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The Mystical Keys to

The Book of Revelation

Divine Prophecies

Everyone has heard of The Book of Revelation. And many people have been exposed to numerous interpretations of these Scriptures. I'm not sure whether it was my interest in prophecy, or whether it was my destiny that gave me the interest in prophecy in the first place; I only know that the Father chose to bestow his wisdom upon me and provided me with the answers that I sought regarding the interpretation of these fascinating Scriptures. I have been privileged and honored to meet with the seven angels of the seven churches, which are mentioned in chapters two and three of The Book of Revelation. These Divine Beings each embody aspects of the Solar Christ, and are the archangels of the earth. Their presence is only dimly felt by the majority of mankind at the moment; however, this is destined to change shortly, at the time of the Apocalypse, when the Solar Angels will be releasing high frequency energies onto the planet to assist in the transformation of humanity's consciousness.

The descent of the energies of the Solar Christ will cause all souls who are carrying Antichrist forces to come under the fires of purification. Individuals who are filled with hate, anger, rage, jealousy, greed, or who harbor feelings of malice, etc., will all be exposed to the fires of purification as the angels attempt to free the consciousness from the lower realms, so that the soul can be aligned with the Solar Christ.

The stages of metamorphosis that will occur on the planet at the time of the Apocalypse, as well as the transformations that will take place in the souls of mankind, have been carefully documented in The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation. I have, to the best of my ability, written down the information exactly as it was revealed to me. The fact that I received these revelations from God and his angels is what makes The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation so valuable. The actual symbolism and meaning of the Scriptures came alive for me as the Divine Spirit filled me with the light of understanding. If you've ever been curious about what the future holds for humanity then this book is for you.

I believe that many people feel that great changes will soon take place upon the earth, but don't know if these changes will be beneficial or detrimental to mankind. There is always a positive, as well as a negative way of looking at things, which simply reflects the duality that is inherent in the human soul. The truth is often a combination of both positive and negative outcomes, as you will discover as you read The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation.

God is releasing this information at this time, so that those who wish to partake of the fruits of the Solar Christ will be able to prepare themselves for the planet's transformation. It is important to understand that God has given the soul the gift of freewill. You must consciously choose the path of love, and work towards its attainment, if your soul is to be purposefully transformed. This entails mastering the forces of darkness that are active within all souls who have yet to achieve unification with the Higher Self.

The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation will provide you with the tools and knowledge you require in order to transcend the lower octaves that are governed by the Antichrist, so that your soul can be aligned with your Higher Self. The closer you come to unification with the Higher Self the better your life will become because your Higher Self's vibration resonates in harmony with the kingdom of heaven. Thus, all who are aligned with the Higher Self enjoy a life that reflects perfection. Shortly after I had completed my transformation, for example, I met my soulmate. Our love is perfect in every way and reflects the eternal bond that we share in heaven. 

Union with the divine is the way of evolution and the hope of mankind. Today, the world is suffering from mass pollution and environmental problems that are a reflection of the fact that society is presently governed by the Antichrist. Our present systems seek to exploit the resources of the planet, as well as to enslave the masses who've become victims of a system that caters to the few at the expense of the many.

The Antichrist's dominion of the earth, and of humanity, is reaching its crescendo. At the time of the Apocalypse there will be a shift in the power base on the planet as the disciples of the Christ respond to the incoming frequencies of the angelic hosts. These souls are the pioneers of the New Age, and will lead humanity out of the darkness and into the light. A new system of government and a new way of life that will work in harmony with nature, instead of against her, will be put in place as the mass consciousness is aligned with the Divine Mother.

You will come to comprehend more and more of the Father's Divine Plan for this planet as you proceed through the pages of The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation. It has always been God's intention that, eventually, the earth and its inhabitants should enjoy a life that is filled with the blessings of the Divine Spirit. However, the evolution of the soul is a gradual process. The complete transformation of the earth, and the alignment of all souls with the Higher Self, will not be completed until the end of the new millennium. At that time life on the physical plane will truly be a reflection of perfection as every consciousness will comprehend the meaning of the most important key contained in the Lord's prayer:  "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

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©Laura L. Galan