~*~Damon's New Assistant~*~

(2 June 2000)

~Things inside [these brackets] are there to let you know what's going on, and scene set ups. Things in (these brackets) are what the person is thinking, and are there only for the reader's benefit. The thoughts aren't heard by the other characters.~

{{This story is set inside "The Running Man" movie, and the story is altered to fit my satisfaction and enjoyment. It WAS gonna be about the end of the Movie, when Damon was confronted by Ben and I would show up and convince Ben to let Damon go by telling him that Damon didn't know any better and he was only doing what he knew how to do, which was run the show. I would tell Ben that I'd change Damon, and then he'd have sympathy for him and let him go, which would make Damon be greatful to me and wanna be with me, etc. But this worked better, in my humble but dirty-minded opinion. RATED-NC17. Get lost kiddies.}}

[Summary: Lisa, that's me, is the new personal assistant of Damon Killian, that's Richard Dawson. The first scene takes place at the front door of the building. He's just gotten out of his limo and waved to all his fans outside who gather there every day hoping to catch a glimpse of him as he enters the building where he does his #1 show The Running Man. The show, of course, is inhumane and uses people, criminals or not, to make their way through a broadcasted maze of 'Stalkers' who's job it is to destroy the player, or 'Runner' as they're called. People watch from the audience while Damon offers prizes and comments on the shows progress while watching it on the screen.]

[Damon makes his way up to the floor where the broadcasting offices are, and he enters his office. Several people are gathered there to go over certain things about that show, such as ratings and who they'll use as next 'Runner.' There's no filming today, but the meeting is a vital part of the process, so everyone is expected to show up, and they do. Lisa is new, and her job is to take notes at the meetings and other little odds and ends. But that's about to change.]

Damon: [sitting on sofa with a drink in one hand and a cigarette in another; nice suit, no tie, colar button undone casually; one foot on floor and one on sofa with knee up and arm with cigarette leaning on it] ....Ratings are down and we need someone on the show that's gonna get them up or we're all fucked. Now I want every one of you to go through all the files we've got and see what it is our viewers like and what they dislike. [continues talking about ratings]

Lisa: (My God. Look at him. So powerful. So....sexy. I shouldn't be staring like this, but I can't help it. What if he--)

Damon: [takes a drink and looks up to see Lisa staring at him with a blank look on her face, as if in a daydream] Is there somethin' I can do for you, darlin'?

[everyone looks at her]

Lisa: [completely embarrassed and looking down] No, I....I wasn't, I mean, I didn't mean to--

Damon: [grins evilly and turns back to others] You all heard what I said, now get to work on getting those ratings up or I'll have all of YOU on the show as 'Runners'! Now get out of here! And don't come in here for the rest of the day. I wanna be alone.

Damon's Current Personal Assistant: [leans towards Lisa and whispers] You better watch your ass. You have no idea who you're dealing with there.

Lisa: [while making her way to the door] I didn't do anything, I was just--

Assistant: You don't have to DO anything. [she walks away]

Lisa: [almost to the door; a couple people behind her making their way out]

Damon: Can't you people move any faster than that?! [nicer tone of voice] Oh uh....Lisa. I want you to stay behind. Shut the door after they manage to get their asses through it.

Lisa: [shocked and nervous, she waits til everyone files out and then shuts the door behind them; stands motionless near the door, eyes wandering but avoiding Damon; gripping on to her pad of paper like she'd fall if she let go]

Damon: [looking over his shoulder at her, wandering why she's just standing there] Well come over here! Don't stand there like a damn statue. Come here so I can take a look at you. Seems only fair since you spent the whole meeting staring at ME.

Lisa: [walks over where he can see her better; still gripping on to pad of paper; slightly shaking from nervousness] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I was just, thinking, or not paying attention. Oh! I WAS paying attention! I heard everything you said, I uh--

Damon: That's enough, I don't need a novel description of what it was you were or weren't doing.

Lisa: I'm sorry.

Damon: [putting out cigarette in ashtray behind him] And for God's sake, put that paper down!

Lisa: I'm sorry. [she goes over to his desk and puts it down; remains standing in front of desk, 10 feet from him on sofa]

Damon: And you can knock it off with the sorry's too. I've heard enough of those in my life and I'm just about sick of it. People think a five-letter word can make everything alright. It's pathetic.

Lisa: I'm s-- You're right, sir.

Damon: Sir? [slyly; gets up and walks towards her with drink in hand] Well, you sure are a polite little thing aren't you?

Lisa: [backs up against desk] I try to be, yes.

Damon: [stands right in front of her, reaches around her side and places glass on desk; standing inches from her; speaking softly] I like a polite girl. There aren't many left in this world.

Lisa: [uncomfortably] I suppose you're right.

Damon: I'm ALWAYS right, dear. [noticing her slightly shaking; puts hand on her bare arm; leans towards her ear and whipers] Are you afraid of something?

Lisa: [barely able to stand] No, well, you're--

Damon: I'm what? [kneeding her arm with his hand] I'm making you uncomfortable?

Lisa: [she slides out from between him and the desk and backs towards the door] I uh, better go.

Damon: You forgot your paper.

Lisa: [hastily; reaching back for the doorknob as she walks] I've got more. Besides, you said you wanted to be alone, so--

Damon: [walking up to her and extending his hand around her side, holding the door shut and backing her up against it] I wanted to be alone with YOU. Now, let go of the doorknob.

Lisa: [not letting go]

Damon: [eyes fixed on the doorknob just to the side of her, his hand still pressed on the door by her shoulder] You know what I over-heard earlier today on my way in here? [not waiting for a reply] I heard you telling someone something that you didn't want me to hear. You didn't know I was around and I heard you telling someone that you think I have "the most beautiful, mesmorizing eyes" you've ever seen in your life, and if I even looked at you the right way, you'd do anything I say.

Lisa: [panicking inside, not looking him in the eyes] I never said--

Damon: [angerily] DON'T [forced calmness] lie, to me. You said it, didn't you?

Lisa: [giving up; soft voice] Yes.

Damon: What was that?

Lisa: [a bit louder] Yes.

Damon: [sternly] Louder.

Lisa: [with loss of patience] Yes! I said it!

Damon: [pleased] That's a good girl. Now, [lifting her chin with his free hand so she looks him in the eyes] were you about to leave?

Lisa: Ye-- [looks into eyes; relaxes] No.

Damon: Then you can let go of the doorknob, right?

Lisa: [as if hypnotically] Yes. [let's go of the doorknob; drops hand to her side]

Damon: [brushes side of her cheek with his hand; reaches down and locks door] Wouldn't you like to sit down on the sofa? I promise I won't bite. [smiles]

Lisa: [thinking she shouldn't have gave in, but he seems sincere, and she's been dreaming about a moment like this] I'd like that.

Damon: [playfully] If I bit you?

Lisa: [making her way to the sofa while he goes to the office windows that lead to the other room and closes the blinds for privacy] Yes, uh, no! I'd like to sit on the sofa, I meant.

Damon: Oh. [takes his drink from desk and makes his way to the sofa where's she's now sitting; sits down a foot away from her] Would you like a drink?

Lisa: No. Thank you.

Damon: I think you're a very skillful worker, especially since you're new. I think you'd make me a great personal assistant. Would you like that?

Lisa: [feeling better talking about work] I'd love a promotion but you've already got an assistant.

Damon: I don't like her. She's a bitch and she complains and whines about everything. I'll stick her in a job she'll be happier doing, and then she won't have anything against you. What d'you say? You'd get a nice pay raise, and you wouldn't have to answer to anyone but me.

Lisa: [uncertain after what just happened, but again, he seems sincere] Well....OK!

Damon: Wonderful! You can get rid of all that paper too, you won't be needing that anymore. [extending glass to her] Sure you won't have a drink? It's the best money can buy. Go on, to celebrate.

Lisa: [she takes the glass; takes a sip; coughs a bit] Ugh! How can you drink that stuff? It's so strong!

Damon: [small laugh] That's how I like it. [pats and rubs her on the back so she stops coughing] Are you OK?

Lisa: [coughing fades] Yeah, I'm just not much of a drinker I guess. [laughs]

Damon: [rubbing her back more gently and seductively now] You get used to it.

Lisa: [realizing what he's up to] I'm OK now, you don't have to--

Damon: [cutting her off and scooting up against her while putting his arm all the way around her, holding her tightly] Why don't you just relax and do what's in your heart, honey? You know I ain't gonna hurt you.

Lisa: [nervous again] How do I know that? I mean, look what you do for a living.

Damon: [shocked/defensive; backing off a bit; ] I do what people WANT me to do! I do it for the ratings; for THEIR entertainment! So don't ever condemn what I do for a living! You get YOUR salary from what I do! [seeing that he's scared her and immediately calms down] I appologize, darlin'. I didn't mean to lose my temper like that.

Lisa: It's OK, you had every right to, I shouldn't have said that.

Damon: No, no, you say whatever's on your mind. I wanna know what you're thinkin'. Honest I do. You're a very bright young woman, and I admire that.

Lisa: Thank you.

Damon: You've got the brains, and I've got the brain's and the power. We go great together. Don't you think so?

Lisa: [somewhat sarcastically] You've got it all.

Damon: [holding her tightly again] And don't you forget it. Now, where were we?

Lisa: [chancing a sense of humour] You were squeezing the life out of my arm, I believe.

Damon: [small laugh] Oh, right. Well, if you promise not to run away, I won't hold on so tight. Deal?

Lisa: Now why would I run away?

Damon: You wanted to before.

Lisa: That's when I thought you were dangerous and about to hurt me.

Damon: I would never hurt you, as long as you're loyal to me. If you cross me, THEN I'm dangerous.

Lisa: [laughing til she realizes he isn't joking]

Damon: But I think we already decided that you were gonna be loyal to me, right? I mean, you ARE my new assistant. PERSONAL assistant. And, perhaps, more.

Lisa: Did you do all this to your last one?

Damon: You mean did I try to fuck her?

Lisa: [shocked at his retort] Uh, yes. Did you?

Damon: No. And she wouldn't have anyway. She's got some asshole of a boyfriend who thinks he's God's gift to women. I'd like to get my hands on him one day. See how the women like a man with a busted face.

Lisa: [feeling much more confident now] (As long as I stay loyal and supportive of him, he'll be good to me. And I've wanted this from the moment I saw him. I know he's a good guy at heart, but he has to keep his image so people don't crush him. He has a job and he does it, even if it isn't the best job to have, but maybe I can change that. He's a great guy to have on my side in today's day and time.) Jealous?

Damon: Not of him. Not of his 'looks.' I just hate that cocky, bullshit attitude. He's a nobody. Not successful, doesn't make a lot of money.

Lisa: Doesn't have his own show?

Damon: Are you trying to hint that I have that sort of attitude?

Lisa: Don't you?

Damon: I sure as hell do! And it's a good thing to have. You can't let people come up to you and order you around, you have to be in charge of everything, all the time. But him, he has nothing going for him. All those little people who depend on others to get them places. They're the plague of our world.

Lisa: Ever thought of running for president?

Damon: Sometimes. But enough about that. [seductively] So, when you were NOT staring at me earlier, what were you thinking about?

Lisa: [shyly] I just, I didn't mean to stare.

Damon: You've said that already. But I didn't buy it then, and I don't by it now. [with arm still around her; rubs her upper thigh with free hand; gently kissing her ear while whispering] Tell me what you were thinking.

Lisa: [unable to resist] I wanted you, so bad. The way you had your leg up on the sofa....

Damon: [rubbing her upper thigh more forcefully; nibbling her ear] Keep going, what else.

Lisa: I, [breathlessly] I wanted to touch you, to slip between your legs and kiss you, to look into your eyes and surrender to you, and have you hold me, to make love to me, right here.

Damon: While everyone watched? [kissing and nibbling her neck now]

Lisa: [feeling out of control but not denying him; leaning head back to expose more of her neck] No, I didn't care, I wasn't aware of anyone but you at the moment. It was just you and me, and then you caught me staring, and I stopped.

Damon: Did we finish making love before I caught you?

Lisa: No, we had just started. [trying to snap out of it] I don't think this is a good idea--

Damon: We can do it now.

Lisa: [confused by everything that's happening] What?

Damon: [stops kissing her; puts hand on her cheek, looks into her eyes, very close, lips almost touching] We can make love, now. Here, like you imagined, but this time it'll be real.

Lisa: [torn between yes and no] I, we--

Damon: [kisses her fully on the mouth, long and sensually]

Lisa: [starts to pull away but he holds her head so she can't; his tongue slips into her mouth; she mumbles incoherently]

Damon: [breaks off the kiss; his hand still on her cheek, the other still around her back; he looks into her eyes for a split second and then gently kisses her lightly on the lips]

Lisa: [she realizes she's fighting a losing battle; she knows she wants it....him; she puts both her hands on his face and pulls him towards her; they kiss long and hard, their hands explore and rub all over each other in a frenzy; after so long, she speaks breathlessly while hugging him] I want you Damon, but I'm afraid.

Damon: [hugging her back while running his hands all over her back] You don't have to be afraid. I told you I wouldn't hurt you. Nobody will. I won't ever let them.

Lisa: What if you change your mind and don't want me anymore?

Damon: I won't change my mind. I want you now, and I'll never stop wanting you. We can get married one day, and have kids. We'll be so happy, if you'll just say 'yes' and trust me. Say you trust me, I need that.

Lisa: [looking into his eyes while stroking his hair] I trust you Damon. And I love you.

Damon: [taking both her hands in his] I love you too. Forever

Lisa: [the sound of the 'forever' should have frightened her, but it didn't; she reached down for the front of his pants while they embraced in another kiss]

Damon: [between kisses'; jokingly] We'll finish what you started now

Lisa: I can't wait any longer. I wanna make you happy. I wanna pleasure you. [she undos his pants and slides down to the floor on her knees; he makes room for her between his legs and leans back on the sofa; she takes all of him in her mouth and massages him with her tongue]

Damon: [he grabs her head and pulls it closer to him; he lets out sounds of pleasurable moans] Oh, yes, that feels, so--

[there's a knock at the door; a voice is heard saying they have some figures on the ratings]

Damon: [letting go of her hair and leaning his head back on the back of the sofa; yells] Not, NOW!!

[voice at door says "I'm sorry" and goes away]

Damon: [struggles to speak] What, a fucking....ass, hole. [he soon climaxes]

Lisa: [releasing him and looking up to see him smiling and catching his breath] They have the worst timing, huh?

Damon: They're all, idiots. They don't, know, how to, make me happy. Like you do. [caresses her face]

Lisa: [climbs onto sofa and lays her head on his chest; he strokes her hair with one hand and she holds his other hand] Everyone should try and make you happy. It'd be good for them. You've got so much to offer them.

Damon: Like I said, they're idiots. They don't know any better. [lifting her head to look at him] I'm just glad I found YOU. [she slides up to kiss him; he leans her back so she's laying on the sofa and he's on top of her; they kiss passionately; they manage to get most of their clothes off] I think we have some unfinished business here. [smile]

Lisa: [kiss] I wonder who'll come to the door THIS time

Damon: Whoever does won't ever do it again if they do. [he enters her and proceeds to thrust against her hard, but not hurting her]

Lisa: [getting her hands up under his untucked shirt and scratching her nails down his back; moaning, breathing heavily] Oh, Damon, don't stop! Don't ever stop!

Damon: [thrusting harder in response to her nails; they climax together] I'm afraid I'll have to stop for now. [he rolls off to her side and the lay there together on the sofa catching their breath] But, there's always next time, and the time, after that.

Lisa: Promise?

Damon: Promise. [he kisses her long]

Lisa: [time passes] Shouldn't you go out there and see the ratings figures? I bet they wonder what's going on in here. What are you gonna tell them?

Damon: It's none of their damn business. But for your sake, I'll say we were having a private meeting. Just me and my new personal assistant.

Lisa: But you didn't have a meeting with your OLD assistant.

Damon: Yes I did. But that was a real meeting. I had to tell her what I expected out of her. What she needs to do to make me happy. How I like my coffee, how I like things organized. But since you already know what makes me happy, there's no need for a real meeting. [smile; kiss]

Lisa: [fixing her clothes] You think of everything, don't you?

Damon: [fixing his clothes] It seems that way. [they both walk towards the door, he lights a cigarette and hands her the pad of paper]

Lisa: It certainly does.

The End
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 15 December 2000.
Copyright © 2000. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com