
  • What is the Anti-Christ?

  • Who is the Anti-Christ?

  • Where will he come from?

  • Who will follow him?

  • Who wont follow him?

  • What will he do?

  • How will he come to power?

  • What are the signs of his takeover?

  • How will he be defeated?

  • Who will defeat him?

  • Whom will he kill?

  • How will he kill ?

  • What is his modus operandi?

  • What will happen to those that follow him?


What is the Anti-Christ?

The word Anti-Christ is formed from two words Anti and Christ meaning diametrically opposite Christ. Or doing things which are totally opposed to Christ. In strict usage the Anti Christ is a human being who is totally controlled by the devil and not any devil but Lucifer himself. 


Who is the Anti-Christ?

The Anti-Christ is a Freemason who has become an ascended master and given himself completely to Satan. Satan will possess his body completely and do whatever he wants through him.


Where will he come from?

After the Third world war, the Freemasons and other Anti-Christ people will create an illusion using satellites. They will make something known as an artificial Aurora Borealis and at that time the Anti-Christ will come down from the sky and be everything to everyone. 


Will he belong to any specific group?

He will belong to the Freemasons. More specifically he will be an ascended master.  From his point of view and that of his group he will be one with the true God who they believe is Satan (zebulun) and who will overthrow God the Eternal Father (Huh!). God will let those who will be deceived, be deceived and later when all have made their choices, prove who is the true God. The Anti-Chist will be smothered by the breath of the Archangel Michael.


How will he come to power?

Because he is the host for the Father of Lies he will come to power by deceit and trickery. All who stand in his way will be destroyed and annihilated.


666 is a well known name how can he avoid that?

He will use the number in T shirts and clothing to get people acquainted with the name. He will shout wolf, wolf to get people accustomed to the name and when he comes people will already be sufficiently programmed. programmed people will all look at it as joke.


Who will follow him?

He will give money and gifts to win over the people. He will win them over with artificial love. To the Buddhist he will be the 7th incarnation of the Buddha. To the fallen away Catholic he will be the second coming of Christ. To the Muslim he will be the hidden God that they worship. 


Who wont follow him?

The world is already divided into two blocks. Those that are already aligned in their minds with the Anti-Christ and the true Catholics. This small population will be heavily persecuted by him. He will fool Governments and politicians to believe that the little flock is evil and for a time they will be severely persecuted till the coming of Christ.


What will he do?

He will unite all religions and peoples into one homogenous whole. His control over all peoples will be absolute. All their actions will be monitored and those not confirming will be held in detention centers and prisons and many will be killed.


What are the signs of his takeover?

When everything starts getting globalized the power of the nations will be transferred into the hands of a few individuals. The rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer, the middle class will be wiped out. Under the guise of prevention against terrorists these small group of individuals controlling the world will dictate terms to the entire world the final sign will be chips in the hand which will be compulsory.


Will he do strange things?

He will perform "miracles" or rather satanic signs in the air and on land. Many statues will begin to speak and there will be miracles done by Satan and his band on behalf of the beast to deceive those that are not prepared and informed. Millions will be led astray but not the true Catholics who he will persecute.


How will it all end?

The Anti-Christ will command near total power over the world for a short time of about three and a half months. Then there will be lightning and thunder and the earth will shake tremendously for three days and two nights, thousands of volcanoes will erupt. The entire battalion of Hell will be captured and thrust into hell together with those who betrayed Christ. At the end of this, Christ will come to lead his chosen people and all those who have not betrayed him by receiving the mark of the beast which will amount to about 1/4 of the current population.

Visions pertaining to the Anti-Christ.

  1. Detailed information of the Anti-Christ.


  3. Visions of Starr Tomkiel
