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Our Story

Ivan and I met in the dorms at UCLA my freshman (his sophomore) year. In God's sovereign plan, I happened to live in the suite next door and I already knew his roommate from high school. I don't exactly remember the first time I was introduced to him since I was meeting so many new faces. But quickly Ivan's name was in the forefront of my mind. I began to admire him for his godly reputation and the way he carried himself (not to mention his great looks). He was rather "mysterious" in his calm and cool exterior. It was so refreshing to meet a guy who was mature and who loved the Lord so obviously. From the beginning I was able to ask him deep questions and talk seriously, even if rarely (he spent the weekends at home). At Lawry's - the best Prime Rib!
At May's cousin's wedding By winter quarter, I became very attracted to him (and later learned that it was mutual from the start). However, Ivan slowly paced our friendship and we began to talk more often and e-mail. By spring, I had already told my mom that I found the guy I wanted to marry (and we weren't even dating yet!) and sure enough, the Lord was building a relationship that would last. As our friendship blossomed, my respect and admiration for Ivan grew. He asked me out on our first date on the last day of my freshman year in June of 1995.
That summer we went out a few times and spent countless hours on the phone talking about God, life, roles and relationships. In September, we officially began dating. Our relationship was God-centered from the beginning and it was such a wonderful learning experience as we mutually encouraged each other and served together in the Lord. We were opposites in many ways and at the same time held the same beliefs and outlook on life. We complemented each other so well. We learned how to place each other's needs before our own, resolve conflicts and love unconditionally. Two and a half years went by and it was obvious that God had planned for us to be together for life. Ivan's Graduation from UCLA

To continue to the next step in our story, click on the bouquet.
The Engagement - May 28, 1998

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