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                                                                                 The History of the UN



-1998: The seeds for UN formation are sewn when Jason begins dating an ex-girlfriend of Joe's, thus putting them in touch at social functions, they later on form a friendship.

-1999: The Pre-UN is again brought together by a mutual acquaintance, this time of Frank's and Jason's on Thanksgiving of 1999.  The UN will finally be realized about a month later at Boagie's Pool Hall by Frank and Jason when they form Team UN to dominate the table.

-2000:  The structure of the group from which the UN was formed undergoes some drastic changes, however the UN remains intact.

-2001:  The UN breaks ground on setting up a HQ, world domination is in it's sights.

-2002:  In this year the UN becomes international, stronger than ever, and drinks nearly every beer in Buffalo over spring break.

-Present: The UN is on top of the world as never before.  We have many projects currently in the works as well as plans for the future, including the #3 Google search for October of 2003; Team UN Online.



I want more UN!!


"The UN has never been as strong as it is right now, but will never again be as weak as it is right now" -Jason, 2003 Annual UN BBQ