~*~The Man For All Women~*~



It was July 20th 2003. I remember the day very well, it was my graduation party. My mom sent out my invitations. I didn’t know who all where coming I figured just the relatives.

I am sitting there talking with my cousin when a nice looking older man comes over I’d say he’s in his late 40’s early 50’s. He sits down next to me and I have no clue who this man is when all at once he puts his hand on the inside on my leg.

I turn and look at him and I say to him, "Do I know you sir? You look familiar."

He said to me, "I’m sorry my name is Richard Dawson."

I said, "There’s got to be a mistake, Richard Dawson is from Family Feud and Match Game."

Then I looked at my cousin and she was going to leave so I grabbed her and pulled her back down. I could not believe what I just heard. So there I sat with Richard Dawson and my cousin.

As we sat there and talked I remember my cousin saying, "Hey why don’t you show him your house?"

I said, "Not a bad idea. Mr. Dawson would you like to have a tour?"

So he followed me in to the house and I made sure I saved the best room for last; the bed room. As I was showing him my room, I turned around and looked into his dark blue eyes.

I remember saying to him "How did you get an invitation, I never saw your name on the list. I just looked?"

He told me my mom wanted it to be a surprise.

I sat on the corner of my bed and Richard sat next to me. We started talking and cuddled as we talked.


The days went on and I still talked to Richard, only now we where a couple. I went to see friends at school, the secretaries and principle. One of my good friends asked me if I was going to college, but I told them I didn’t know. Richard was with me every time I went into the school.

I remember one day I went in at around lunch hour and Richard and I where sitting next to each other when he gets up and says, "Excuse me can I have your attention I have an announcement to make. I know we just met a year ago, but will you marry me?"

At that time my face was red and I remember fainting in his arms. When I woke up, all I remember saying was, "Yes Richard I will marry you."

The wedding was wonderful. Everyone I knew was there, and Richard had his friends there, too. After the wedding we went and got a motel room and ordered Champaign and caviar. We where not in the room with our stuff, more then I’d say an hour, when we started kissing and holding each other tight. I remember lying on my back kissing him when I told him my dreams I’ve had with him.

He said, "Why don’t I make them dreams come true."

He slowly unzipped my dress and pulled it down. After he got the dress off, he worked on my bra and the thongs came off, too. After he got that stuff off, I bent down on my knees and took his belt off with my teeth. Then I took the rest off very slowly, kissing him while I did it. Then he went in for the kill.

We had done it, and let me tell you, he was a dream come true for making love. Now I know why he always said “making love,” on Match Game.

We where married for life and I’ll never forget being married to him. He made the most wonderful husband, and did I mention we had a son together? We named him Richard Dawson Junior.

*****The End*****

The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 26 November 2001.
Site Copyright © 2000-2001. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Story Copyright © 2001. Mel Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com