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                                               VIEW LOADER CLIP MODIFICATION
Information: Pix: Performance:
Big Loader   
Review by Rocky 



Why did I do this mod you ask.  Well here goes…………

Although the current ViewLoader clip modification is an easy "bolt-on" accessory to increase the firepower on your gun, it gets in my way when I sight down the left side.  I usually end up tilting the gun in a weird angle just to clear my sight lines for firing.  And when I tilt the gun, balls are prevented from entering the clip, which causes empty spots on the chain drive, and messes me up if I got someone in my crosshairs.  This scenario prevents me from a quick "kill" by requiring me to fire off a few blank shots before a ball is positioned within the breech.

You may look at these photos and laugh at my craftsmanship, but I really don't care, considering that I can now rock & roll as well as show no mercy on the fields.  In my books, performance comes first, looks comes second.  Besides, no one looks at the interior of the clip anyway, and the outer PVC elbow can be spray painted black to match the clip.

What this modification does is move the loader to the right side, so that you can sight down the left side of the gun.  The 45 degree PVC elbow accommodates a ViewLoader (for a tighter fit, add a piece of tape on the inside of elbow, then attach the loader).

If you mess up, there goes a $50 clip.  This is an expensive mistake if you are not careful.  Just remember to cut a little of the black clip away at a time.  If you cut too much or too far, you may screw up the chain drive mechanism.

Tools/Materials Required:
Dremmel with cutting bits
5 minute fast setting epoxy - $4
3/4" PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) irrigation pipe (schedule 40 - this is the thick walled type) - sold in lengths of 10 feet for only $1
45 degree PVC elbow for 3/4" pipe connection - $0.50

TOTAL COST (if you already have a Dremmel): $6.50


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