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Poetry Page!! haha

Hey all u guys!! here are some poems!! U got any to suggest just send em over to!! The llama one's are from our good ol' DiBiasi B block English class...!!

The Llama

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary
I got up to turn off the late night show
But tripped over my homie's goods
As I stood up and looked out my window
I noticed a dark and sinister shadow
Not realizing if it was a friend or foe


"How strange," I thought, "what is this thing?"
"Who dat?" I called, "I was jus chillin..."
When all of a sudden I saw what it was
A large purple llama, just out there sittin'
Sportin' new kicks, a FuBu scarf, and only one mitten
So I asked, "Do you want the "cheese" from the kitchen?"


I asked again, "Do you want the "cheese?"
But the llama just sat and stared
He looked at me with bloodshot eyes
I gotta tell ya, I was gettin' sorta scared
Nothing else, to my fears, compared
As his gold fangs were suddenly bared.


"Where'd you get your fangs of gold?
"Were you hit with a bat,
"In a black alleyway,
"by those thugz who are PHat ((with a P-H))?
"Who's yo mamma, answer me that!!"
The llama calmly replied, "Homie don't play dat."


The llama walked away with a limp, and pulled up his headphones
Standing on my outdoor mat
"Don't play me for a fool!" I sadly said
But he just turned his back to me and sat
"Are you ignoring me? Answer me that!!"
And the llama replied, "Homie don't play dat."


Nowadays all the llamas wanna talk
like they got somethin to say
but nothing comes out when they move their lips
just a bunch of gibberish
and all the llamas act
like they forgot about ... the cheese ...


Written By: Linds C. Allie W. Crystal C. and some hoochie! alrite! go team go!!

..Anyways...there was another llama poem but i think i gave the paper back to linds so i gotta get it back b4 i put it up cuz its not memorized, ya knoe? hehe alrite, check back some time later!

Hey and here's a poem by Marko!

I think to myself
"This can't be good for my health"
While I stare blankly at the computer screen
I finally decide
That I should take a sort of "ride"
In order to see a complete change of scene.

Then a realization
Ruined my whole idealization
When I remembered I can't yet drive
So I got off my rear
And paced far and near
And wondered just what I could derive.

My thoughts began to wander
To a time way back yonder
And somehow, I began to think of verse.
Amidst these wild thoughts
Came ideas I'd near forgot
But which my mind had just decided to rehearse.

A moment I took to settle
And start up the family kettle
For I knew that this could be a long night.
Then back to the desk I went
Like a child who'd been sent
To the war without knowing how to fight.

"How do I start?
I'm supposed to be smart,
Yet I can't even write a simple lyric.
Will I even get this done
By the time the clock strikes one?
Or should I run away and become a heretic?"

No sooner had I stumbled,
My mind's ideas jumbled,
Upon an overall theme for this writing,
Then I smelt a sweet sweet smell
Of some sort of food from hell
Which was ever so, and really too inviting.

I could no longer sit in torment
While my parents lied dormant,
So I sneaked into the kitchen and stole a piece.
Much to my surprise,
And also my surmise,
That the cake was inscribed "Dearest niece."

I stood in awe at what I'd done
Thinking of where I could run
When the morning comes and parents would arise
Already I could hear
Their utterances not so dear
And see the disappointed look in Annie's eyes.

I knew I must do something
My throat began lumping
Yet my thought process was nonexistent
I just could not think,
My thoughts out of sync,
And I must have blacked out for an instant.

When I fin'ly came to
I saw a sentence or two
On the white sheet of paper in my hands-a.
"It was all just a dream!"
I silently screamed,
As I began to work on the next stanza.

Ironically, I felt
That with what this poem dealt,
It seemed that it should be the type to rhyme.
And yet, as I sit here
Watching midnight draw e'er near,
I find that I am almost out of time.

Since there really is no point
This poem so un-adroit
That I had to find a way to find some unity.
A-thinking went I again
Yet my thoughts went down the drain
So I decided to end this poem in ambiguity.

and here's another by marko!

Why is life so complicated?
Being human is overrated
By my mom was I just berated
Because the deadline I barely made it
The fight had begun and escalated
Until I was way beyond being jaded
But she went on and we still debated
At 3 A.M. I really hate it!
First it was small, then it elaborated
I thought it never to be faded
By 4 o'clock I could not be elated
But by mom's screams I was inundated
I would rather be incarcerated!
After all, we hadn't mated
(The girl and I had not yet copulated)
Yet mom was still too elevated
What she was saying wasn't even correlated!
Then finally I explicated
On her heel she gyrated
"Go to bed!" she instigated
"or no t.v. for you!" she indicated.
"OK, I'm going" I stated
Then to bed I went, since I was motivated.

((by the way...))

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Audrey's Story!!
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