~*~Keeping The Ratings UP / The Ratings Boost~*~





Lisa has just left a very heated ICS staff meeting. All the top network execs are disappointed and concerned about the recent dip in "The Running Man" ratings. The sponsors are threatening to pull all advertising if the situation cannot be corrected.

A few members of the more conservative brass think the show just isn't the colossal hit anymore. People are just getting tired of the "let's kill the bad guy" gimmick. Others think that the blame should all be tossed on Damon Killian, the host. In any case, Lisa, who has only worked at ICS Corporate Headquarters for eight short months as a talent consultant, was dubiously nominated to tell "The Boss" the bad news.

"This is just what I need," she thought.

She takes the elevator up to the 85th floor of the chic, modern high-rise complex. Walking down the long corridor to Damon's office, she tries to come up with a way of breaking the news gently. Lisa's heard through the grapevine that Damon is a man-eater. No scruples. Ruthless. And has a vicious, violent temper. She's never met him, but just hearing these things made her skin crawl.

Once she reaches the large reception area, Damon's secretary announces her arrival.

"Someone from the meeting is here to see you, sir." she said directly.

"Send 'er in," came a low, sexy voice.

The secretary shows Lisa into the spacious office, then closes the door behind her. She is taken with the sleek decor, but her concentration is broken.

"Well come on. I haven't got all damn day," Damon barked. "Sit your ass down and tell me what happened."

So much for a formal introduction.

Still trying to get a handle on the situation, Lisa sizes up Damon. Unfortunately, she's very impressed with what she sees.

"Wow. Damon doesn't look very old. Maybe mid-50's. Tanned. Very nice. Very damn nice. He's got great eyes. A very cold, piercing shade of green," she says to herself, as her eyes go over his body. "What a build. Big, strong arms. Must lift alot of iron. And hello...look at those strong hands."

Damon is getting impatient. "Would you stop droolin'?" he snapped.

"Sorry, Mr. Killian," she said nervously.

He moves on with the business. "So what did those sons' a-bitches downstairs say about me this time?"

"Just tell him what he wants to hear, then get the hell outta here!" she thinks to herself.

"Well, sir. Ratings for "The Running Man" are down another 3%. And Cadre Cola is threatening to pull all sponsorship if the show doesn't-"

He stands up and begins to pace the floor. "Goddamn it! What the fuck is the problem!" He picks up a piece of modern looking sculpture and chucks it furiously at the wall. Lisa jumps as it shatters into a thousand ceramic shards. He regains some composure.

"What else?" he demands.

Seeing the last display of fury, she didn't want to continue. "Maybe I shouldn't tell you."

He sees that he's frightened her. He takes a few deep breaths, then sits back down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He gives her a curious look. "How long have you worked here? I don't think I've ever met you."

Somewhat relaxed, Lisa leans back in her seat. She begins to, again, check out his body. "I'd love to see if he's got tan lines," she thinks humorously to herself.

"I've worked here for almost a year, Mr. Killian," she says. "In the talent development and research department."

"Oh. And we've never met, eh?" he asks. He is slowly making his way behind her chair.

"No, sir."

"Well, now. That's a damn shame. I thought I knew everyone down in TDR," he says. He examines every inch of her body with his eyes. "But I would have remembered a beautiful woman like you. What's your name?"

No. No way. He's not...interested in....me? This is a bad dream. Wake up, Lisa...

"Lisa," she says nervously.

"Lisa. That's a lovely name. For a lovely lady." Damon continues to look her up and down. He moves to the front of his desk and leans on it, facing Lisa. His cold green eyes meet hers. He can tell by the look in her eyes that he has made her uncomfortable. He feels guilty.

"Please don't be nervous, Lisa. I apologize for my outburst. It's just that those... ignoramuses in marketing make me very irate."

"You should have been at the meeting," she says.

He stands up and heads for the liquor cabinet. "I wouldn't go to those damn meetings even if I could. Can I get you a drink?"

"Nothing for me, thanks. Why can't you?"

Damon insists on a little drink, very slyly. "I'll tell you if you have a drink. A small one. I promise."

She surrenders. "Ok. A screwdriver, please."

Damon gives her a mischievous smile. "My kind of lady."

He makes a screwdriver for her and gets himself a double scotch on the rocks. He brings her drink to her.

"I was banned. I got too violent. Used to throw things. Nasty stuff like that."

They clink glasses, then drink. She takes a sip, but he polishes off about half of his double scotch in one gulp. Lisa's impressed.

"Well. I guess you can hold your liquor."

He gives her a seductive glance. "I can hold other things, too."

This whole situation is getting very playful, not to mention a little spicy. Not one to rock the boat, Lisa plays along.

"I bet you can."

Damon is getting very turned on. "Shall I demonstrate?"

He swallows the rest of his drink and sets the empty glass down. He slowly saunters behind her, brushing some of her hair away from her neck. He puts his face on her warm neck and lets his arms wrap themselves around her waist.

"That's it," she pleads to herself. "Don't stop now."

Almost as if he could read her mind, he starts to lick the nape of her neck. Moving his head up, he starts to nibble on her ear. His strong hands gently journey up to her breasts. He grabs one in each hand and begins to massage them. All the while he's doing this, she closes her eyes and tilts her head back until it comes to rest on his broad shoulder.

"Do you like that?" he asks.

"Yes-" she says.

"Yes...Damon. Say it."

She obeys like a slave. "Yes, Damon."

"Good. 'Cause that's what I want to hear you say...when I fuck you."

Damon grabs Lisa by her shoulders and turns her to face him. "I think I need to take a shower. All this aggression makes me sweat."

"You haven't even begun to sweat," she directs.

He takes her hand and leads her into the oversized bathroom. Once inside, she begins undressing him. She takes her time unbuttoning his shirt, staring into the green pools in his eyes. When its finally unbuttoned, he flings it off. She smiles at the sight of his tanned, muscular chest. This is it, this is what she wants. She rubs her hands over his rippled chest. He's not built like a bodybuilder, but more like a brick building. Strong enough to withstand damn near anything.

He helps her out of her white blouse, revealing her bare bosoms. He lifts her up and sets her on the countertop and kisses them, sucking on them like a newborn. She moans as he flicks his tongue over her hard nipples. He begins undoing his pants when she stops him.

"No. Let me," she pleads.

She hops off the counter and steps very close to him. Staring him dead in the eyes, her hands know exactly where to go. Without unzipping anything, she reaches inside his trousers and grabs his hard cock. She gives it a little squeeze, and he lets out a small moan.

"Nnnnn. Yeah.... That's what I want...."

She finally gets his pants down and off. Lisa gives Damon a commanding push backwards until his back is flat against the wall. She kneels before him, like a lost soul praying for guidance.

He begs for her to massage him. "Come on, Lisa....suck me."

She starts rolling the head around in her mouth, flicking it with her tongue. She smiles up at him seductively as she slurps the rest of his hard manhood into her mouth. He reaches down with one hand and runs his fingers through her hair. He puts his head back against the wall, closes his eyes, and runs his other hand through his hair.

"Ohhhh......yessss.....that feels so good..."

She sucks on his piece until he almost climaxes. "Now it's my turn," she smiles.

He picks her up again and sets her on the edge of the counter. He kisses her deeply on the mouth before he pleasures her. He slowly and softly plants kisses down the front of her, then across her flat stomach. Once he reaches her opening, she arches her back with pleasure as he nibbles on her clit.

"Yes... Yeah......oooooooh..."

He runs his tongue the full length of her warm, moist slit. Then he licks her pussy like a dog lapping water.

"Oh yes, Damon....."

He stops licking her, but uses his finger to tap her clit. "You want this, you dirty little girl....."

He stops. "Time for a spankin'."

He goes over to the huge shower stall and turns on the water. She follows right along behind him. They step inside and close the door. He turns around and gets himself positioned behind her. She braces herself for what's coming next.

"You need a spanking for giving me the bad news, Lisa. Bad, bad-"

He places his hands on her hips and slowly enters her hot love cave. "...Girl........"

Their bodies seemed to fit together perfectly. Damon set the rhythm with slow strokes. Both let out moans and groans of pleasure.

"Oh God........yes......" Damon moaned.

She could have heard him say that for hours. She loved the feel of his throbbing, muscular torpedo racing through her waters. He let his hands slide up to her shoulders and he continued to glide in and out of her.

"I wanna spank your pretty ass," he demanded.

She could only moan in agreement. He slapped her firm behind playfully.

"Nnnn.....oh yeah.....ahhh!"

Lisa wanted to be in control now. "Lay down, Damon. Let me.....ride you."

He gladly laid down. She climbed on top and rode him until she could contain herself no longer.

"Yes, Damon...........yes, yes, yes......yes....YES!"

He drilled deeper into her until he shuttered with orgasmic waves. "Lisa......oh, yeah......oh, God yes...........OhhhhhhhhHHHH!"

They both lay on the shower floor, completely exhausted. They panted and gasped for air as if they held their breath all during lovemaking.

"That was probably," he gasped, "the best fuck I ever had."

Lisa rolled on top of him and kissed him on the mouth. "Me, too."

He held her close as they let the shower rain on them for what seemed like an eternity, but neither seemed to care. And just for the record... he didn't have tan lines.

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 13 July 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Rhonda "StuntChick36" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com