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I am so glad you came to visit. Please enjoy my pages, I enjoyed making them. We sure are a diverse group here on the Internet let's get to know one another.

My Grandson Shane in 11th grade at
16 years old.

They say a dream is a wish your heart makes
But for me it is my grandson Shane
They say in dreams you will lose your heartaches
I loose my heartaches when I spend time with him
When I see his smile, and hear his laugh, see his
beautiful eyes get big with innocent wisdom,
Thats when my dreams come true.

Grandchildren fill our hearts with pleasure,
Each a joy for us to treasure.
For in this world of stress and strife,
Each is the reward for a good, long life.

My grandson Shane, has brought me more
Love and smiles than I thought existed
Because of him I am a better person
He truly is my dream come true
He will Always have his Gramma
To watch over him
God Bless our Children.

Missing Daughter
Graphicbuds Showcase
My Adoptees
I Found Your Dog Today
The Rose
Mairzy Doats
Really Important Stuff
Crazy Stuff I find

"I hope I am as wonderful as my dog thinks I am." - Unknown

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We last updated this page on Sept. 11, 2012.

Picture by artist Tom Sierak "Boys Best Friend"