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting.”

Klink throws a fit and acts like he is going to hit Rose. He leaves the room and Rose starts crying.

Lisa comes to see Rose before church starts.

Lisa: “Tea, Trudy?”

Trudy: “Yes ma’am.”

Lisa: “Rose you are not to see that boy again. Do you hear me Rose? I forbid it.”

Lisa: “Oh, shut up mother, you’ll give yourself a nose bleed.”

Up on boat deck Mr. Andrews gives them a tour of the Titanic.

Rose: “Forgive me, Mr. Andrews, but I did the sum in my head and it seems that there are not enough lifeboats for everyone on board.

Mr. Andrews: “About half actually. Rose you miss nothing. Fact is, I put in these new water tight daggers, but it was thought by some that the deck would look too crowded.”

Klink: “Waste of deck space as it is on an unsinkable ship.”

Mr. Andrews: “Sleep soundly, Rose, I built you a good ship. Strong and true. It's all the life boats we need. Keep heading aft. The next stop, the engine room.”

Richard takes Rose into the gymnasium.

Rose: “Richard this is impossible I can’t see you.”

Richard: “I need to talk to you.”

Rose: “No, Richard, no. Richard, I’m engaged. I’m marring Klink. I love Klink.

Richard: “Rose, you're no picnic. All right, you're a spoiled little brat even, but under that you're the most amazingly, astounding wonderful woman that I’ve ever known. I know how the world works. I’ve got Ten Bucks in my pocket and nothing to offer you, and I know that, but I can't turn around without knowing you’ll be all right.

Richard and Rose are running away from Klink. They run into the cargo hold. Richard sees a car and opens the door for rose.

Richard: “Where to miss?”

Rose: “To the stars.”

Rose pulls Richard into the back seat with her and starts kissing his fingers.

Richard: “You nervous?”

Rose: “No, put your hands on me Richard.”

Richard starts kissing Rose as they lay down. The windows start fogging up and Roses hand hits the window and slides down.

Rose: “You're trembling.”

Richard: “Don’t worry, I’ll be all right.”

They walk out of the cargo hold. The ship hits the ice burg just a few seconds after. Mr. Andrews is in his room looking at blue prints, his glass of wine is shaking. He knows what's happening. He goes up and tells Smith they have an hour, two at the most, before the ship sinks.

Captain Smith goes to the bridge. Mr. Andrews is standing in the smoking room by the fire place. That is the last time any of them are seen.

Larry died after a smoke stack landed on him. No one knows what happened to Klink or Lisa. As far as Richard and Rose know, they passed away. Rose and Richard are happily married and have three children, five grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren.

“Now you know there is a man named Richard Dawson and that he saved me in every way that a woman can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now only on TV and Movies."



Richard Dawson.....Himself
Thomas Andrews.....Himself
Captain Smith.....Himself
Larry Hovis.....Himself
Rose Dewitt Bukater.....Melisa
Lisa Dewitt Bukater.....Lisa
Molly Brown.....Charlemange
The End!
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 14 April 2002.
Site Copyright © 2000-2002. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2002. Mel Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com