~*~Kilt Kapers~*~

(14 November 2000)

{{The Devil's Brigade bar scene setting. Richard and Lily are the main characters. Cast and crew of movie are extras. RATED-PG13.}}

"This place is pretty cool" Lily said as her and Richard walked onto the bar set. "If you keep your back to the cameras, it feels real."

"Yeah, the cameras and lights can be distracting, but once you get into a scene, you tend to forget about them." Richard led Lily over to a side table and they sat down.

The lighting was rather dim on the set. Richard had been working on 'The Devil's Brigade' and since the weekend had approached and Saturday was a holiday, the cast and crew gathered onto the bar set to have a small party. Lily had been dating Richard for quite awhile now and she usually went to the studio to watch the movie being made and to see her lover in action.

Richard was in costume. He had on the army uniform with the kilt and beret and looked adorable to Lily. By now he had taken the beret off and put it on the table.

"You know, I think I like you better in a kilt" Lily teased.

"That's only cos you can see up it" Richard replied, with a grin.

Someone brought them over a drink and they made a toast. It was one of Richard's co-stars rubbing in the fact that Richard was one of the people who got stuck wearing a kilt.

After a bit of joking around, Lily and Richard were left alone again, able to talk privately.

"Admit it. You like it" Lily mused.

"Like what?" Richard questioned, then realizing, "Oh. Well, it's a bit breezy, but other than that, it's OK, I guess. As long as I remember to sit right." He chuckled as he adjusted his legs.

Lily took a drink and couldn't help sneak a look down at Richard's waistline.

"I saw that!" he snapped at her.

"Saw what?? I didn't do anything!" she smiled, innocently.

Using her own words, he toyed, "Admit it, you like it."

Lily shrugged, "What's not to like? It provides for easy access. No zippers to mess with."

Richard looked around to make sure they were going unnoticed before he proceeded to go one step further. After making sure no one was watching them, he slouched back in his chair and seperated his legs a bit to allow Lily a peek at what she had on her mind.

"Richard!" she shrieked, covering her mouth to keep from further outbursts.

"Sshh, nobody's paying attention. Besides, we're in a dark little corner here." He smiled a crooked smile and laughed at the expression on Lily's face. He could tell she was getting turned on, and that was starting to arrouse him.

"Too bad you gotta wear underwear under that or I'd have a perfect veiw from here." She wished she could just make love to him right there, but there were people everywhere. She had to do something though, and fast. She couldn't take it anymore.

Lily leaned forward and slid her chair closer to Richard. He didn't say anything, but he moved his legs further apart to allow her to scoot her chair inches from the front of his. He watched her up and down as he wondered what she was up to. He had an idea though.

Lily put her hands on Richard's knees and rubbed them. Then she ran her hands up his legs under his kilt and his eyes closed for a few seconds.

"Maybe you shouldn't be doing this with all these people around" he warned her. But she didn't stop.

She rubbed the outside of his thighs up and down and then worked her way to his inner thighs. After watching her for a minute, Richard leaned forward and put his hands on Lily's thighs. Then he pulled her head towards his and kissed her deeply.

For the length of the kiss, Lily's hands stopped moving around, but once the kiss was over, she moved her hands onto Richard's manhood and began massaging him.

Richard closed his eyes and rested his forehead on Lily's forehead. He let out a sigh and tried to tell her she should stop, but when he opened his mouth to speak, nothing came out.

As Lily managed to get her hands into his briefs, Richard put his head by Lily's shoulder and was breathing into her ear. Lily found the feel of his breath stimulating and she used her free hand to wander through his soft hair.

By now, several people were watching the two of them practically sitting on top of each other. Eventually the set got quiet and everyone's attention was in their direction.

Richard's occasional moans were heard by everyone and there was much attempt to stifle laughter. It didn't take long for someone to laugh out loud which led the others in a chain reaction laugh.

Lily looked behind Richard and saw everyone was watching them, "Oh my God!"

Not realizing, Richard replied, "I know" and kissed Lily's neck. "Richard, everyone's staring at us!" she said quickly. "I know....just...." A second later, he stopped and while looking behind him said, "What?!"

Richard and Lily became red with embarrassment and everyone started cheering them on.

Richard fixed his Kilt and stood up. He laughed a bit, but was too humiliated to say anything.

"Way to go, Richard!" someone shouted.

"I guess women can't resist a man in a kilt, huh Richard?" added another voice.

Lily stood and put her arm around Richard's waist, "You know it!" she assured them.

Richard smiled and put his arm around Lily.

"Maybe we'll get a head start on that holiday" he announced.

Everyone applauded him and raised their glasses in a toast, "To Richard....best lookin' man in a skirt!"

Everyone, including Richard and Lily, laughed. Richard grabbed his beret and put it on just for kicks. The others cheered and he looked at Lily. She had a huge smile on her face. She thought he looked adorable and she let him know by giving him a big kiss.

They held hands and walked off the set to go home and left behind loud cheering and well wishes.

"Too bad THAT wasn't in the movie" giggled Lily.

"Well, how about we take this outfit home and make our OWN scene?" Richard whispered to her.

Lily gave him a grin of approval and with that, they picked up the pace to the nearest exit.

The End!
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 14 November 2000.
Copyright © 2000. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com