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Thai Dramas/Lakorns many of you out there ever sat down for many hours at a time watching them long ass movies with like 10 to 20 know what I'm talking about...those Thai movies!! =)

Well, those of you who haven't ever watched it or don't have the patients to watch them...its big thing...BUT I tell you they are GOOD...even though I don't understand half of the things they are saying and have to have my mommie translate them for me...=)

Basically what this particular page is just focusing on the updates or story line of certain "Lakorn" or "Drama" that either me or my buddy seen so far...and if you've happen to watch a good one..let us know, e-mail us!! We'll try to update as much as possible....So keep checking with us...Thanks!

First of all I would like to present the first Thai drama or 'lakorn' that had me 'HOOKED.' I had thought the title of the lakorn was "Flame" or something to that sense but I recently found out wrong...Thanks to Anne Sundara...who's homepage that I ran into. I was so excited that she had the story summary in her page so I will just copy and paste her summary onto here...(I hope you don't mind Anne..)

[*~FiRe PrEteNd~*]


[+LuK MAi kLai tOn+]


[-~ChEe WaN~-]

[= BiTTer HoNeY =]

[<3 My LoVe iS fOr YoU <3]


All Lakorns/Drama are current, made this year, 2000.

Some of the LINKS are currently down...
something happened....
I'll let you all know when I fix it...


© X-Women 2000.