~*~Acting On Break~*~

(7 August 2000)

{{Takes place during the filming of the Hogan's Heroes episode where Newkirk is under-cover as Wolfgang Meuller, the foreman at the German canon factory and he gets drafted to the Germany army and has to keep sneezing to hide from Klink. He's wearing his rather worn-out undershirt and grey pants. It's a break from filming. RATED: PG-13}}

I was working as a Production Assistant on Hogan's Heroes. Today, they had me sorting papers over on a table near the set. It wasn't so bad, I got to hear the filming and catch a glance of my boyfriend here and there. He was the one who got me the job.

I hadn't heard the director say, "Cut! Take a break while we set up for the next shot." A pair of strong arms came from behind me and wrapped around my waste, holding me tightly.

"Guess who?" came a low, seductive voice.

I leaned my head back and moaned lightly. "I'd recognize you're firm grip and soothing voice anywhere....Bob." Knowing full well that it wasn't, but what's the fun in guessing the correct answer right away?

The arms around me loosened and I was spun around to see Richard with a fake, mad look on his face, "What do you mean Bob?!"

"Oh, you know I knew it was you all along." That's when I got my first look at his oufit. Not the usual Newkirk uniform, although I loved that on him. "MMmm" I muttered while looking him up and down.

He lowered his head and looked up at me, "'MMmm', what?"

"That shirt. It looks sexy on you!"

He tugged on part of it and shrugged, "This old thing? You've gotta be kidding."

I ran my hands along the front of his chest, smoothing out the wrinkles in the shirt, "Well, *I* think you look sexy in it. I'm glad they gave you a break during this scene, otherwise I woulda missed out."

He smiled modestly and asked if I was having fun sorting papers. I said it was OK, but at least I got to hang around the set everyday and see him. He agreed that it was a good excuse.

"Well, am I gonna get a kiss on my break, or what?" he blurted out.

"As if you had to ask." I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled him towards me.

"I've got a piece of gum in my mouth. Want it?" He put it between his front teeth and proved that he had it.

Usually I'd think that was a little gross, sharing gum and all, but he's just too cute to resist and it was practically a new piece of gum anyway since he can't chew it during a scene without it being noticeable.

I accepted with a "Sure, why not?"

He had his hands on my hips and pulled me against him, locking our lips in an intimate kiss. My tongue probed around in his mouth trying to find the little piece of gum. He had it hiding under his tongue but eventually surrendered it and our kiss ended.

"Not bad. Still juicy and fresh." Although too small to blow a bubble with, but, oh well.

"Still *what?*" he asked, with his seductive voice and a mischievious gleam in his eyes.

I knew what he was up to, and I played along, "Juicy and fresh."

He bit his bottom lip while grinning and shook his head, "Such a naughty girl. I might have to teach you a lesson." He pulled me tightly against him, still looking me in the eyes.

"I think you should." I gave him a quick kiss.

He reached around me and shoved the papers, on the table, aside, but careful not to mess up their order. "I outta do you right here on this table."

I knew he was kidding, but he grabbed my waste and lifted one of my legs up so I was pretty much sitting on the edge of the table. "Richard!" I shrieked, but only got an evil grin and steady stare from him followed by a muffled giggle. "Richard, there are people watching!"

He gave me a deep kiss and I felt myself fall completely under his spell. "Do you care?" he whispered breathlessly with his face pressed against my ear.

"What?" I asked in a daze, nearly numb.

"Do you care?" he repeated, "That people are watching?"

"No" I answered, not even thinking about the people anymore. It was just the two of us now. My hands running through his hair while his hands rubbed my hips and upper thighs.

He started pressing himself up against me. We had our clothes on, but from across the floor, I'm sure people couldn't tell exactly what we were doing. The last time I looked over Richard's shoulder, there were half a dozen people standing there watching us with their mouths half way to the ground.

"Give them something to look at" he told me, "Grab onto my ass and massage it so they can see."

I did as he requested. He kissed me forcefully as I did it.

"Now put your hands up under my shirt and run your nails down my back." He kissed me more.

My hands ended up back in his hair again. He knew I loved playing with his hair, and he loved when I did it.

He kissed my neck and I had my eyes closed, not paying attention to the additions of the crowd watching us.

Again he whispered in my ear, and let his hands explorer my breasts and back, working their way up and down and through my hair as well. "Let 'em hear you moaning."

I let out some soft moans which seemed to get louder as he tightened the grip on his wandering hands.

"Call out my name while you do it" he insisted as he pressed harder against me.

I got so carried away that I actually yelled his name loudly, which made him let out a few moans of his own followed by a full "YES!"

We were both in our own little world, and we weren't even doing anything but acting out our little fantasy.

A few seconds later, Bob walked up beside us and asked, "Can I join in? You've got quite an audience there."

Richard and I both looked at him and laughed. We had gotten carried away and it took Bob to bring us back down to earth. Richard and I put an arm around Bob and pulled him close and he got in on the act too.

So there we were, the three of us pressing our bodies together, arms around each other, while what could be considered a small organization of people watched in awe.

"On three, let's all turn around, join hands, and take a bow" suggested Richard. "One, two, THREE!"

We all turned, lined up, held hands, and bowed together. We got quite an applause too! I started to feel embarrassed by the whole thing, but didn't rule out trying it again.

The director stepped out from behind the crowd, "OK, back to work."

Richard gave me a kiss. "Maybe they'll let me borrow this shirt from wardrobe" he grinned and winked as he patted me on the rear.

"Want your gum back?" I asked with a grin of my own.

"Nah, I've got plenty. You keep it for a souvonier." And with that, he pointed to my stack of papers still on the table, and we went back work.

The End!
The Richard Dawson Experience
Last UpDated: 14 November 2000.
Copyright © 2000. Lisa Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Email: RichardDawsonFan@aol.com