Miscellaneous Questions and Answers

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Q. If God is in complete control why does He allow evil and what is all the confusion about?

A. Man is created in the image of God externally as well as internally. He doesn't have much of a choice on the external aspect but has complete control on the internal i.e. whether he allows the internal to grow and become in the image of God with charity, virtue and holiness or let it degrade into selfishness, ungodliness and perversion. The human's internals are tested between the play of good and evil and a record is kept of which side his heart is inclined. At the end of his life he is assigned to the one he served either God or the Devil. If everybody were made good then there would be no difference between the intrinsically good and the forced good. One must be good by his own choice and not by force. In the course of life, the hardware, i.e. the body and the organs are commanded by the mind and soul to do either good or bad deeds (software). At the end of life the image of God in the human is transformed into a somewhat resemblance of God. Others however destroy this image by their deeds and once they die this spoilt image is wasted forever. eg. in Julian of Norwich we see how the image of God in a Protestant is like a broken mirror. More.


Q. What is the prime reason that God tests his people?

A. The universe has tremendous powers, so powerful that it is beyond the level of human reasoning. Imagine what would happen if these powers were given to irresponsible people. Humans are tested with the limited powers present on earth with the Ten Commandments to see how they pass. One can see all manner of foolish reasoning and insanity prevalent, these humans cannot be given control of the universe and are wasted, with so little power they create havoc imagine if they were given the powers of the the universe. Others merit this right by conquering themselves. Some others like Satan and his legions use this power and knowledge for themselves and opposed to the very reason they were given this power examples are Freemasons, Satanists, Capitalists, businessmen, Communists etc. The prime prerequisite for accepting this power is to realize and accept the ultimate truth and the power itself which is God. Some people were so exemplary and proved themselves beyond doubt that they were given the powers of the universe in different measure on this earth itself eg. St. Francis of Assisi was bestowed with complete control over nature, Padre Pio was bestowed with bi-location and various other saints were given different types of power. Before God bestows power He needs to know answers to various questions like Will this man cheat under pressure? Is he giving alms for his own name or for the sake of God? Does he use the wealth bestowed on him for himself or to help his brethren?


Q What is a test-tube baby?

A. A test tube baby like a human clone is a diabolical creation of the devil. It is merely a shell without a soul and like a very intelligent ape or human animal. This vacant place where the soul should be is taken by a demon. On the face of it the baby is just like any other baby and walks, talks and does everything else. Inside however resides a demon. Recently the French public were appalled to know of a woman who was inseminated by her brother. Satan seeks to build an army of these Humons (human+demons)  that he can use in his army but this plan seems to have flopped. On the day of the great tribulation their true role will be clearly known.As time goes by and very soon, man will see and reap the products of his deeds. The following extract is taken from Starr Tomkiel (a visionary)


The Eternal Father says........... (it is also about human cloning)
 sin--that which he created to prove his own human greatness. The end result will be a dreadful monster of a creature that is cold and heartless (no feelings) that is neither man or beast and capable of committing great destructive acts. You contend that it will have a soul. Yes, it will have a soul--the soul or spirit of Satan, capable of tremendous wickedness of the worst kind. Man is creating an evil being that will show no love or kindness, have no patience and will enjoy creating pain, suffering and death.  Only I, GOD, give life and only I take away life. Because I am a just, merciful and loving God, I will punish all who make gods of self. I will show NO mercy but only My justice will prevail.


Q will the comet strike before or after the war?

A. A nuclear war will suddenly erupt with its origins in the Middle East this war will escalate into World War III and nuclear weapons will be uses freely. The entire earth will be destroyed it God does not intervene. The comet P76 Kohutec will collide with the moon of Mars called Phobos the resultant debris will head towards earth at high speed for three days and three nights there will be chaos on earth and its atmosphere. Huge bolts of electricity will bounce off the earth and annihilate everything in its path. (note that Lucia of Fatima saw this event and mistook the Aurora Borealis for the lightning.) No electricity will work thus effectively putting an end to the nuclear war. After three days the earth will be cleared of all nuclear fallout and it will acquire a new face and a new heart.


Q What are the all-time worst sins

A. Pride is the mother of all sins. Immediately after that is arrogance or pride + anger. Cold blooded murder of the innocent unborn is a very, very grave sin. Then come Satanism, Freemasonry, Communism and capitalism or consumerism that destroy the human soul and also the earth.


Q. Is work counted as worship?

A. If work was worship then the communists would be worshipping. Prayer without hard work is the counted by God on par with a man who only prays a little but that prayer comes from a tired and worn out body. Beware however that this man might not be working for daily bread or for his family's needs but for luxuries. 


Q Is work good for the soul?

A. Man was made to worship and serve God and that is the primary reason for his creation. Work was made for man, man wasn't made for work. Long hours of work tire out the body and render it ineffective to pray in serenity and recollection. One must work only for his needs and not strive for luxuries. Factories with their noise and pollution are the destroyers of human peace and serenity and render it useless for recollection and meditation. The working conditions of modern man are sordid and the pace so fast that man is turned into a vegetable and can easily be controlled by the media to buy its newer and newer gadgets.


Q. What is a Ghost?

A. The Supernatural is separated from the corporal, visible world by what is called a veil when this veil is withdrawn for some reason a person or a group sees into the supernatural. The resulting personalities he sees are called Ghosts. A ghost can be a demon, a damned person, a personage from heaven like a saint and lastly Jesus or Mary. 


Q. How can you make out if a person is possessed

A. The human will show anti-Christ behaviour, speak against the Blessed Virgin, the Catholic Church, the rosary, sacramentals and all that is holy. This victim need not show hideous behaviour it can be refined and indeed this is the most common type. In extreme cases the victim froths at the mouth, eyes roll in the head, and limbs and head show extreme locomotion and can twist more than 360 degrees.


Q. Just how intelligent are supernatural beings?

A. The intelligence of supernatural beings is varied. Since there are various types like demons, damned souls, angels, saints and so on the intelligence they hold is also varied. All super natural beings however have more knowledge than a human being. Below is the Venn diagram of intelligence. Humans can fool and train animals because they have more intelligence, and demons can fool and deceive humans because their knowledge is more but God has the absolute knowledge of the universe for the simple reason that He created it.


Q. What is the function of noise and silence in Religion?

A. The basics of religion come from prayer which is the foundation of religion. One prerequisite for prayer is serenity and peace, great amounts of meditation and solving of problems comes only in peace. Satan has to prevent man from having this peace so that the human will be prevented from thinking straight. We see loud noise at rock shows, stereo systems in the house, televisions, factories, parties, discos and a whole lot of other places controlled by Satan. Many false religions also have intense noise in their worship eg are Hinduism and its ancillaries with the noisy clanging of bells, Africans, Charismatics and Protestants with their loud jumping singing and pulsating rhythms are all clues and unmistakable proof of its origin. In Contrast the Latin Tridentine Mass is very sedate and serene with perfect solemnity and anyone who has attended this mass knows immediately where it comes from. Noise is one of the tell-tale signs of  the presence of  evil. To know if a source is satanic ask the question "Would Jesus and Mary have done that?". The Father, the Blessed Trinity, the gentle angels and all of heaven are decent, kind and meek, no noise and disturbance is tolerated here. What is the difference between a sweet little bird chirping in a tree and and a motorcycle race - one is the extension of heaven and the other...????


Q. If Rock music is evil why do rock musicians wear crosses?

A. A crucifix has a figure of Christ on it called the Corpus Christi. A Cross however is one object crossing another like two pieces of wood or metal. The Crucifix is a reproduction of Christ on the Cross at Calvary, the cross without Christ associated with it can represent almost anything else. The crosses are the outcome of the intelligence of Satan and are seen used by anyone opposed to the truth like the Protestants. Rock music and all its genres like acid, techno and so on are the standards of Hell. Satan in return for doing his work and bringing hundreds to Hell rewards them with fame, money and sexual pleasures. The Coptic Churches and the Catholics have the crucifix, the cross without image is followed by the Protestants and it thousands of genres. 

