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Aud's ... uMm... How do you say... Ah yes, STORY


Hmm... Well here's a lil story written by AUDREY! hehe or at least i think it was...? ANYWAYS! enjoy! =)

((by the way...))


there was a little psycho, who had bunny slippers. He skinned deer, so he felt it necessary to sympathize with the bunnies. However, they did not like his buck teeth because it intimidated the beavers. The beavers also had smelly feet and the bunnies were planning to assasinate the beaver king. He had taken all their wood for fire and the bunnies might have frozen until they employed the help of the psycho. The psycho would have helped them, but there was a big fish called a trout who liked little bunnies and buck teeth psychoes, like the one in this story. Thinking the bunnies wanted to kill him, the psycho skinned all the bunnies and made them into slippers. Feeling awful, the psycho called his friend, who worked at Big K and sold the bunny slippers. His friend sold the slippers to Maggie, but Maggie wanted two more because she was a beaver. She wanted the bunnies to suffer for what they had wanted to do to her. Then one day, Maggie's bunny slippers started to bite back, because they were really still alive. "Those never dying *&%^$!" said the Beaver King who can change his/her sex in this story. but that is beside the point. the psycho had bestowed upon the pink bunnies a special power after he skinned them because he felt so bad. they were now, ENERGIZER BUNNIES. Maggie, the Beaver King's once docile slippers were now attacking her viciously. Suddenly, she remembered that she had them on. Oh no. The bunnies ate her feet. Now she was screaming hysterically because she had never been eaten alive before. then the bunnies left her there and started going and going and going...until they ran into the psycho. they remembered that he was the one who skinned them. they started to attack him as well until he reminded them that without him, they would just be ordinary pink bunny slippers. but the bunnies reminded him that he should have trusted them in the first place. he had no argument for that. then the bunny started banging his drum, until they were all banging their drums. they got closer and closer until they were at the psycho's feet. "wait!" he shouted, "i have a deal for you. you do not know of this thing called a battery but that is what's keeping you alive. So i am not an unreasonable man, let's advertise this remarkable thing. I'll gladly split the proceeds 50/50. We'll all be rich and you'll never have to worry about maggie the beaver kind again." it was quite an offer. the bunnies went to the waters edge and discussed this matter in bunncinch, the sacred bunny language. they came back to the psycho with this response, "we accept your offer." They all bent their right ears outward, which meant their plan was working. of course the bunnies were the only ones who knew this, cuz they had just made it up! the money had been made as promised. but the bunnies wanted revenge. so the bunnies killed the psycho and took all the money for themselves. so if you ever wonder why people are always trying to catch the ENERGIZER BUNNIES you now know. It cost many brave lives to bring you this info of those cute bunnies' past. It may still cost your life, because the BUNNIES are coming...

the end

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