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Ah yes, the words "what if..?"
To some they are just dreamers they are the seeds of beganing.
The beganing of worlds, and everything in them.
The words "what if..?" are those which feed the world of fanfic
and lead it on it's never ending journey amoug the stars.

Along with my own works here (hint, hint, read , read, please please, thank you, thank you:))
you will find others stories of Laby which I enjoyed reading myself
and which I asked to post on my site for you to enjoy as well:).

My Own Stories:

Dungeons And Dragons
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Rating: G to PG
(Alternate Universe, fantasy, J&S fic)
A story of high adventure and true fanstasy,
“What if Sarah had taken the crystal the first time it was offered to her?”

Both Sides Of The Mirror
Rating: G
(Movie Universe,J&S fic)
Are dreams meerly reflections of reality? What is "real" anyway?

And The Clock Struck Twelve

Rating: G
(Movie Universe)
A twist ending...Sarah came home at twelve...

Other Author's Stories:

Once Upon A Dream

By Laurie Rating:PG-13
(Movie Universe, J&S fic)
Sarah has lost all the joy in her life since her dream
of the Labyrinth...but was it a dream after all?
Sarah finds the answer from a most unlikely source...