~*~Bunkbed Jubilee~*~

(7-8 May 2000)

{{Hogan's Heroes setting, in the barracks. Peter Newkirk and Star are the main characters, the rest are minor. RATED-R.}}

[Newkirk was seated at the table with his back towards the barrack's door. Across from him was LeBeau. They were playing a friendly game of cards while the rest of the men were outside doing odds and ends for Klink. Newkirk and LeBeau had spent all early morning doing work so they got to take the rest of the day off.]

Several days ago, a young American girl named Star visited the camp. She was doing a report and spoke with Klink for quite some time, getting information on simple things that go on and how he runs the camp. He allowed her to speak to the men there, and she took a liking to Newkirk right away. He seems interested in her as well. In fact he was basically the only one she had the chance to talk to. He had much to say, and not enough time.

So she cozied up to Klink and somehow managed to get his permission to stick around, to work on her report. Klink was a bit smitten with her himself, so he was easily persuaded. He even permitted her to sleep in the barracks with the guys. They sure didn't mind, and it would allow her to get a close encounter with what goes on there. Klink warned the men that if any of them hassled her in any way, they'd pay dearly.

Those few days that she'd spent there so far allowed her to get close to Newkirk. They developed a great attraction for each other, and Star even started sleeping in his bunk. "To keep warm" was her excuse. They hadn't slept together, but had been caught kissing on more than one occasion. The guys joked with Newkirk, but he had the advantage. He had a girl with him. In his bed. They didn't.

"I've been meaning to ask you....how'd you get such a name as Star?" Newkirk asked while throwing out a playing card onto the table.

"Well my real name is Mae, but I thought Star was such a unique and uplifting name. I've gone by it for a few years now. Don't you like it?" she asked, sitting on the bottom bunk behind him.

"Oh, I like it fine. I just never heard of anyone with that name before. It's very unique indeed. And very beautiful as well." He turned and smiled innocently at her, noticing that she was occupying herself by jotting down her daily notes. "If you need some more material, I've got a few stories in me head I could sell to you." he mused.

"Oh really? At what price?" she toyed back.

"Are you gonna play this game or not?" LeBeau asked impatiently.

"Pipe down LeBeau. Can't you see I've got a game goin' on the side here as well?" Newkirk turned back to Star, quickly replacing his aggitated look for a smile, "How about dinner? I could have Lebeau here fix us up a little something."

Star looked passed Newkirk and at LeBeau still waiting to continue the card game.

"Sure, sure. Anything. Just as long as I get to play this game." said LeBeau pointing to the cards in Newkirk's hands. Newkirk continued playing the game. Star said she'd be back in awhile, she was going to check out the action in the yard.

An hour later she came back in. "Not much going on out there. Klink's got them cleaning his office in exchange for some extra hours of recreation. Are you two *still* playing cards?"

"LeBeau....he doesn't wanna quit til he beats me. He hasn't won more than 3 games since we started playing." Newkirk puts his cards down. "I'm out. And that's enough for me. You're never gonna catch up. Loser fixes the meal, so get started."

"Aw, come on Newkirk. One more game, I'm feeling lucky now." pleaded LeBeau.

"You couldn't get lucky if you had a bird sittin' on your lap. But I'll play you *one* more game." Newkirk dealt the cards. "All the work we did this morning is makin' me shoulders ache. Next time *you* hold the boards up with *your* shoulders and *I'll* nail them up."

Star felt bad for Newkirk so she stood behind him and massaged his aching shoulders. "How's that feel?"

"Blimey, that feels right good love. Don't stop." Newkirk let out a series of soft moans. He became distracted with the game and LeBeau took advantage. "Looks like your luck has run out Newkirk."

"That's what you think" replied Newkirk as he relaxed a bit more in the chair.

Star leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I've got a feeling you're about to get *very* lucky."

Newkirk put his head back so he was looking up at Star and asked, "And when do you suppose this luck will be arriving?"

She kissed his forehead and again whispered in his ear, "Oh I'd say right about....now." She had ran one of her hands down to rub his upper thigh as she answered him.

Newkirk jumped up, threw his cards on the table, enthusiastically yelled, "I win. Get to work on that food LeBeau, would you?" and he turned and embraced Star. He backed her up against the bunk and kissed her long and passionately.

LeBeau examined Newkirk's cards. He tossed his down on the table and let out a "Hmff" then proceeded to get the supplies for the meal he promised.

Yesterday, Newkirk and Star decided he should have his bunk on the bottom, that way they could hang up sheets around the bunk for privacy. They were about to find out how well this privacy would come in handy.

LeBeau tried his best to ignore the two love birds. He set up the ingredients he was going to use for the meal. He was intent on making it a nice dish for everyone. It was a rather special occasion. It wasn't often they had a girl in the barracks. Not often at all.

It would be several hours before Klink would be satisfied with the men's job at cleaning his office. He was expecting some important visitors the next day, and he wanted everything perfect. The guy's didn't mind. It wasn't hard at all, and they were quite satisfied with getting more hours of recreational time in the future.

"Ooh Peter, I've wanted to kiss you from the first moment I saw you" Star mumbled between kisses.

"I've wanted you all me life. You're the girl of me dreams. You always looked a bit different then, but I'd recognize you anywhere" he joked.

They were still standing against the bunkbed when Star suggested, "Let's see how our fort holds up." She pulled on the front of his shirt as she backed into the secluded bunk, leading him in.

"*My* fort's holdin' up *quite* well" he teased. He climbed in after her and they were sprawled out in their private lair in no time.

Star helped him out of his shirt and they balled all the clothes up between her and the wall. They seemed to line the crack between the bed and the wall nicely, and even helped keep some of the cold air from leaking in.

They were both on their sides, facing each other as they tugged at each other's clothing. Star planted kisses down Newkirk's chest and stomach. When she reached his pants, she fiddled to get them undone. There wasn't much light getting into the bunk, and his pants were a bit tricky to undo.

"Do you need some help down there, love?" he asked, slightly amused at the trouble she was having.

"No, just lay back and relax, I'll get it....*there*!" She giggled when she saw that he wasn't wearing anything under the pants. "No wonder you get cold easily" she laughed.

"Since you've been around here, these pants have been too tight for anything else to fit in there" he joked back.

They worked in unison to remove his pants and then he proceeded to get her out of hers while she took off her own shirt.

He got them off her in a few seconds. She gave him a sly expression and commented on his speedy technique, "Have you done this many times before? You do it like a pro."

"I was born with the hands of a skilled craftsman" he assured her. "I've got a lot of tricks I could demonstrate for you if you'd like."

She laughed and couldn't help but notice how, in the dimness of the tent, his eyes twinkled when they caught a small ray of light. She froze and just stared into them.

"Are you alright? What's the matter?" he asked concerned, as he ran his hand up and down her arm in a comforting manner. "Was it something I said?"

"No" she said suddeny, feeling bad for making him think he did something not to her liking. "It's just....you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. This moment couldn't be any better than it is."

He seemed a little shocked at her sentimental words, and he knew this was one special girl that he couldn't let get away from him. He hadn't felt like this in so long, if ever, and he didn't want it to end. "Before we go any further, I wanna say something."

He was still carrassing her bare arm. They were both fully naked now, covered by a thin sheet up to their waists. "What?" she asked delicately, part of her fearing that he would admit that she was only a convenience, but the rest of her knowing he really cared about her.

"I love you" he said softly, and sealed it with a gentle kiss. "I wanted you to know that before we make love, so you won't think I'm using you."

"I love you too. I'm so glad I found you. Maybe instead of my report on prison camps, I could write a novel about a girl and a brave soldier who meet in a camp and fall madly in love." She really wondered if that would be a better idea.

"And live happily ever after" he chimed in.

"Of course. But I *should* have a bit of juicy romance in the story, wouldn't you think?" Her hand was making it's way through his dark hair as she leaned in to kiss him.

"Wouldn't be a story without it" he smiled as he met her half way for the kiss.

They moved ever so slowly, savouring every piece of each other. Every breath was heard as a symphony of exstasy. The made love with ease, to get the feel of each other's body and learn which were the most pleasing methods. There would be plenty of times in the near future for more intese love making. But for now, they were content with the slow-paced approach.

They tried as hard as they could to muffle each other's moans and sounds with their mouths, but LeBeau was well in earshot. He began humming during the climax of the lovers, and they couldn't help but silently giggle to each other in the bunk.

They felt sorry for LeBeau but couldn't stop laughing. Newkirk had to hold his hand over Star's mouth to keep her from cracking up when LeBeau was still humming even after the love making was over. When he started humming louder, Newkirk nearly lost it and Star had to hold *her* hand over *his* mouth. They looked at each other and that only made it worse.

Just then LeBeau announced, "The food is almost ready, are you two finished in there?" Newkirk and Star went into hysterics and LeBeau demanded to know what was so funny.

Newkirk couldn't resist, "Not a thing mate, but uh, could we get our food delivered?"

An audible sigh was heard from LeBeau, and Newkirk and Star continued to laugh.

Star's head was resting on Newkirk's chest. He was stroking her hair with one hand and was holding her hand with his other. "You know what?" he asked.

"What?" she questioned, squeezing his hand gently.

"I think I love you more now than I did before. Are you insulted?" he asked cautiously, wanting to be honest with her, but regretting what he had admitted. He loved her before they made love, but after, he felt much more close to her.

"No. It's everything *but* an insult. Whatever makes our love grow, can't be bad." She knew how he felt, and was glad he felt the same way.

"Well then I've got a teriffic idea!" he exclaimed. "Let's make love three times a day, and by the end of the week, we'll have enough love to share with the other fellas!"

They both laughed.

"Your dinner is ready you two. And I am *not* bringing it in there for you" LeBeau said slightly serious.

"Aw, come on LeBeau. Be a pal!" Newkirk couldn't help but tease him a bit. They had already gotten dressed by now and were sitting inside the tent giggling as they teased LeBeau. As LeBeau sighed several more times, they looked into each other's eyes once more and kissed passionately, thinking of the future they would always have together, and hopefully many more chances to annoy LeBeau.

The End!
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 14 November 2000.
Copyright © 2000. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com