~*~The Late Night Call~*~

(30 July 2000)

{{Diary-style story of a contestant on Family Feud getting a call from Richard. RATED-PG}}

It's been 8 days--not that I'm counting--since I was on Family Feud. I was on the show for 2 days with my mom, dad, grandmother and cousin. We won the first day and won the $5,000, but lost the second day. We left with $5,452.

I thought for sure that Richard would take a liking to my cousin Tammy, but he seemed only genuinly nice to her. He shook my dad's hand and let him introduce the family. Then he gave my mom a kiss and complimented her on her butterfly pin she was wearing. He kissed my grandmother and said she looked "Pretty in pink."

When he got to my cousin, he gave her a kiss and asked if we planned to win the money. She said we did and he moved on to greet me. He smiled and gave me a kiss, then asked if I was ready to play. I said "yes" and he walked away. I thought that he rushed passed me a bit, but thought nothing more of it after that.

My dad won control of the question and he eventually got to me and said "hello" and held my hand while he asked the question again. I thought for a second, then gave a right answer. Then he moved on again.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. The way he walked, the way he spoke, his smile, his laugh, and mostly, his gorgeous eyes. I tried not to stare, but sometimes I couldn't help myself. Once or twice he noticed me staring at him in a daze, and I felt myself blush when I realized he had seen me staring.

But each time he came to me, he never spent much time talking or flirting with me like he's done to other girls on the show.

The second night I was a little less nervous. We had already won the big money, so we wouldn't go away empty-handed, and there were always the parting gifts, had we not won anything big.

As we started the second day's game, I noticed a rather beautiful blonde on the opposing team. Richard seemed to take a liking to her and spent a lot of time talking and flirting with her. I found myself rather jealous and tended to stare a lot more than I had the previous game. While he was chatting with the "competition," I watched him like a hawk. He made a joke and started laughing and looked out at the audience and then over at my family and ended with a quick glance at me. This time I didn't blush when he caught me looking. Instead I gave him a stern look of disgust, and his laughter died down to a small smile as he moved on down the row of family members.

I thought it was my imagination at first when he kept arriving in front of me for my answer and he acted a little awkward. He barely looked me in the eye, and he was more sweet in asking the question. He spoke in a softer, more sincere voice when he asked now. I didn't catch on til later, but he was truely embarrassed by his behaviour. Not that he had any need to be. It wasn't like we were an item or anything. But, how I wished.

So, the show ended after the other family won and mine lost. He gave each of us a kiss goodbye and when he got to me, he held onto my hands while he kissed me and he whispered "I'm sorry, darlin'." I assumed he meant because we lost.

We went offstage and watched the rest of the show from there. Of course the blonde girl was the second player for the fast money round. But Richard kept his distance and didn't stand too close to her. It was almost noticeable to others.

They won the big money, and he gave her a fast hug, and then made his way out of the center of the mob. Not long after that, both families were backstage hanging around the dressing rooms gathering up their belongings. Richard appeared, and I followed him with my eyes, discreetly, as he was approached by the blonde girl. I can read lips a little and I made out a few words. She was asking him out!

I was on the verge of tears, just for the fact that there I was, a contestant just like her and *she* was getting him. But, seconds later, he smiled shyly and shook his head no, patted her on the shoulder, and they parted.

He started walking towards me and I suddenly felt my heart drop. On the show was one thing but if he started talking to me here, backstage, I'd probably faint!

He walked up to me and extended his hand, taking mine in his. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even have time to faint.

He asked if I just saw him talking to that girl and I said I had noticed. He said she had asked him out and he said he denied her request because he was already going out with someone. As if that would make me feel any better.

I said that was nice, and he asked if I minded that he told her that. I asked him why I would mind. He asked if he was assuming too much. I had no idea what he meant, so I asked and he responded with a smile, "Well, would you mind if we went out together sometime?" and I told him that she seemed interested in him, so go for it. He stepped a bit closer to me and said, "No, not her and I. *You* and *me.*"

The surpise on my face made him grin widely. "Well?" he inquired, and I nodded yes and replied with a small "sure." He had me write my number down and that was that.

So, 8 days later, I was laying in bed late at night, unable to sleep, and had almost given up hope of him ever calling. 'Just one of his lines' I thought to myself. I started to doze off and was awoken by the phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said, in a quiet voice.

"Hello? Is this Lisa?" a familiar voice on the other end asked.


"This is Richard. We met on my show. I hope I didn't wake you, I know it's late."

I was so shocked that it was him, but tried to cover my emotions. "Oh! Hi, no you didn't wake me, I was just laying here."

"Well, I appologize anyway. And for waiting so long to call you. I can explain about that, if you'll let me. Would you be willing to meet me for a drink or something tomorrow evening?"

Still in shock but able to manage a positive reply, "There's no need to explain, but yeah, I'd love to have a drink with you tomorrow."

"Great! How about the little pub around the corner from the theatre, near the studio? Around 7?"

Trying to sound calm and looking at my clock to see if it's tomrrow evening yet, "Sounds good."

"Wonderful. I'll see you then. Sweet dreams, darlin'."

And after my "Goodnight," there was the click and dial-tone. Followed by the sound of time slowing to one tenth of normal speed.

Well, much has gone on since that night. I managed to make it through that next day and went to meet Richard at the pub. I felt really weird walking in there by myself and having to spot him among the people there. But he was sitting at the bar and saw me come in.

He got up and came to greet me. He took my hands and gave me a gentle kiss. So many times I've seen him do that to all the girls he came across. It didn't seem like anything special.

He thanked me for showing up, and led me over to the bar. He asked what I wanted to drink and I requested a mudslide. He signaled to the bartender and I had my drink in a matter of seconds it seemed.

Everyone seemed to be a regular there and didn't make a fuss about Richard like I thought they might. I figured this must be his usual place to go after work or something. Some of the people spoke to him as if they were good friends.

He suggested that we go sit at a table away from the crowd of the bar, and I obliged. We took a seat at a small table over by the window. Had a nice view of the street.

He pulled out my chair for me and waited til I sat down before he did. I felt awkward since I was so close to him. The table was barely big enough to keep our feet from touching each other. I longed for the moment where I could just sit close to him and stare into those beautiful eyes, but now that this moment was here, I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

He must have noticed my inability to be comfortable because he reached across the table and took my hands in his.

"I want you to know how happy I am that you agreed to see me tonight. I acted like a fool on the show, with that girl, you know?"

This wasn't helping me feel at ease, and I really didn't wanna discuss 'Her' at all. "You didn't act like a fool. I guess I was just jealous and showed it. I really don't understand why you didn't go out with her instead of me since she asked you. I mean you're not just here out of guilt or something are you?"

I realized how selfish and idiotic that sounded. "I'm sorry--"

"No, don't be sorry. You're being honest. And I am too. I flirt with a lot of girls but I don't mean anything by it. And when I first saw you, I knew I liked you, but I didn't wanna treat you like I treat every girl. And I guess I didn't know quite how to act around you. I didn't wanna make a big deal about it on the air or you'd think it was just me being a host. I was really glad when I noticed you watching me, though."

He smiled when he said the last part. I understood everything he said, and I sorta felt bad about the whole thing. He seemed so nice, like I had always thought he'd be. But it's hard to tell on the show. I mean, I figured he could easily be a Jekyle and Hyde type of guy. But he didn't seem like that at all.

"So did you plan on asking me here from the start?" Now I sounded pushy.

"I had to get up the courage to ask you, and after that look you gave me the second day, I was sure you would never go out with me, unless I explained. But it looks like things have worked out."

"I'd say so. But what took you so long to call?" Might as well get the whole story while I'm at it.

"Honestly, I wanted to give you time to forget everything that happened, in case you were mad and just not showing it. You're not mad, are you? I mean about that girl?"

"No. I'm not mad. Anymore."

We both laughed. I found it a lot easier to look into his eyes. The laughter subsided and I was still staring into his eyes. They twinkled in the light from the window.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

My daze was interrupted. "Huh? Oh! Nothing. It's just that....you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I don't mean to stare, but I can't help it."

He smiled and leaned forward a little, allowing me a better look. "Look all you want. I'd give 'em to you if I didn't need 'em."

More laughter. I felt so relaxed now. He was still holding my hands in his, and he was gentley rubbing them. Our drinks sat next to us, untouched since we sat down.

"I could sit here for hours, without talking, and just stare into your eyes." I felt more relaxed that I thought.

"As could I." He replied. "Listen," he said, sincerely, "I may not have much to offer you, but I'd love to keep seeing you, and for us to develop a closer relationship."

"I think that can be arranged." My sly smile emerging.

He looked down at the table and then back up into my eyes. "Would you mind terribly if I kissed you right now?"

"I'd mind terribly if you *didn't* kiss me right now."

After his smile faded, he leaned closer to me and we kissed. This time I didn't feel that recycled 'I do this to every girl' kiss. This one was genuine. And it seemed all too quick.

My heart dropped and my eyes remained closed seconds after it happened. I opened them in time to see him leaning in for another one. This one lasted longer, and was more passionate. I guess he knew I wanted more after the first one, and he was right.

As if half asleep he whispered, "I don't wanna sound too fast-paced or anything, but if you'd like, we can go back to my place."

I couldn't help but ask, "Don't be offended, but, do you do this all the time?"

"You mean call girls in the middle of the night, invite them for a drink, and then ask them to my place?"

"Yeah" I said squinting at him.

"Just every other week." He saw the expression on my face. "Uh oh, don't go giving me *that* look again! I was just joking!"

We both laughed.

He got serious, "No. I truely don't. I usually meet people through friends and it never works out. Other than that, I'll ask someone out, they'll turn me down, or accept and she turns out to be a real terror."

"You mean they don't wanna come back to your place?" I joked.

"Boy, you've got my fast wit haven't you? I could go for some competition."

"You've got it, pal." I was looking forward to a little brain work. A nice change from some of the boring people I have to deal with in life who have no wit at all.

He leaned in for yet another kiss. Almost as long as the last one, but he broke it off to ask, "Well? My place? You can try out my King-sized waterbed. But I gotta tell you, once you try it, you'll need to experiment with it for a whole night to get the full effect. And it's new, by the way, so you'll be the first girl to try it out. And hopefully....the last."

I ran my hand along the side of his head to fix his hair. "You really know the right things to say, don't you?"

And from the most meaningful smile imaginable came the words, "I love you."

Point proven.

The End!
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 14 November 2000.
Copyright © 2000. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com