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What we have here are quite a few recommended fics from quite a few different fandoms. Each rec is tagged by whose favorite it is (either Len, Kendra A, or both), and eventually we'll tidy up the links and actually give reasons for the recs. For now, make do with what we've got -- and we hope you enjoy!

NOTE: When there is a rec with an author and their webpage but no fic specified, this is a general author-rec, which means READ EVERYTHING THEY'VE WRITTEN. However, this does not mean that authors with fics specified are any less amazing; it just means that Len and/or Kendra A has a particular adoration for a particular fic.

buffy the vampire slayer / angel | gilmore girls | gundam wing | harry potter gen/het | harry potter slash | the mummy | weiss kreuz | west wing | other fandoms

buffy the vampire slayer  / angel

Aerin: Who Are You?
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Willow/Spike
~ Kendra A says: I like all of Aerin's fics, but I think this one is my favorite. I suppose it's what you'd call fluff, though it's nothing bubblegum-ish: Willow and Spike bond over horoscopes. I guess if there's a difference between a fluff fic and a Warm-and-Fuzzy-Feeling fic, this is WAFF but not fluffy per se. I'm not so good at these recommendation things, am I? Anyhoo... This is a fic that I downloaded and printed out, and whenever I go on vacation I include this in my packet of five fics to read on the beach. It never gets old for me.

Carrie: Take Your Time and It's About Time
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Willow/Angelus, Willow/Spike
~ Kendra A and Len
Len Says: I’ve always had a soft spot for time-travel stories. And as far as I’m concerned, Carrie is the H.G. Wells of Buffy fic. These fics are epic, and absolutely brilliant. I started reading these stories because I liked the W/A pairing, but (oddly enough!) this is the fic that got me hooked on W/S. But it’s not a W/S fic. Or, really, a W/A fic. Or is it? The twist and turns will make you laugh, they’ll make you cry, and they’ll make you ache for more. Interested yet? Well, why are you still here? Go! Read! Bug her for more!

Medea V:
Pairings: Willow/Angel, Willow/Spike
~ Kendra A and Len
Len says: The Master and Minion series is pretty much staple fanfic in the Buffy world. Like all of her fic, it’s more than a little dark, and more than a little angsty. But it’s so well-written that even a die-hard fluff fan like me adores it. I also highly recommend her ‘No Rest For The Wicked’ and it’s follow-up. It’s W/S -- no real ship, but it makes sense of the events of season 7…which in my mind need a heck of a lot of sense-making.

Jinn: In Shadow
Rating: PG-16
Pairings: Willow/Angel
~ Kendra A says: As far as excellent literature goes, I'm going to have to be un-politically-correct and say that "In Shadow," though long, is not exactly what you'd call an epic. There are some character developments that, looking back, I don't find very realistic, but this is one of my old favorites anyway. Angel comes to Sunnydale a couple of years early and befriends a young Willow. The eventual Willow/Angel shippiness isn't smutty (which is good, I think, because that wouldn't make sense considering the way their relationship progresses), but it's certainly steamy, and the plot and action is tons of fun.

Serendipity: The Protector
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Willow/Angel
~ Kendra A says: The premise of this fic is brilliant: Angel gets assigned a mythical Protector by the Powers that Be. Guess who it is? Come on, don't disappoint me. I love the way Serendipity writes Willow's character -- I think she's pretty much spot-on, and some of the dialogue is delightful. Be warned that Spike is actually quite the bad guy in this fic, as well as in some of Serendipity's other stuff -- maybe she just doesn't like him? -- but he is instrumental in quite the plot twist. If only she'd finish this! It's worth the read, even if it is WIP.

Serendipity: When Stars Collide
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Willow/Angel
~ Kendra A says: This is the first Willow/Angel fanfic I ever read, and it's the fic that converted me to this 'ship in the first place -- otherwise, who knows? I might still be a (*gasp*!) die-hard B/A fan. You never know. Anyway, I think this is an earlier fic than "The Protector," so some of the writing is a little more stilted, but the progression of Willow and Angel's friendship is great to see -- there is also one hilarious card-playing scene that I used to know by heart. The climax had my lip trembling, and though now I know to be indignant that Spike is used as the main villain... Hey, it's S2, what can you do? I also adore Serendipity's use of Amy Madison -- reading some fic with Amy-before-she-went-evil is always a refresher, and Cordelia's great too.

Pairings: Willow/Spike
~ Kendra A and Len
Len says: Sinecure, I’ve decided, is incapable of writing bad fic. Or even average fic. It is all, without exception, brilliant. Personally, her parodies are my favorite; imagine, if you will, what would happen if the Slayer Gang, plus Spike, were trapped in a room and forced to watch bad Gen-X horror flicks. Or -- what would happen if the newer characters of Buffy and Angel were given the opportunity to mock the early Buffy episodes? The answer is: complete hilarity. What makes these stories better is that they are all in some manner Willow/Spike. Brilliant. Her stand-alones are marvelous as well. Great characterization, interesting plots, humor, drama…fencing, fighting, murder, revenge, heroes, villains, true-love, miracles….ahem. Sorry, got carried away. Anyway. The only down-side to all of this is that many of her works are WIP, which aggravates her rabid fans (me! me!) to no end.

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gilmore girls

Barb: The Cornerstones of Confusion
Rating: PG
Pairings: L/L
~ Len Says: In fanfiction, it seems most authors have a difficult time “getting” Lorelai Gilmore. Barb can, and does. Her Lorelai successfully walks the line between eccentricity and manic, and manages to capture the essence of earlier seasons when I still genuinely liked Lorelai. Also, the dialogue is smart and snappy -- just like the show. Don’t be turned off by the seemingly OCC Luke in the first chapter ? it all makes sense eventually. It’s still a WIP, though. Damn her.

FunkyJunkie123: Time and Again
Rating: PG
Pairings: L/L, R/J
~ Len Says: I beta’ed the last couple chapters of this (being an obnoxious, nagging fan certainly pays off sometimes!), and so may be slightly prejudiced as to how great it is…but I doubt it. It is that great. It operates under the premise that Season Three was a big, stinking mess for all the characters (which it was!). Then, FunkyJunkie decided, “Why not do it over again? And do it right?” So like a weird cross between ‘Back to the Future’ and “Groundhog Day’, Lorelai wakes up one morning to discover that she has gone back in time one year. FunkyJunkie wrote a loveable, personality-ridden Lorelai, and made all the Luke and Lorelai fans out there very happy with this “Fixed Version” of season 3.

hrlo: Father's Day
Rating: PG
Pairings: R/J, slight L/L
~ Len says: I’ll say this straight off -- I had tears in my eyes for most of this story, but when I reached the end, I really started sniffling. It’s all about the dynamic between Jess and Luke, and it also sheds some light on Luke’s relationship with his father. But this isn’t a depressing story -- it’s hopeful. I adore it, and Hrlo makes excellent use of poetry in this work. Heck, the whole thing is practically a poem in itself. Just a lovely piece.

Mala: Hot Cross Buns
Rating: PG
Pairings: L/L
~ Len says: This writer is gifted with the ability to create truly creative, original imagery. That alone should make it a must-read for any GG fanfic writer. But when Mala adds a perfectly characterized Luke, and writes about “The Dream” from the season three opener…? It’s fantastic. L/L fans everywhere rejoice, and go back to studying the sub-text.

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gundam wing

Becca Abbott: Dragonfell
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5x13
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Loreena Manuel: Chiaroscuro Series
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairings: 3x4, 2x1, 5xOMC
~ Kendra A says: I never cared much about Quatre. I mean, I thought he was totally kawaii, and, you know, Quatre and Trowa forever (blah blah blah), but pretty much I was all about the Duo. Not that that's changed much -- my Duo obsession, that is -- but "Chiaroscuro" gives Quatre a depth of character that made him far more real for me, and made me want to read more Quatre-centric fic. I haven't yet, but that's just 'cause I'm lazy. Anyway, this is a great, satisfyingly long series that places the G-Boys in an all-boys' Catholic school (it's obviously AU). But despite the AU and the, you know, Catholic school thing, all of the characters are absolutely real and true and amazing, and even though it's REALLY REALLY LONG, the whole series is worth several rereads. There are liberal helpings of both angst and humor where appropriate, as well as a little lemon (but not too much) to keep the whole family happy, and there's also tons of music, but not enough to make someone who's not a psychotic die-hard music fan like me lose interest. Highly, highly, highly recommended. And most of this author's other fic is excellent as well.

Maxwell's Demon: Life Without Friends
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairings: 2x1
~ Kendra A says: This fic was enjoyable for me, but this rec will remain ambiguous for the moment because I am doubtful as to how much it has been changed from the book it is based on.

Mel and Christy: Death and Dragon Series
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairings: 2x5, 3x4, 1xR
~ Kendra A says: Expletive. It is so expletive-ing hard to find good 2x5 out there -- come on, you know what I mean. Anyway, if you haven't read the Death and Dragon Series yet, I'd ask where the heck you've been, but I won't bother, I'll just rec it 'til I keel over. There is fluff, but it's not overdone. There's plenty of comedy, and a little bit of angst -- enough for flavor, but it doesn't get tiresome. There's some truly adorable 'Fei-babble, and Duo getting overprotective, and Relena existing and being an important character that I actually LIKE. The Duo/Wufei love is just about the sweetest thing ever, and Mel and Christy have a particular refreshing, fun writing style that pretty much screams, "Reread me!" Plus there's lots of sidefics.

Mel and Christy: Demon of Justice
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: 1+2, 3+4, 5+2
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Mikkeneko: Spoil of War
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4
~ Kendra A says: Um. Wow. This a wonderful and, um, very hot AU fic. Heero and Wufei are officers in an army and Trowa and Quatre are healers. Heero rescues a prisoner -- Duo, of course -- from an enemy camp and is fascinated enough by him to keep him and heal him back to health. The angst is plentiful but very well-written. Heads up for NCS and scary mental places, courtesy of Duo. The little bits of romance are absolutely lovely, and the smut is delicious. "Spoil of War" is as yet unfinished, but it's worth the read anyway.

Pale Rider: Whispering Pines
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: 1x2, 6x9, HxMm, 13x11, 5+S, 3+4
~ Kendra A says: Another great high school fic. God, these are addictive, aren't they? Anyway, it's all of our favorite characters at a boarding school. There's music, some very sexy fight-scenes, Heero learning to be communicative, REALLY eccentric (but absolutely poignant) Quatre, and angst too. It's all good.

Rose Argent: Between Heaven and Hell
Rating: R
Pairings: Solox2, 1x3
~ Kendra A says: Okay, the title isn't deep and/or metaphorical. Rose Argent means what she says. Our G-boys are incarnations of angels, but not the cute Cupid harp-playing kind, oh no. The wars between Heaven and Hell have begun again, and each side needs all the warriors it can get. I was a little worried about the dogma involved, because generally I'm just not interested in religious blahblahwhatever unless it's details to better explain Duo's past, but Rose Argent's takes on, well, everything are refreshing and a little cynical, and definitely great to read. Also -- hello? Duo with a real "inner demon"? And wings? What are you waiting for?

Sameshima Shuzumi: A Guide to Better Hugging
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: 2x1, 3+4
~ Kendra A says: The Duo POV is really fun and well-written, with a self-deprecating cynical twang that I've come to associate with the "real" Duo Maxwell -- i.e., the one that lives inside my head. Duo very carefully considers the history of the hug and tries his own hugs out on Heero. ... Look, my summary sucks. This is WAFF-like humorous, and the ending will make you want to coo.

Spooks: Asylum
Rating: R
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5xM
~ Kendra A says: Okay, if you haven't at least *heard* of "Asylum" yet, what have you been doing with yourself? ...Never mind. Just go read it. It's a brilliant, brilliant AU -- the boys are in a mental asylum, placed there for claims of various "hallucinations" -- seeing ghosts, demons, feelings, vibes -- that are all real. The friendships that develop are carefully done and so real and touching, and some of this fic is downright scary. How the hell does Spooks come up with this?

Spooks: Porcelain
Rating: R
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5xR, 6x9, MmxOMC
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Sunhawk: Ion Arc
Rating: R to NC-17
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5xS
~ Kendra A says: This is, quite literally, my favorite fanfic in the whole entire world out of all the fandoms I'm immersed in. That kind of says something, don't you think? Normally I putter about and have a list of a trillion that could be my faves, but this -- this -- Okay. Breathing. Here's the thing: as far as GW fic goes, authors pretty much have to invent the characters themselves. The show, to me, isn't really about the people but about the politics and the really, really big explosions. Some authors latch on to fanon stereotypes of characters and some TOTALLY reinvent them so they're not recognizable by any standards, but Sunhawk takes what we know of Duo and molds him into a complex person that becomes so real you feel like you actually KNOW him. The angst level may be a little high for those who aren't big fans of the pain, but -- and this will sound silly, but it's true -- this is QUALITY angst. Some of it is written so well it actually made my heart hurt, and that even on the rereads. The first two stories take place during the war, and the rest are about Duo's life afterward. If angst isn't your thing, you can read "Assumptions" and "Evasions" without too much of an overload. I'm not normally much of a POV girl either, but Duo's first-person running commentary is addictive and realistic and made me love the fic that much more. Other people generally recommend Sunhawk's "Road Trip" Arc first, rather than this one, but I like the Ion Arc best -- I feel that the writing style is more mature, and my personal preferences as far as Duo's experiences go are satisfied better here (I think he's too submissive and dependent on Heero in the "Road Trip" Arc, although the first installment of that series has a great action/adventure/really really big explosions factor). Wow, this rec has gotten long. Anyway. Read this. It's worth the long, long hours it will leech from your life (I mean long. This fic is a never-ender).

Trixie: Rattlesnakes
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: 2x3x3, 1x2, 4+3
~ Kendra A says: Trixie will make you believe that 2x3 is the One True Pairing. As a die-hard fanon 1x2-3x4 girl, I consider this very impressive. She illustrates all of the Gundam pilots to their fullest -- the protagonists have their own faults, some of which are deadly and heartbreaking, and even the characters we want to hate are portrayed 3-dimensionally enough that you can't help but wish them better rather than just want to bash properly. I had a little bit of trouble starting "Rattlesnakes," because I was leery of the 2x3 label and because I wasn't nuts about watching Boys in Therapy, which is in one of the beginning scenes, but the 2x3 is gorgeous and very, very painful, and the therapy is more of a joke -- particularly to the characters themselves -- than anything else. The sex is hot and the pain will make you yourself hurt, and the whole package is just ineffably delectable.

Windsor Blue: The Most Eligible Bachelor
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairings: 3x4, 1+2, 1+2+5
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Zooie: Soul Forge Series
Rating: R
~ Kendra A says: "Soul Forge" chronicles Duo's childhood up until he meets the other Gundam pilots. This is written sensitively and touchingly, and it made me just want to give little Duo a hug... Not that I didn't want to already, but honestly. There are some fics that just expand so beautifully on what we already know of a character, and this is one of those. Zooie has helped to shape the Duo in my head, and he's far better for it.

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harry potter gen/ het

Anya: The Naked Quidditch Match
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny
~ Len and Kendra A
Len says: a fic so hilarious, I seriously considered putting pillows around my chair, just because I was falling off of it so often. The entire concept is so preposterous, so completely bizarre, you can’t help put love it. Imagine modest Harry Potter being forced by circumstances beyond his control (i.e. Fred and George losing a bet), to strip down along with the entire Gryffindor team, and play a match. Imagine the anger, the fear, the humiliation…and then imagine Harry deciding to make the embarrassing experience a profitable one. One of the hysterically funny results is (in my opinion) the most memorable Harry Potter fanfiction quote of all time: “I mocked Voldemort ? ask me how!” Bwahaha!! This story also features a marvelous Ginny Weasley -- a Ginny Weasley that is actually very true to character, as we’ve discovered after reading the 5th book. A true classic.
Kendra A dies laughing.

Arabella: Hermione, Queen of Witches, Books 1, 2, 3, and 4 and Ron Rants, Year Four
Rating: PG-13
~ Len and Kendra A
Len says: how cool would it be to have a diary that could write back to you, and wasn’t possessed by an evil Wizard? Well, Hermione’s got one, and she’s kept track of all the events through year four. It’s wonderful to see things from her perspective, and Arabella managed to capture Hermione’s character perfectly. Just when you think this hugely addictive series couldn’t get any better, we get ‘Ron’s Rants’ ? an opportunity to hear what my favorite character thinks of things. It’s terrific reading, and the Granddaddy (or Grandmommy?) of all Harry Potter Diary!Fic.

Arabella & Zsenya: After the End
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairings: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny
~ Len and Kendra A
Kendra A says: Oh. My. God. It's finally finished. Forty-something chapters long, and all of it brilliant. The best way I can sum this up is, if there were to be a sequel to the seventh Harry Potter book, you'd wish it were as good as this fic.
Len says: What Kendra A. says. It doesn’t seem to matter who you talk to in the HP fanfiction world, ask them which fic they’d recommend to someone new to the fandom, and ‘After the End’ is the answer you’re most likely to get. It is an epic, at times wandering but always entertaining, very, very dramatic 8th Harry Potter story. As a writer of Harry Potter fanfic myself, I’ve often found it hard to remember which Harry Potter universe details were actual canon, and which came from ‘After The End’. This story is that good. So my advice is: put on a pot of coffee and your comfiest PJ’s, and settle in to read this work of art.

Cassandra Claire: Draco Dormiens, Draco Sinister and Draco Veritas
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Harry/Hermione, Draco/Ginny
~ Kendra A says: Okay, those pairings don't really explain the whole thing at all, so just work with me. Cassie begins with DD and creates a great HP universe of her own, with pretty boys with big powers and long swords. There is a great deal of romantic angst which can be a lot to handle all at once, so I suggest reading in moderately-sized doses rather than booking your whole evening for a good long back-to-back-to-back read (which would be almost impossible anyway, because these babies are *long*). Besides the angst, the plot is lively and spontaneous but never overdone or desperate, the characters are all well-rounded and satisfying, and you will want to bring Draco home and just, just... Well. You know what you just.

Hermione-G-Weasley: When Things Start to Change
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Ron/Hermione
~ Len says: at last count, this story had 2242 reviews on And, as they say, 2242 people cannot be wrong. But seriously, folks -- do not allow yourself to be misled by the author’s name (maybe it’s just me -- but before now, I’ve been wary of writers who state their “ship” in their penname), or the somewhat slow first chapter. Once this story gets going, it really gets going. It is an absolutely charming-beyond-words Ron/Hermione novel, and happens to contain at least a dozen of my favorite moments from any fanfiction in its chapters. Ron is completely lovable here, and Hermione really shows her stuff. I highly recommend this story.

Kellie: Harry Potter and the Carnelian Key
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Ron/Hermione
~ Len says: I know I’ve used the word “epic” a good many times in my fanfic recommendations so far, but I hope I can be excused. In a fandom where the canon material averages 700 pages, it’s not too surprising that the fanfiction it spawns is equally lengthy. Besides, Kellie herself calls this story an “epic”, so nyah nyah. This epic tale has very much captured the style of JK Rowlings, and is, to my mind, an example of what could happen if JKR decided to focus just a teeny bit more on the Ron/Hermione relationship. Action still happens, the excellent plot still develops, but there is lovely shippiness scattered everywhere. Hurray!

Maya: Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing... Rat? and the Epilogue
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Draco/Hermione, Ron/Cho, Harry/Ginny
~ Kendra A says: Draco is turned into a rat by way of a potion gone wrong, and is adopted by the Gryffindors. No, I'm not kidding. TAMR will have you laughing aloud because Maya is just that funny. Her writing style is a little Douglas Adams-ish, or maybe Terry Pratchett-esque. You know what I mean -- the humor is a little sneaky and alternately dry and almost slapstick, and will make you want to read it over and over again.

Penny-in-the-sky: Caught in the Fire
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Ron/Hermione
~ Len says: I. Love. This. Story. You’d think that with the subject being what it is -- Hermione is running from an abusive relationship -- that the story would be just another OCC disaster. But it’s not. The author writes with such warmth and skill that reading this story is like snuggling into your favorite worn Weasley sweater. It’s just beautiful. And I really, really wish Penny-in-the-sky would post a new chapter.

Sunshynedaisies: Breathing
~ Len says: choosing just one of Sunshydasies’ stories to recommend was very, very hard. Basically, I love them all, and every new fic she posts quickly becomes my “favorite”. Breathing takes place sometime after the Harry Potter series, and features Ron and Hermione…and their First Time. While this story may not be my absolute favorite, it is an important turning point, so onto the recs list it goes! This story works well as a stand-alone, or as part of her on-going and rapidly growing ‘Knight’ series. Sunshyndaisies is a wonderful writer, with the ability to make mundane activities such as washing dishes into highly absorbing stories ("highly absorbing" - don't I sound snooty?).

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harry potter slash

Abaddon: Playing the Game, Living the Lie
Rating: R
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Al: Snitch!
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Ron/OFC, Hermione/Charlie
~ Kendra A says: The beginning will have you going "what?", but that's just because you have to wait a little for an explanation -- then it all makes perfect sense. Harry and Draco, grown up and estranged from the wizarding world, are about to get drawn back in. It's hard to explain, but "Snitch" is really fun, if angsty in a Cassandra Claire-like way. And Draco and Harry are hot, hot, hot.

~ Kendra A says: Amanuensis' angst and dark stuff will have you curled up in a corner weebling, which is actually a good thing, though you may not know it. This actually means that despite the unpleasant side-effects, it is written very well. Her non-angsty stuff is pretty much good plot, excellent characterizations, and hot sex. To be blunt. Personally I highly recommend "A World Not So Black Nor White," which may squick a few of you because it's Harry/Lucius, but honestly. It's really, really good. Really really really. Harry is just enchanting.

Augustus: Best Enemies Series
Rating: PG-16
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

BaronNomaw: Seeker to Seeker, Draco's Homecoming and Power Play
Rating: PG through NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A says: This is the first fic I've read where consensual sex as an act of agression/enmity was done well. Just.... Oh so yummy. So very, very yummy. And they become friends, too. How can you not love this? Unfortunately, "Power Play" is unfinished, but "Seeker to Seeker" stands well on its own, so what have you got to lose?

Cupiscent: Surface
Rating: R - NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A says: Oh, god.

Cybele: If You Are Prepared Series
Rating: R through NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Snape
~ Kendra A says: This is the fic that got me liking Harry/Snape. Honest. The first part -- it's a trilogy -- is a little rougher than the next two, but none of this is by any means difficult to read technically. No, the difficulty comes in the strength of the emotions Cybele evokes in her characters, which may make you want to take a break for a little lie-down. Beautiful, beautiful. And I cried. Really.

Ellen Fremedon: Slowly, But Exceedingly Fine
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Sirius/Snape
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Fearless Diva: Tissue of Silver, Famous for Their Discord, and Seeing the Light
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Frances Potter: Resolution
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Kai: Contemporary Magical Innovations, by H. Granger
Rating: R
Pairings: Harry/Snape, Hermione/Draco
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Lasair: Veela Magic
Rating: R
Pairings: Cho/Harry, Fleur/Ron, Draco/Hermione; Fleur/Cho, Draco/Harry
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Maya: Extended Courtship and Underwater Light
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
~ Kendra A says: "Underwater Light" is the fic I used to convert my cousin and my stepsister to the Harry/Draco love. Harry is so sweetly portrayed here -- I absolutely adore him. Draco is snarky and beautiful and a little evil, but that's what we like, of course. Here's how it starts: At the next Triwizard Tournament in Harry's Seventh Year, the thing that he "will sorely miss" isn't Ron. It isn't even his Firebolt. ...Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Minx: Lost Feeling
Rating: PG-13 through NC-17
Pairings: Sirius/Remus, Harry/Snape
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Plumeria: Draco in Darkness and As I See You
Rating: PG-13 and NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A says: Okay, the premise of "Draco in Darkness" is a cliched one -- Draco loses his sight. Gasp! However. Plumeria's take on the whole situation is refreshing and sharp. Draco never loses his pride, and nicely enough neither does Harry. Some of the moments in here were gorgeous enough for me to want to freeze them and keep them in, like, a crystal ball on my desk or something just so I could pick them up and savor them whenever I wanted to.

Predatrix: Occasional Table
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Snape
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Predatrix: Sans Merci
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Snape/Lucius
~ Kendra A says: If you ever wanted to understand why Severus became a Death Eater, this'll do it for you. And you'll still love him when it's over. Predatrix made my heart ache for him, poor ugly duckling.

Resonant: The Familiar and Wellspring
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Snape
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Resonant: Transfigurations
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A says: Picture a wizarding world where Harry *isn't* the Ultimate Hero. Resonant's writing is, well, resonant. She has a marvelously fluid style that just makes everything make *sense*. Harry returns from an escape to the USA to help restart Hogwarts, but there are plenty of boobytraps -- both literal and figurative -- along the way before he can make peace with himself and start to be happy again. Resonant's Draco is absolutely edible, and her Hermione is fresh, unannoying and fun. Obviously I love Harry, but he's not always the good guy in this fic, which is a nice change from the usual Evil!Draco pounces on Innocent!Virgin!Harry (though by no means is this the reverse. It's just a refreshing take, that's all). Also, the details Resonant invents about different kinds of magic and wizarding culture are really original and fun, and somehow so completely right you'll wonder why the hell you didn't think of them yourself.

Rhysenn: Irresistable Poison
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A.
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Telanu: A Most Disquieting Tea; Almost, at Times, the Fool; Like a Glass; Corresponding; A Wizard Song
Rating: PG-13 through NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Snape, Ron/Hermione
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Zahra: The Crush Trilogy
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Harry/Draco
~ Kendra A says: A surprisingly calm and sweet Harry/Draco, involving various different flavors and Harry being an utterly adorable relatively clueless teenaged boy. You'll want to hug someone after reading this, just because the world is so pretty when boys are so nice. Not, like, annoying nice though. Just yummy and unvicious. And silly, because that's how boys are.


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the mummy

Eve: Circumstantial Evidence
~ Len says: this is a masterpiece. Honest. I adore John Han—erm, Jonathan Carnahan with every fibre of my being, and this story here is the reason why. It fills in a couple of gaps from the first Mummy movie, adds depth to Jonathan’s personality, and illustrates the truly heart-warming loyalty and love between the Carnahan siblings. Jonathan is so convincing in this, flaws and all, that I believe something supernatural was involved in writing it. It just seems impossible that a writer would be able to capture Jonathan’s speech patterns and true-to-life reactions to things…really, I’m lost for words. I’ve read this story about twelve times and I still can’t get over how good it is.

Jennifer Lee: The Rotter and the Governess
~ Len says: This is the story that inspired me to write my own Jonathan-centric fanfiction. It is one of maybe two Jonathan romances I’ve read that 1) features an endearing (and believable!!!) heroine, and 2) has Jonathan behaving in a romantic but in-character manner. I like to re-read this whenever I’m feeling depressed and rainy-dayish, because it’s such a feel-good story. It’s great. I also recommend Jennifer Lee’s other Mummy fanfic -- the Ardeth Bey-centric work. They’re all brilliant.

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weiss kreuz

Crimson: Zweiter Chancen
Rating: R
Pairings: AyaxSchuldig
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

Shoori & Aoe: Seeing the Light and Embracing the Shadows
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Aya+Ken, YohjixKen, CrawfordxSchuldigxAya, Omi+Nagi
~ Kendra A
[extended recommendation coming soon!]

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west wing

Erin: Achtung, Lyman!
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Josh/Donna
~ Len says:
Okay, so here's a fic about the White House, a benefit, and U2. It sounds like another one of the worst has to offer, right? WRONG! This is yet another story that has me rolling on the floor in hysterics, each and every time I read it. Josh and Donna flirtation, banter, and abject misunderstandings done as only Josh and Donna can do them. A brilliant piece. Now, if only she'd finish it...

Nefret: Donnatella's Diary Series
Rating: PG
Pairings: Josh/Donna
~ Len says:
Nefret is my hero. Seriously. As far as favorite fandoms go, we are, some might say frighteningly, very similar. Except that she is a much better writer than I can ever aspire to be. Her characterizations are always dead-on, and there is an energy to all of her works that is a positive joy. The link above goes to all of her fanfic - Everything from West Wing to Amelia Peabody to Two Weeks Notice. I particularly recommend "Donnatella's Diary" (a fic in the style-but-not of Bridget Jones' Diary) and "Steele on the Nile" (a beyond-words Remington Steele fanfic along the lines of the movie "Jewel of the Nile"). Check this author over! That's an order! Shoo!

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other fandoms

Misty Flores: Jekyll and Hyde (That 70s Show)
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Jackie/Hyde
~ Kendra A says: I am so, so lucky this is the first "That 70s Show" fic I ever read, because it's excellent, and now I have faith in the fandom. Misty can do that to you. Um, this is fairly canon -- it's the beginning of the Jackie/Hyde through other people's eyes, and it's great.


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