~*~The Reunions~*~


The Reunions

November 19 1979.

Dear Diary,

Richard and I have been married for one year now and we still love each other deeply. It feels so wonderful! Nice to know I found that one person in life that can make my dreams come true.

We’re on out way to my family reunion. How convenient it, falls on Richard’s birthday. I was hoping to spend it alone. Oh well. I usually have fun at these. I’ll figure something out, anyway. *wink wink*

J Mel

Later that day, Mel and Richard hop on a plane headed for Duluth, Minnesota, from where they will drive to the reunion in small Bluegrass, Minnesota.

Richard rents a gold Mustang and the couple heads west toward the reunion. On the way, Mel slides close to Richard, but he pushes her away. “I’m not in the mood to cuddle right now,” he says

Mel finds this behavior strange. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

“Oh nothing, I just have things on my mind. Slide over.”

She slides over and rests her head on his shoulder while he puts his arm around her. They drive like this the rest of the way.

“Where are we staying again?” Richard asks.

Mel shakes her head and laughs. “Honey, you’re so forgetful. We’re staying at my cousin Cathy’s.” Her voice is a bit apprehensive, but Richard doesn’t seem to pick up on it, so she takes it no further.

Cathy, unmarried and the flirtatious playgirl type, has an obvious thing for Richard despite his attached status. When they arrive at Cathy’s house, she runs out and hugs them both. Mel bites her tongue as she watches Cathy spend a few too many seconds hugging her husband. “Cathy where’s the reunion at this year? Still at the home place, I hope.” Mel says, trying to distract Cathy.

“Yes, it is, and they’re doing a dance and karaoke this year,” Cathy replies.

“Wow, karaoke, that’s new. But sounds like fun,” Mel says.

“Very. You sing Richard?” Cathy asked, looking him up and down.


“Good. It’ll be great to see ya onstage. C’mon in, dinner’s ready.”

Mel and Richard go in and eat and then retire about 9:00 p.m. because they have been driving so much and are tired. Mel locks the door behind them and crawls in with Richard.

“What’s wrong?” Richard asks.


“You look worried.”

“I do? Oh it’s nothing. Go to sleep.” Mel let out a sigh and quickly fell asleep.

November 20, 1979.

Dear Diary,

Today’s the day. It’ll be great to see the family again. But I swear, if Cathy makes any moves on Richard, I’ll beat the hell out of her. Those looks she kept giving him last night were just about all I could take. Wish me luck.

J Mel

At eight they wake up and shower. Mel sits on the bed and waits for Richard to come out of the bathroom. When he does, she jumps up and yells “Happy Birthday!” She then gives him a big hug and a kiss.

“Thanks hun. But if you keep spoiling me like this, I’m gonna get an ego.”

“So? You deserve it. C’mon, let’s go.”

An hour later they arrive and the relatives all ask about the happy couple. Mel gushes about “her man” and Richard does the same with Mel. All was going well until lunch. Mel talks with her aunt until she sees Cathy and Richard by the potato salad. Mel doesn’t like the way Cathy is acting. She watches as Cathy first stands a few feet from him, then slowly inches her way closer until she’s practically standing on top of him. She bats her eyes at him and gives him come hither looks. Mel gets pissed and walks over to them.

“Cath, can I talk to you for a sec?” Mel asks, angry as hell.


Mel drags Cathy to the backyard next to a pile of shit and mud. “Keep you fucking hands off my husband!” she yells.



“Oh, I was just showing him how a real woman can be.” Cathy gives Mel an evil little smirk.

Mel immediately shoves Mel into the stinky pile. Some people that caught a glimpse of her clap, since no one ever really liked Cathy. Mel dusts off her hands and walks away smiling. She and Richard enjoy the rest of the day.


7 Month Later

June 16, 1980.

Class reunion time. Hmm…wonder if Nancy will be there…she’ll probably flirt with Richard, too. Guess that’s the hell you have to put up with being married to such a good looking guy like mine!

J Mel

Mel and Richard pack up and head to Bigfork, Minnesota. It’s time for Mel’s class reunion and she can’t wait to show Richard off to everyone. When they get there Mel sees her best friend Nancy. She and Richard walk over and chat. She is very upset because Nancy loves Richard and wants him so bad ever since they got married. Mel takes Nancy to the side to tell her to quit flirting. In a situation similar to the one with Cathy, Mel and Nancy fight, Mel wins, and feels redeemed.

“This has been happening too much lately,” she quips.

After that mess, Mel and Richard leave the reunion hand in hand. On the way home they have a flat and Richard doesn’t have a spare so they walk to the nearest town holding hands. On the way Richard gets in a fight with a guy who tries to rob them. The guy pulls out a knife and stabs Richard in the shoulder. Mel rips some of her shirt off and raps Richard’s wound up. She tells him she is very proud of him and kisses him.


The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 07 September 2002.
Site Copyright © 2000-2002. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Mel "Dawson" Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com