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Some Friends are Forever

It came upon a midnight clear,
when I thought that I should say something HERE!
Like all the other friendship pages
that drip and drool and go on for ages
It's not what I am all about
So please don't cry and sit and pout!

It's true my friends have made me laugh
made me feel like I had birthed a calf!
Please know that I have been called a cow;
They have always been there to show me how!
They are forever friends which is really kewl
They make graphics using jewels.

They made me believe my grandson won't be eaten by a clothes dryer
But I still get scared when I see that dam flyer
Telling me there is a sale on clothes dryers

They unlocked their doors
And threw up the sash
Now I bet they wish it was just gas!

But they are my forever friends
And like it or not I am with them till the end!
And here it is....THE END

Please let me introduce you to my friends who ZAP me back to reality quite often!

I met these girls through Paula whom I had met through a web ring. I initially talked to her because she lives in Ventura at 563---OOOPS! almost gave you her address!! Anyway I love the ocean and I am from Southern California, plus she has a good sense of humor. Well through her I have had the pleasure to meet Bev, the Blabbin Brunette (also Paula's sister in law, and also living in Ventura), Janie a wicked graphic artist from Virginia, and the baby of us all Suzie the gigglesnort queen of EVERYTHING in Canada. Boy has my life on the computer changed.

I have had the pleasure of meeting both Bev and Paula. Here is a picture of Bev and myself after lunch at Marie Callendars in Stockton in May of 2000.

This is a picture of the beautiful front door to Bev's home she just had installed. Isn't it georgeous? We are hoping to see a naked man running through the house anyday now! And now she has added a FOUNTAIN!!! And is looking for plastic flowers to decorate it with!

I took lot's of pictures when I met Paula in Monterey, but, just like Janie, I don't have them developed yet. Janie and Bev and Paula met in Las Vegas 3 years ago and Janie still hasn't gotten the pictures developed. But that's a blond for ya!

However this is the glass bottom boat we went on. Paula made this for me, and I really really do like it! Thank you Paula!

Paula gave this to me on my 30th birthday!

Suzie is our sweetie from Canada, and these are just three of the things that put a smile on her face!

Her baby Valorie and Amanda and Robbie before graduation!

There is a very fine line between a hobby and mental illness.

Now Janie in Virginia (the very same place Lorena Bobbit hacked off her husbands weenie and threw it out the car window!)is our beautiful graphics artist. Not that she is the best, (I can be killed for saying that) however if you look at her pages you can see she puts forth a lot of effort and she has a wonderful eye for beauty. (Of course she has NOTHING else to do) Now I imagine this will get the others to saying well what about me? Well we all have our own style and I love them all.