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Put ye in the sickle for the harvest is ripe.

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The Mission:

To go where the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. To work alongside our brothers and sisters in other countries as they endeavor to preach, and teach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The summer of 2002 A.D , we believe that the Lord is leading us to serve in the country of Uganda with Makerere Full Gospel Church. The door is wide open, and the needs are immense. Everyone on the team will minister in some capacity. Some of the areas of ministry will include, a week of evangelistic revival services, two days of leadership teaching, preaching, counseling, music ministry, and working with the various Makerere Full Gospel Church ministries. We will also have an opportunity to visit and minister in some schools. We plan to post more specific details as they become available.

Makerere Full Gospel Church:

Makerere Full Gospel Church is the headquarters of the "Gospel Mission to Uganda" and the Full Gospel Churches of Uganda. This work was founded by Glad Tidings Missionary Society of Vancouver Canada, in 1960. Glad Tidings Church experienced an intensive season of prayer and fasting for revival, which involved both adults and the young people. That part of the story is best told by them but a revival broke out and a young girl in a vision saw the word "Uganda" in flames of fire. The church in Canada soon realized that God had a mission for them to accomplish in the country of Uganda. Thus "Gospel Mission to Uganda" was born and subsequently the "Full Gospel Churches of Uganda" were established.

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