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The Mystical Keys to

The Book of Revelation

The Higher Self is your Guardian Angel!


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Learning to see the world through God's

eyes is the higest vision we can aspire to.

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Every soul incarnate has a Higher Self or Guardian Angel. It is the Higher Self who was made in the image of God. In order for the soul to ascend into God’s kingdom it must attain union with the Higher Self. This is achieved through a series of inner transformations that purge the soul of negative emotions and thought forms.

The Higher Self was created by God to fulfill a special purpose. There are Guardian Angels, Angels of Justice, Harmony Angels, Ministering Angels, etc. Your lessons in life are very much determined by what your true purpose will be once you have completed your transformation. For example, everyone is familiar with the story of Moses; however, few souls comprehend that  Moses’ Higher Self is an Angel of Justice. As God insists that all souls experience their polar opposite before they are given their wings and are set free, Moses had to endure injustice at the hands of Raamses— the will aspect of the Antichrist and the polar opposite of  Moses’ Higher Self. When Raamses released Moses into the desert to die the spirit of the living God released the fires of purification into his soul. The only thing that perished in the desert were the forces of the Antichrist. Moses then proceeded on to the Mount of Transfiguration where he beheld the Spirit of the living God. Once Moses' metamorphosis was complete he was capable of wielding the powers of the Divine Spirit and, in the name of justice, went on the free the Israelite slaves who were also experiencing injustice at the hands of those who served the Antichrist instead of the will of the Father.

Many of the stories in the Bible contain spiritual symbolism that is intelligible only to those who have been initiated by the Spirit. For example, God revealed to me that the rod of Moses, which was turned into a serpent in front of Raamses and his magicians, is the exterior symbol of an interior process. The rod of Moses represents none other than the spinal system that becomes the recipient of the fires of purification - also known as kundalini - which are capable of consuming and neutralizing the serpents of the Antichrist.

The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation provides information on the divine purpose of many of God’s angels, and reveals how the signs of the zodiac are closely related to the celestial influences of the angels’ of the heavens. These angels are the embodiment of the spiritual tree of life. Their life force is capable of uplifting and transforming all who are attuned to the inner light. If you've ever been curious about God's angels, and have wished for contact with the divine, I can assure you that your prayers will be answered if you are committed to your spiritual evolution. In order to trigger the flow of kundalini that will activate your spiritual gates, and allow this contact to become actualized, you must consciously choose to serve the will of your Higher Self. If you can make this commitment to yourself, I know that very soon, you, too, will be enjoying the company of angels.

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©Laura L. Galan